23 research outputs found

    The Japanese classification of computed tomography for pneumoconioses with standard films: comparison with the ILO international classification of radiographs for pneumoconioses

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    Computed tomography (CT) has recently come to be used for personal diagnosis of pneumoconioses and preliminarily for epidemiological purposes. This study aimed to compare the diagnosis of pneumoconioses b y t h e J a p a n e s e C l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f C T f o r Pneumoconioses (Hosoda-Shida Classification) with that by the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses (ILO 1980 standard). The Hosoda-Shida Classification is also described in this article. Subjects and Methods: CT and chest posterior-anterior X-ray (CXR) were performed in 21 subjects with an occupational history of mining, and 6 subject without exposure to any risk of pneumoconiosis. Three radiologists independently described the findings of CT and CXR according to both the Hosoda-Shida Classification and the ILO 1980 standard, respectively. Results: At least two of the three readers agreed in determining both the profusion and the type of small rounded opacities in 96% (26/27) of the CT films. The inter-reader agreement of profusion was satisfactory Received May 25, 2000; Accepted Oct 3, 2000 Correspondence to: N. Suganuma, Department of Environmental Health, Fukui Medical University School of Medicine, Fukui 910-1193 with the Cohen's weighted kappa value of 0.57 to 0.71. The weighted kappa for CXR and CT in describing the profusion and the type of small rounded opacities were 0.70 and 0.77, respectively. Conclusion: The HosodaShida Classification for pneumoconioses is shown to be reliable and compatible with the ILO 1980 standard in describing the profusion and the type of small opacities. (J Occup Health 2001; 43: 24-31

    去勢雄性ラットにおける3H-Estramustine In vivo実験

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    Estradiol-3N-Bis-(2-chloroethyl) carbamate-17β-phosphate(estramustine phosphate,Estracyt(R))はホルモンを単体として制癌剤を高濃度に目的とする癌組織に運び、 そこで制癌効果を発揮させようという概念のもとに開発されたエストロゲン – 制癌剤複合体であり、進行性前立腺癌の治療薬としてその有効性が報告されているが、今回、高比放射能活性をもつ3H-estramustine を用いて去勢ラットにおける本薬剤の生体内動態について、特に前立腺に焦点を合わせて検討し、以下のような結果および結論が得られた。 1.去勢雄性ラットに3H-estramustineを腹腔内投与し、各臓器における放射活性を検討したところ、前立腺腹葉への3H-放射活性の選択的なとり込みが観察された。このような現象は3H-estramustine-17βおよび3H-estramustine acetate投与の際には観察されなかった。さらに3H-放射活性の前立腺腹葉における細胞内分布を経時的に追及したところ、精製核分画へのとり込みはサイトゾール分画の1.0-0.4%にすぎず、3H-放射活性のとり込みの大部分はサイトゾール分画にみられた。これらの結果より前立腺腹葉サイトゾール分画にはestramustineおよびその代謝物を長時間に保持する機構が存在することが示唆された。 2.前立腺腹葉サイトゾール分画に存在するestramustineまたはその代謝産物の結合蛋白に沈降常数は3-5sであり、これら結合蛋白はアンドロゲンリセプターとは異なる蛋白であることが推測された。Using estramustine of high specific radioactivity, we have investigated the uptake of estramustine in the different organs and some properties of binding proteins which bind estramustine and/or its metabolites in the ventral prostate of rat in in vivo experiments. The results and conclusions are as follows: 1. 3H-radioactivity was accumulated selectively in the ventral prostate of the castrated male rat after the administration of 3H-estramustine. Estramustine and its metabolites were retained in the ventral prostate for longer time, comparing with estradiol-17β or cyproterone acetate. The ammount of radioactivity in purified nucleus of the ventral prostate was only 0.39% of that in the cytosol at 24 hours after the injection of 3H-estramustine. These results strongly suggested that there existed the mechanism of retention of est ramus tine and its metabolites in the cytosol of rat ventral prostate. 2. The sucrose density gradient analysis demonstrated that the ventral prostate cytosol binding proteins, which bind estramustine and/or its metabolites, have sedimentation coefficient of 3 to 5S and the pretreatment with injer:1-ion of estradiol-17βreducecd this 3-5S radioactive peak. Thin layer chromatographic analysis showed that 3H-compounds which bind 3-5S macromolecules were mainly estramustine and estrone-cytostatic complex (Leo 271 f) and that smaller amounts of estradiol-17β and estrone were detected. It is sure from these resuits that there exist in the cytosol of rat ventral prostate a macromolecule which bind hormone-cytostatic complexes and is different from androgen receptor