195 research outputs found
Close-circuit domain quadruplets in BaTiO nanorods embedded in SrTiO film
Cylindrical BaTiO3 nanorods embedded in (100)-oriented SrTiO3 epitaxial film
in a brush-like configuration are investigated in the framework of the
Ginzburg-Landau-Devonshire model. It is shown that strain compatibility at
BaTiO3/SrTiO3 interfaces keeps BaTiO3 nanorods in the rhombohedral phase even
at room temperature. Depolarization field at the BaTiO3/SrTiO3 interfaces is
reduced by an emission of the 109-degree or 71-degree domain boundaries. In
case of nanorods of about 10-80 nm diameter, the ferroelectric domains are
found to form a quadruplet with a robust flux-closure arrangement of the
in-plane components of the spontaneous polarization. The out-of-plane
components of the polarization are either balanced or oriented up or down along
the nanorod axis. Switching of the out-of-plane polarization with coercive
field of about V/m occurs as a collapse of a 71-degree cylindrical
domain boundary formed at the curved circumference surface of the nanorod. The
remnant domain quadruplet configuration is chiral, with the macroscopic
symmetry. More complex stable domain configurations with coexisting clockwise
and anticlockwise quadruplets contain interesting arrangement of strongly
curved 71-degree boundaries.Comment: Erratta - corrected error in Fig.
Художній текст/художній твір: питання інтерпретації
Стаття присвячена дослідженню теоретичних засад вивчення понять «текст», «художній текст» та «художній твір». У науковій розвідці розглянуто ряд визначень цих понять, охарактеризовано та досліджено їх лінгвістичні
(This paper deals with the theoretical points concerning the text as a linguistic notion, the literary text and its structure and characteristic features. The latter, serving as a research material for this project is characterized as a complex adapted integral literary product which is characterized by its aesthetic parameters realized through the language means.
Функція мови і «тиші» в прозових творах Кларісе Ліспектор (The function of language and «silence» in prose works of Clarice Lispector)
У статті розглядаються функції мови та «тиші» в прозі бразильської письменниці Кларісе Ліспектор. Ці два концепти є важливими елементами в контексті літератури постмодернізму, і в творах К. Ліспектор – зокрема, адже вони сприяють глибшому розкриттю персонажів, їх функції в рамках наративу твору. В статті наводяться приклади використання даних концептів та досліджується їх значення в аспекті впливу на дискурс творів письменниці.
(In this article the authors study the functions of language and «silence» in the prose of a Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector.
These two concepts are very important elements in the context of post-modern literature, and specifically – in the works of Clarice Lispector, because they facilitate the deeper characterization of the heroes, their function in scopes of the works’ narrative. There are certain examples of usage of these concepts along with the research of their meaning in the context of the influence on the
writer’s works’ discourse. The abstract deals with elements of philosophy of existentialism in the prose works of Clarice Lispector and the verbal manifestation of these elements in her texts. The language practices and the elements of manifestation of silence mitigate the defining of the role of the heroes in scopes of their ontological role in the discourse of the writer’s work. The article also
emphasizes the peculiar linguistic characteristics of the female characters which are dominant in the works of this Brazilian author.
Жанр «кіберпанк» в американській літературі: причини виникнення та мовно-стилістичні особливості (The cyberpunk genre in American literature: the reasons of appearing, its stylistic and linguistic peculiarities)
У статті подаються висновки дослідження з приводу визначення культурних обставин, за яких сформувався літературний жанр «кіберпанк», який є явищем сучасної американської літератури. У нашому дослідженні ми розглядаємо лінгвістичні основи жанру, історичні обставини його існування. Однією з головних цілей, які ми маємо на меті досягти в ході нашої роботі є виявлення головних лексикологічних і стилістичних особливостей текстів жанру «кіберпанк». Ми також маємо на меті визначити основні загальні особливості текстів, які відносяться до цього жанру, а також визначити його основні тематики.
(The article gives the observation of the cultural circumstances under which such literal genre as cyberpunk was invented which is the creation of American literal tradition. The analysis of the genre was performed from several points of view with applying of various methods i.e. onthological analysis, morphological analysis and stylistic analysis. In our work we thoroughly investigate the cultural and literature predecessors of this genre and how it is fitted in the system of science fiction genres. Special attention has been paid to distinguishing the main topics of such texts which differentiate them from the other
texts of scientific literature. We have also tried to reflect the way these texts possess strong connection to the achievements of scientific-technological revolution, especially in the sphere of computing technology. In our research we observe the linguistic basis of the genre. One of the main goals that we pursue in our work is the distinguishing of the main lexicological and stylistic
features of the cyberpunk texts – the peculiarities of metaphors’ creation, the specific features of IT neologisms creation (the usage of specific prefixes and suffixes). We also have paid certain attention to the way cyberpunk texts have influenced the modern literature process, especially the authors who have worked in the sphere of so-called counter-culture.
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Identifying causal gateways and mediators in complex spatio-temporal systems
Regional and inter-regional effects in evolving climate networks
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Regional and inter-regional effects in evolving climate networks
Complicated systems composed of many interacting subsystems are frequently studied as complex networks. In the simplest approach, a given real-world system is represented by an undirected graph composed of nodes standing for the subsystems and non-oriented unweighted edges for interactions present among the nodes; the characteristic properties of the graph are subsequently studied and related to the system's behaviour. More detailed graph models may include edge weights, orientations or multiple types of links; potential time-dependency of edges is conveniently captured in so-called evolving networks. Recently, it has been shown that an evolving climate network can be used to disentangle different types of El Niño episodes described in the literature. The time evolution of several graph characteristics has been compared with the intervals of El Niño and La Niña episodes. In this study we identify the sources of the evolving network characteristics by considering a reduced-dimensionality description of the climate system using network nodes given by rotated principal component analysis. The time evolution of structures in local intra-component networks is studied and compared to evolving inter-component connectivity
Far-infrared soft mode behavior in PST thin films
Temperature dependences of the optic phonons in
sol-gel films deposited on sapphire substrates were studied by means of Fourier
transform far-infrared transmission spectroscopy in the temperature range
20-900\K. Four films displaying different B-site order with both ferroelectric
and relaxor behavior were studied. In all cases the TO mode near 80\icm{} at
10\K{} softens on heating to 45\icm{} following the Cochran law with
extrapolated critical temperature near 700\K{} (400\K{} above the temperature
of dielectric maximum, ), but above 600\K{} its frequency remains
stabilized. It can be assigned to the A component of the ferroelectric
soft mode inside polar clusters which form below the Burns temperature near
700\K. In the ordered PST film another mode activates below T in infrared
spectra near 60\icm exhibiting also anomalous temperature dependence due to its
coupling with the former mode. It is assigned to the A component of the
F Raman active mode. Central mode, which appears below the Burns
temperature in the THz range, is assigned to the dynamics of polar clusters. It
slows down on cooling and vanishes from our spectral range below .
Another overdamped excitation assigned to the E component of the soft mode
appears near 30\icm{} at low temperatures.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Семантико-стилистические особенности англоязычных текстов публицистического стиля
У статті розглядаються семантико-стилістичні реалії сучасної англомовної публіцистики, стисло перераховуються основні риси та особливості функціонального стилю публіцистичних текстів, обговорюються прийоми, які в них використовуються, а також називаються особливості їхнього перекладу українською мовою. Надається по декілька прикладів вживання стилістичних фігур і тропів у сучасній англомовній публіцистиці, а саме епітетів, метафор, стилістичних порівнянь, метонімій та алюзій. Також дається приклад труднощів перекладу даних стилістичних фігур. Розглядаються тісні зв’язки між мовою публіцистики та культурним середовищем. Наводяться короткі дані з частоти вживання стилістичних фігур і тропів із зазначенням найбільш продуктивних і найменш продуктивних форм. Окреслюються апріорні умови щодо мовної компетентності перекладача, а також проблеми, які виникають під час перекладу публіцистичних матеріалів та шляхи їхнього подолання.The article deals with the semantic and stylistic realities of contemporary English-language journalism, briefly lists the main features and characteristics of the functional style of journalistic texts, outlines the techniques that are used in them, and names the particular qualities of their translation in Ukrainian language. Also there are given several examples of the usage of figures of speech and tropes in contemporary English-language journalism such as epithets, metaphors, stylistic comparisons, metonymies and allusions. Also the article provides an example of the difficulties of translation of aforementioned stylistic figures. The article brings the brief summarized data on the frequency of usage of the stylistic tropes and the figures showing the most productive and the least productive forms. The close relation between language of modern journalism and the cultural environment and impact of this factor during translation is also under consideration of the article. Moreover the article indicates priori conditions of translator language competence, as well as the problems arising on the translation of journalistic materials and ways of overcoming them. As the conclusion the article defines the main translation tasks and connects the methods of resolving the translation obstacles often arising during the translation of modern English-language journalistic texts with the solution of the main translation challenges.В статье рассматриваются семантико-стилистические реалии современной англоязычной публицистики, кратко перечисляются основные черты и особенности функционального стиля публицистических текстов, обговариваются приемы, которые в них используются, а также называются особенности их перевода на украинский язык. Предоставляется по несколько примеров употребления стилистических фигур и тропов в современной англоязычной публицистике, а именно эпитетов, метафор, стилистических сравнений, метонимий и аллюзий. Также дается пример трудностей перевода данных стилистических фигур. Рассматриваются тесные связи между языком публицистики и культурной средой. Приводятся краткие данные по частоте употребления стилистических фигур и тропов с указанием наиболее продуктивных и наименее продуктивных форм. Очерчиваются априорные условия относительно языковой компетентности переводчика, а также проблемы, которые возникают во время перевода публицистических материалов и пути их преодоления
Crossover between a displacive and an order-disorder phase transition
The phase transition in a three-dimensional array of classical anharmonic oscillators with harmonic nearest-neighbor coupling (discrete
model) is studied by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and by analytical methods. The model allows us to choose a single dimensionless parameter a determining completely the behavior of the system. Changing a from 0 to
allows to go continuously from the displacive to the order-disorder limit. We calculate the transition temperature
and the temperature dependence of the order parameter down to
for a wide range of the parameter a. The
from MC calculations shows an excellent agreement with the known asymptotic values for small and large a. The obtained MC results are further compared with predictions of the mean-field and independent-mode approximations as well as with predictions of our own approximation scheme. In this approximation, we introduce an auxiliary system, which yields approximately the same temperature behavior of the order parameter, but allows the decoupling of the phonon modes. Our approximation gives the value of
within an error of 5% and satisfactorily describes the temperature dependence of the order parameter for all values of a
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