231 research outputs found

    Age-dependent Changes in Biochemical Composition of Blood in Gilts from Large-scale Piggeries

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    Seeking a Type: the Czech Party System after 1989

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    This article studies the issue of a typological categorization for the Czech party system. The author works from Sartori’s concepts of moderate and polarized pluralism; the reasons for using this concept are laid out in the theoretical part of the text. An analysis of individual phases of development of the Czech party system shows that until the middle part of the last decade the Czech party system could not be fit into a single type. However, analysis of the current form of the Czech party system at the electoral and parliamentary levels shows that the today’s Czech multi-party system displays the characteristics of a moderate pluralism

    The limited Role of Electoral Game Rules: the Austrian Party System in “Post-Rokkanian” Settings

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    The article deals with the potential impact of the electoral system on the party system. The general discussion, based on Duverger’s and Sartori’s electoral rules, concludes with an assessment of the Austrian case. Austrian party system development is examined with regard to the evolution of the country’s proportional representation electoral system. The author tries to find more relevant explanations for the changes within the Austrian party system’s logic of functioning other than the electoral system, such as the de-alignment of voters and the changing structure of cleavages. In order to show another factor shaping the Austrian party system arrangement, the author tries to discuss not only recent development since the mid 1980s, but he also evaluates the Austrian First Republic and the period from 1945 to 1986 . The article concludes with the argument that Duverger’s and Sartori’s electoral rules could be useful in discussing party system format but they have very little to say when party system mechanics is concerned

    Differential Illiberalism : Classifying Illiberal Trends in Central European Party Politics

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    This chapter explores illiberal trends in the party systems of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Focusing on ANO, SMER, Fidesz and PiS, it first provides a comparative analysis of the ideology these parties use to appeal to the voters. Secondly, it traces the parties in power and analyses how they are translating the illiberal political concepts into laws and policy-making practices. The overarching aim is to understand the relevance that rule of law and legal issues have for the self-positioning vis-á-vis the national public and EU. Based on comparison and the empirical findings, it provides a typology of Central European illiberalism based on the difference between pragmatic and ideological illiberalism

    Utjecaj herbicida SAN 9789 na kromoplaste tulipanovca

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    The herbicide SAN 9789 has been used to study the synthesis of carotenoids and ultrastructural changes in chromo- plasts of tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) flowers. SAN 9789 inhibits the synthesis of S-carotene and interferes with the formation of chromoplast lipids. It prevents the formation of crystals and reticulum, but on the other hand it increases the accumulation of plastoglobules in chromoplasts of the flowers treated.U proučavanju ultrastrukturnih promjena i sinteze karotenoida u kromoplastima cvjetova tulipanovca (Liriodendron tulipiera L.) koristili smo se herbicidom SAN 9789. On inhibira sintezu 0-karotena i djeluje na stvaranje kromoplastnih lipida. Sprečava stvaranje kristala i retikuluma, ali povećava broj plastoglobula u kromoplastima obrađivanih cvjetova

    Czech political parties, their functions and performance: Assessing Czech party politics

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    In the European Union (EU) today political parties face a range of issues and challenges within the party systems of their respective countries. For parties in new member states of the EU, those which underwent a process of democratic transition during the 1990s, the situation is more complicated than for the rest. In a way, their position is more precarious than that of their Western European counterparts, as the concept of “political party” has various and not always positive connotations in Central Europe. Our contribution will not attempt to evaluate the positives and negatives of party politics in all EU member states with postcommunist legacies, but will focus on the Czech Republic.V současné Evropské unii čelí politické strany ve svých zemím rozličným problémům a výzvám. Pro politické strany v nových členských zemích, tj. těch které prošly demokratickou tranzicí v 90. letech, je situace ještě komplikovanější. Ve srovnání se západní Evropou má ve střední Evropě totiž pojem politické strany často negativní konotace. V příspěvku analyzujeme nicméně nikoli situaci ve všech postkomunistických zemích EU, ale jen v České republiceIn the European Union (EU) today political parties face a range of issues and challenges within the party systems of their respective countries. For parties in new member states of the EU, those which underwent a process of democratic transition during the 1990s, the situation is more complicated than for the rest. In a way, their position is more precarious than that of their Western European counterparts, as the concept of “political party” has various and not always positive connotations in Central Europe. Our contribution will not attempt to evaluate the positives and negatives of party politics in all EU member states with postcommunist legacies, but will focus on the Czech Republic
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