8 research outputs found

    A Proposal of Code Completion Problem for Java Programming Learning Assistant System

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    To enhance Java programming educations in schools, we have developed a Web-based Java Programming Learning Assistant System (JPLAS) that provides a variety of programming assignments to cover different learning stages. For the first stage, JPLAS offers the element fill-in-blank problem where students study the grammar and code reading through filling the blank elements, composed of reserved words, identifiers, and control symbols, in a high-quality code. Unfortunately, it has been observed that students can fill the blanks without reading the code carefully, because the choice is limited for each blank. In this paper, we propose a code completion problem as a generalization of the element fill-in-blank problem. To solve the drawback, it does not explicitly show blank locations in the code, which expects students to carefully read the code to understand the grammar and code structure. The correctness of the answer is verified through string matching of each statement with the filled elements and the corresponding correct one. Besides, to encourage students to study readable code writing, the correct statement satisfies the coding rules including the spaces. For evaluations, we generated six code completion and element fill-in-blank problems respectively, and asked ten students in two universities to solve them. Their solution results show that the code completion problem is much harder than the element fill-in-blank problem, and requires far deeper code reading and understanding of coding rules

    Statistical Machine Translation between Myanmar Sign Language and Myanmar Written Text

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    This paper contributes the first evaluation of the quality of automatic translation between Myanmar sign language (MSL) and Myanmar written text, in both directions. Our developing MSL-Myanmar parallel corpus was used for translations and the experiments were carried out using three different statistical machine translation (SMT) approaches: phrase-based, hierarchical phrase-based, and the operation sequence model. In addition, three different segmentation schemes were studies, these were syllable segmentation, word segmentation and sign unit based word segmentation. The results show that the highest quality machine translation was attained with syllable segmentations for both MSL and Myanmar written text

    Development of Natural Language Processing based Communication and Educational Assisted Systems for the People with Hearing Disability in Myanmar

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide people with disabilities to better integrate socially and economically into their communities by supporting access to information and knowledge, learning and teaching situations, personal communication and interaction. Our research purpose is to develop systems that will provide communication and educational assistance to persons with hearing disability using Natural Language Processing (NLP). In this paper, we present corpus building for Myanmar sign language (MSL), Machine Translation (MT) between MSL, Myanmar written text (MWT) and Myanmar SignWriting (MSW) and two Fingerspelling keyboard layouts for Myanmar SignWriting. We believe that the outcome of this research is useful for educational contents and communication between hearing disability and general people

    XML Filtering for Publish/Subscribe System in a Mobile Environment

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    The publish/subscribe model has gained acceptanceas a solution for the loose coupling of systems in termsof asynchronous communication enabling SelectiveDissemination of Information (SDI) to mobile clients.The advent of Extensible Markup Language (XML) as ade facto standard for information exchange and thedevelopment of query languages for XML data enablethe development of more sophisticated filteringmechanisms. The inherent limitations of mobile devicesnecessitate information to be delivered to mobile clientsto be highly personalized according to user profiles.This paper proposes an approach that integratespublish/subscribe system and XML message filtering bydescribing indexing mechanism to enhance Xfilteralgorithm based on a modified Finite State Machine(FSM) approach that can quickly locate and evaluaterelevant profiles

    Concurrency Control in Mobile Real-Time Database System (MRTDBS)

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    In mobile environment, transactions are initiated from mobile host and that may be executed at mobile host or fixed host. This system proposes Two-Shadow Speculative Concurrency Control (SCC-2S) with Priority mechanism for Mobile Real Time Database System (MRTDBS). Proposed system is designed for strict deadline nested transactions. Concurrency Control will perform at the Fixed Host and the results are returned back to the mobile hosts. SCC-2S is based on Speculative Concurrency Control (SCC). SCC allows a large number of shadows for each uncommitted transactions in the system to co-exist. SCC-2S uses at most two shadows for each transaction, primary shadow and standby shadow. In order to become new contribution, we add priority control mechanism and solve write/write conflict in existing SCC-2S strategy

    Using Ontology for Electronic Commerce System

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    Nowadays, information system has been developed and played key role in live of human beings. By applying the developme nt of informationsystem, user can search the desired information fromthe inter net . However, user cannot get thisinformat ion certainly f rom the internet because it canhave ambiguous . Ontologies play a crucial role on the construction of the Semantic Web, because they provide a shared conceptualization of the knowledge and services available on the web in a machine-readable way, allowing the information sharing between heterogeneous systems. T his system providesthe problem of semantic interoperability amongheterogeneous XML sources of the same real worlddomain and making these sou rces available forqu erying will be concentrated. An ontology definesthe terms used to describe and represent an area ofknowle dge Due to the building of semantic of theontology in this system, customer can retrieve theinformation they want from the di fferent terms byusing OWL ontology . This system solves queries tosupport e commerce transaction that involveretrieving and integrating information from multipleinformation resources. This system use OWL to buildthe Ontology

    Two Fingerspelling Keyboard Layouts for Myanmar SignWriting

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    Sign language is the first language for the Deaf. The Deaf people could communicate with the hearing people by Sign language. The use of sign language technologies in the interface of computing systems to improve their accessibility for deaf signers. In this paper, we propose two fingerspelling keyboard layouts for typing Myanmar fingerspelling characters with SignWriting. Fingerspelling is used in sign language to spell out names of people and places for which there is not a sign. We discuss the usability of our approach based on the user study and the evaluation results. The evaluations were made in terms of typing speed CPM (Character per Minute) and Likert scale feedbacks from both hearing-impaired and hearing users. The outcome of the research will be useful in implementing Myanmar SignWriting text input interface for Myanmar sign language