70 research outputs found

    Clinical application of removable partial dentures using thermoplastic resin—Part I: Definition and indication of non-metal clasp dentures

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    AbstractThis position paper proposes a definition and naming standard for removable partial dentures (RPDs) using thermoplastic resin, and presents a guideline for clinical application. A panel of 14 experts having broad experience with clinical application of RPDs using thermoplastic resin was selected from members of the Japan Prosthodontic Society. At a meeting of the panel, “non-metal clasp denture” was referred as the generic name of RPDs with retentive elements (resin clasps) made of thermoplastic resin. The panel classified non-metal clasp dentures into two types: one with a flexible structure that lacks a metal framework and the other having a rigid structure that includes a metal framework. According to current prosthetic principles, flexible non-metal clasp dentures are not recommended as definitive dentures, except for limited cases such as patients with a metal allergy. Rigid non-metal clasp dentures are recommended in cases where patients will not accept metal clasps for esthetic reasons. Non-metal clasp dentures should follow the same design principles as conventional RPDs using metal clasps

    Study protocol for a multi-center, randomized controlled trial to develop Japanese denture adhesive guidelines for patients with complete dentures : the Denture Adhesive Guideline trial : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Denture adhesives, characterized as medical products in 1935 by the American Dental Association, have been considered useful adjuncts for improving denture retention and stability. However, many dentists in Japan are hesitant to acknowledge denture adhesives in daily practice because of the stereotype that dentures should be inherently stable, without the aid of adhesives. The aim of this study is to verify the efficacy of denture adhesives to establish guidelines for Japanese users. The null hypothesis is that the application of denture adhesives, including the cream and powder types, or a control (isotonic sodium chloride solution) would not produce different outcomes nor would they differentially improve the set outcomes between baseline and day 4 post-application. Methods: This ten-center, randomized controlled trial with parallel groups is ongoing. Three hundred edentulous patients with complete dentures will be allocated to three groups (cream-type adhesive, powder-type adhesive, and control groups). The participants will wear their dentures with the denture adhesive for 4 days, including during eight meals (three breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners). The baseline measurements and final measurements for the denture adhesives will be performed on the first day and after breakfast on the fourth day. The primary outcome is a general satisfaction rating for the denture. The secondary outcomes are denture satisfaction ratings for various denture functions, occlusal bite force, resistance to dislodgement, masticatory performance, perceived chewing ability, and oral health-related quality of life. Between-subjects comparisons among the three groups and within-subjects comparisons of the pre- and post-intervention measurements will be performed. Furthermore, a multiple regression analysis will be performed. The main analyses will be based on the intention-to-treat principle. A sample size of 100 subjects per group, including an assumed dropout rate of 10 %, will be required to achieve 80 % power with a 5 % alpha level. Discussion: This randomized clinical trial will provide information about denture adhesives to complete denture wearers, prosthodontic educators, and dentists in Japan. We believe this new evidence on denture adhesive use from Japan will aid dentists in their daily practice even in other countries

    Japan Prosthodontic Society position paper on “occlusal discomfort syndrome”

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    Purpose: Dentists may encounter patients who present with a sense of a malocclusion but in whom no objective findings can be detected. For the patient who insists that there is occlusal discomfort, in the absence of evidence some dentists elect to perform an occlusal adjustment that not only fails to alleviate symptoms, and may, in fact, exacerbate the discomfort. The patient–dentist relationship is then likely compromised because of a lack of trust. Study selection: In 2011, the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the Japan Prosthodontic Society formulated guidelines for the management of occlusal discomfort. When formulating clinical practice guidelines, the committee bases their recommendations on information derived from scientific evidence. For ‘‘occlusal dysesthesia,’’ however, there are an insufficient number of high-quality papers related to the subject. Therefore, a consensus meeting was convened by the Japan Prosthodontic Society to examine evidence in the Japanese- and English-language literature and generate a multi-center survey to create an appropriate appellation for this condition. Results: As a result of the consensus meeting and survey findings, this condition may be justifiably termed ‘‘occlusal discomfort syndrome.’’ Conclusions: The Japan Prosthodontics Society believes that identification of an umbrella term for occlusal discomfort might serve as a useful guide to formulating clinical practice guidelines in the future. This position paper represents summary findings in the literature combined with the results of a multicenter survey focused on dental occlusal treatment and the condition of patients who present with occlusal discomfort syndrome

    Clinical application of removable partial dentures using thermoplastic resin. Part II: Material properties and clinical features of non-metal clasp dentures

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    This position paper reviews physical and mechanical properties of thermoplastic resin usedfor non-metal clasp dentures, and describes feature of each thermoplastic resin in clinicalapplication of non-metal clasp dentures and complications based on clinical experience ofexpert panels. Since products of thermoplastic resin have great variability in physical andmechanical properties, clinicians should utilize them with careful consideration of thespecific properties of each product. In general, thermoplastic resin has lower color-stabilityand higher risk for fracture than polymethyl methacrylate. Additionally, the surface ofthermoplastic resin becomes roughened more easily than polymethyl methacrylate. Studiesrelated to material properties of thermoplastic resin, treatment efficacy and follow-up areinsufficient to provide definitive conclusions at this time. Therefore, this position papershould be revised based on future studies and a clinical guideline should be provided

    Reliability and validity of the patient disability-oriented diagnostic nomenclature system for prosthetic dentistry

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    Purpose: The Japan Prosthodontic Society (JPS) has proposed a new diagnostic nomenclature system (DNS), based on pathogenesis and etiology, to facilitate and improve prosthodontic treatment. This systemspecifies patient disability and the causative factor (i.e. ‘‘B (disability) caused by A (causative factor)’’). The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of this DNS. Study selection: The JPS Clinical Guideline Committee assessed mock patient charts and formulated disease names using the new DNS. Fifty validators, comprising prosthodontic specialists and dental residents, made diagnoses using the same patient charts. Reliability was evaluated as the consistency of the disease names among the validators, and validity was evaluated using the concordance rate of the disease names with the reference disease names. Results: Krippendorff’s α was 0.378 among all validators, 0.370 among prosthodontic specialists, and 0.401 among dental hospital residents. Krippendorff’s α for 10 validators (3 specialists and 7 residents) with higher concordance rates was 0.524. Two validators (1 specialist and 1 resident) with the highest concordance rates had a Krippendorff’s α of 0.648. Common disease names had higher concordance rates, while uncommon disease names showed lower concordance rates. These rates did not show correlation with clinical experience of the validator or time taken to devise the disease name. Conclusions: High reliability was not found among all validators; however, validators with higher concordance rates showed better reliability. Furthermore, common disease names had higher concordance rates. These findings indicate that the new DNS for prosthodontic dentistry exhibits clinically acceptable reliability and validity

    Bone Formation on Murine Cranial Bone by Injectable Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid Containing Nano-Hydroxyapatite and Bone Morphogenetic Protein

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    New injection-type bone-forming materials are desired in dental implantology. In this study, we added nano-hydroxyapatite (nHAp) and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) to cross-linkable thiol-modified hyaluronic acid (tHyA) and evaluated its usefulness as an osteoinductive injectable material using an animal model. The sol (ux-tHyA) was changed to a gel (x-tHyA) by mixing with a cross-linker. We prepared two sol–gel (SG) material series, that is, x-tHyA + BMP with and without nHAp (SG I) and x-tHyA + nHAp with and without BMP (SG II). SG I materials in the sol stage were injected into the cranial subcutaneous connective tissues of mice, followed by in vivo gelation, while SG II materials gelled in Teflon rings were surgically placed directly on the cranial bones of rats. The animals were sacrificed 8 weeks after implantation, followed by X-ray analysis and histological examination. The results revealed that bone formation occurred at a high rate (>70%), mainly as ectopic bone in the SG I tests in mouse cranial connective tissues, and largely as bone augmentation in rat cranial bones in the SG II experiments when x-tHyA contained both nHAp and BMP. The prepared x-tHyA + nHAp + BMP SG material can be used as an injection-type osteoinductive bone-forming material. Sub-periosteum injection was expected

    The PTH/PTHrP Receptor Can Delay Chondrocyte Hypertrophy In Vivo without Activating Phospholipase C

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    AbstractOne G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) can activate more than one G protein, but the physiologic importance of such activation has not been demonstrated in vivo. We have generated mice expressing exclusively a mutant form of the PTH/PTHrP receptor (DSEL) that activates adenylyl cyclase normally but not phospholipase C (PLC). DSEL mutant mice exhibit abnormalities in embryonic endochondral bone development, including delayed ossification and increased chondrocyte proliferation. Analysis of the differentiation of embryonic metatarsals in vitro shows that PTH(1–34) and forskolin inhibit, whereas active phorbol ester stimulates, hypertrophic differentiation. Thus, PLC signaling via the PTH/PTHrP receptor normally slows the proliferation and hastens the differentiation of chondrocytes, actions that oppose the dominant effects of PTH/PTHrP receptors and that involve cAMP-dependent signaling pathways
