13 research outputs found

    Original Research By Young Twinkle Students (ORBYTS): Ephemeris Refinement of Transiting Exoplanets III

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    We report photometric follow-up observations of thirteen exoplanets (HATS-1 b, HATS-2 b, HATS-3 b, HAT-P-18 b, HAT-P-27 b, HAT-P-30 b, HAT-P-55 b, KELT-4A b, WASP-25 b, WASP-42 b, WASP-57 b, WASP-61 b and WASP-123 b), as part of the Original Research By Young Twinkle Students (ORBYTS) programme. All these planets are potentially viable targets for atmospheric characterisation and our data, which were taken using the LCOGT network of ground-based telescopes, will be combined with observations from other users of ExoClock to ensure that the transit times of these planets continue to be well-known, far into the future

    Masses and compositions of three small planets orbiting the nearby M dwarf L231-32 (TOI-270) and the M dwarf radius valley

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    We report on precise Doppler measurements of L231-32 (TOI-270), a nearby M dwarf (d = 22 pc, M⋆ = 0.39 M⊙, R⋆ = 0.38 R⊙), which hosts three transiting planets that were recently discovered using data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The three planets are 1.2, 2.4, and 2.1 times the size of Earth and have orbital periods of 3.4, 5.7, and 11.4 d. We obtained 29 high-resolution optical spectra with the newly commissioned Echelle Spectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet and Stable Spectroscopic Observations (ESPRESSO) and 58 spectra using the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS). From these observations, we find the masses of the planets to be 1.58 ± 0.26, 6.15 ± 0.37, and 4.78 ± 0.43 M⊕, respectively. The combination of radius and mass measurements suggests that the innermost planet has a rocky composition similar to that of Earth, while the outer two planets have lower densities. Thus, the inner planet and the outer planets are on opposite sides of the ‘radius valley’ – a region in the radius-period diagram with relatively few members – which has been interpreted as a consequence of atmospheric photoevaporation. We place these findings into the context of other small close-in planets orbiting M dwarf stars, and use support vector machines to determine the location and slope of the M dwarf (Teff < 4000 K) radius valley as a function of orbital period. We compare the location of the M dwarf radius valley to the radius valley observed for FGK stars, and find that its location is a good match to photoevaporation and core-powered mass-loss models. Finally, we show that planets below the M dwarf radius valley have compositions consistent with stripped rocky cores, whereas most planets above have a lower density consistent with the presence of a H-He atmosphere

    Anaerobic digestion process: technological aspects and recent developments

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    The technology of anaerobic digestion allows the use of biodegradable waste for energy production by breaking down organic matter through a series of biochemical reactions. Such process generates biogas (productivity of 0.45 Nm3/KgSV), which can be used as energy source in industrial activities or as fuel for automotive vehicles. Anaerobic digestion is an economically viable and environmentally friendly process since it makes possible obtaining clean energy at a low cost and without generating greenhouse gases. Searching for clean energy sources has been the target of scientists worldwide, and this technology has excelled on the basis of efficiency in organic matter conversion into biogas (yield in the range of 0.7–2.0 kWh/m3), considered energy carriers for the future. This paper gives an overview of the technology of anaerobic digestion of food waste, describing the metabolism and microorganisms involved in this process, as well as the operational factors that affect it such as temperature, pH, organic loading, moisture, C/N ratio, and co-digestion. The types of reactors that can be used, the methane production, and the most recent developments in this area are also presented and discussed