6 research outputs found

    Mapuche health experiences in Primary Health Care from health workers and users in urban Chile

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    This study describes experiences and perceptions on interculturality in Primary Health Care (PHC) from the perspective of health workers and Mapuche health users. For this purpose, a qualitative systematization of these experiences was carried out in a PHC Intercultural Health Program at an urban commune in Chile. Data were collected by means of individual and group interviews, respectively, with 19 users and 13 professionals. The semantic content analysis was performed. While service users perceive Mapuche health positively, assimilating it to the concept of interculturality, health workers reported that Mapuche health is respected but no integrated work is promoted. As barriers, participants cited administrative aspects, lack of integration, and scientific issues. In conclusion, recognition of indigenous health and greater occupational training on indigenous health and interculturality is necessary.Este estudio describe experiencias y percepciones sobre interculturalidad en Atenci贸n Primaria de Salud (APS) desde la perspectiva de trabajadores/as y usuarios/as de salud mapuche. Se realiz贸 una sistematizaci贸n cualitativa de experiencias de un Programa de Salud Intercultural en APS en una comuna urbana de Chile. Participaron 19 usuarios/as y 13 trabajadores/as en entrevistas individuales y tres entrevistas grupales, respectivamente. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de contenido sem谩ntico. Para los participantes, la salud mapuche es percibida positivamente, los/as usuarios/as la asimilan al concepto de interculturalidad, mientras que los/as trabajadores/as se帽alan que, si bien se respeta, no se promueve un trabajo integrado. Los/las participantes identifican como barreras aspectos administrativos, falta de integraci贸n y cuestionamientos cient铆ficos. Se requiere reconocimiento de la salud ind铆gena y mayor formaci贸n de trabajadores/as sobre salud ind铆gena e interculturalidad

    Rehabilitaci贸n Basada en la Comunidad (RBC) en centros de atenci贸n primaria en Chil

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the implementation status of the Community-Based Rehabilitation in Chile. METHODS: Quantitative, transversal and descriptive study. The scope was constituted by the 66 community-based rehabilitation centers in the Chilean Metropolitan Region that implemented Community-Based Rehabilitation until December 2016. The sampling was based on a census method, so all the community centers were contacted. A self-administered questionnaire designed based on the Community-Based Rehabilitation matrix defined by the World Health Organization was applied. The questionnaire was answered on-line by the coordinators of the strategy in their respective centers. The data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: A heterogeneous level of implementation of Community-Based Rehabilitation was identified, specifically in terms of the components of the matrix described by the World Health Organization. The most implemented component was Health; the Social, Livelihood and Empowerment components were moderately implemented; and the Education component was the least implemented. CONCLUSION: The implementation of Community-Based Rehabilitation is mainly based on the Health component. The level implementation of the other components of the matrix needs to be increased, as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoral strategies to achieve greater social inclusion of people with disabilities.OBJETIVO: Describir el estado de implementaci贸n de la Rehabilitaci贸n Basada en la Comunidad en Chile. M脡TODOS: Estudio cuantitativo, transversal y descriptivo. El universo estuvo conformado por los 66 centros comunitarios de rehabilitaci贸n de la Regi贸n Metropolitana de Chile que implementaron la Rehabilitaci贸n Basada en la Comunidad hasta diciembre de 2016. El muestreo tuvo intenci贸n censal, por lo que se contactaron todos los centros comunitarios. Se aplic贸 un cuestionario autoadministrado dise帽ado con base a la matriz de Rehabilitaci贸n Basada en la Comunidad definida por la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud. El cuestionario fue respondido on-line por los coordinadores de la estrategia en sus respectivos centros. El an谩lisis de datos se realiz贸 utilizando estad铆grafos descriptivos. RESULTADOS: Se identific贸 un nivel heterog茅neo de implementaci贸n de la Rehabilitaci贸n Basada en la Comunidad, espec铆ficamente en cuanto a los componentes de la matriz descrita por la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud. El componente m谩s implementado fue Salud; los componentes Social, Subsistencia y Fortalecimiento fueron medianamente implementados; y el componente Educaci贸n fue el menos implementado. CONCLUSI脫N: La implementaci贸n de la Rehabilitaci贸n Basada en la Comunidad se basa principalmente en el componente Salud. Se requiere aumentar el nivel de implementaci贸n de los otros componentes de la matriz, as铆 como de estrategias interdisciplinarias e intersectoriales para lograr una mayor inclusi贸n social de las personas con discapacidad

    Experiencias de salud mapuche en Atenci贸n Primaria de Salud desde trabajadores sanitarios y usuarios/as en zona urbana de Chile

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    This study describes experiences and perceptions on interculturality in Primary Health Care (PHC) from the perspective of health workers and Mapuche health users. For this purpose, a qualitative systematization of these experiences was carried out in a PHC Intercultural Health Program at an urban commune in Chile. Data were collected by means of individual and group interviews, respectively, with 19 users and 13 professionals. The semantic content analysis was performed. While service users perceive Mapuche health positively, assimilating it to the concept of interculturality, health workers reported that Mapuche health is respected but no integrated work is promoted. As barriers, participants cited administrative aspects, lack of integration, and scientific issues. In conclusion, recognition of indigenous health and greater occupational training on indigenous health and interculturality is necessary.Este estudio describe experiencias y percepciones sobre interculturalidad en Atenci贸n Primaria de Salud (APS) desde la perspectiva de trabajadores/as y usuarios/as de salud mapuche. Se realiz贸 una sistematizaci贸n cualitativa de experiencias de un Programa de Salud Intercultural en APS en una comuna urbana de Chile. Participaron 19 usuarios/as y 13 trabajadores/as en entrevistas individuales y tres entrevistas grupales, respectivamente. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de contenido sem谩ntico. Para los participantes, la salud mapuche es percibida positivamente, los/as usuarios/as la asimilan al concepto de interculturalidad, mientras que los/as trabajadores/as se帽alan que, si bien se respeta, no se promueve un trabajo integrado. Los/las participantes identifican como barreras aspectos administrativos, falta de integraci贸n y cuestionamientos cient铆ficos. Se requiere reconocimiento de la salud ind铆gena y mayor formaci贸n de trabajadores/as sobre salud ind铆gena e interculturalidad

    Ethnicity and health: experience with an urban mapuche health program from the perspective of key actors

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    This article explores the relationships and tensions between ethnicity and health, describing the perspectives of various social actors on a Mapuche clinic in the context of a national health program. A qualitative methodology was used to carry out this case study of the Mapuche clinic "La Ruka," located in an urban area of the Metropolitan Region of Chile. The study analyzes the narratives of traditional health practitioners (including a machi, lawentuchefe, lonko, and intercultural facilitator), consumers, conventional healthcare professionals, and local health authorities and community leaders who share a physical, political, and symbolic space around the Mapuche health experience. The systemization of experiences method was applied to the data, acquired through nonparticipant observation, individual interviews, and focus groups. The results suggest that this healthcare experience is highly valued by its protagonists. However, there is a tension surrounding cultural diversity programs that recognize non-Western approaches to healing, such as indigenous practices. This study examines the health-related, cultural, and political tensions involved in projecting indigenous traditions into a homogenizing space such as healthcare in a multicultural neoliberalism system

    Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) in primary care centers in Chile

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the implementation status of the Community-Based Rehabilitation in Chile. METHODS: Quantitative, transversal and descriptive study. The scope was constituted by the 66 community-based rehabilitation centers in the Chilean Metropolitan Region that implemented Community-Based Rehabilitation until December 2016. The sampling was based on a census method, so all the community centers were contacted. A self-administered questionnaire designed based on the Community-Based Rehabilitation matrix defined by the World Health Organization was applied. The questionnaire was answered on-line by the coordinators of the strategy in their respective centers. The data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: A heterogeneous level of implementation of Community-Based Rehabilitation was identified, specifically in terms of the components of the matrix described by the World Health Organization. The most implemented component was Health; the Social, Livelihood and Empowerment components were moderately implemented; and the Education component was the least implemented. CONCLUSION: The implementation of Community-Based Rehabilitation is mainly based on the Health component. The level implementation of the other components of the matrix needs to be increased, as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoral strategies to achieve greater social inclusion of people with disabilities.Fondo Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo en Salud (FONIS) Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT) SA15I2012