3 research outputs found
Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis for frequency of metabolic abnormalities in male ex-smokers.
<p><i>Definition of abbreviations</i>: OR β=β odds ratio; CI β=β confidence interval; BMI β=β body mass index; SI β=β smoking index; AI β=β alcohol index; h-TG β=β hypertriglycemia; HU β=β hyperuricemia.</p
Smoking habits in men and women.
<p><i>Definition of abbreviations</i>: SI β=β smoking index; CS β=β current smoker; Ex S β=β ex-smoker; NS β=β never-smoker. Data are expressed as medians (interquartile range).</p
Relationship between smoking and metabolic abnormalities in men and women.
<p><i>Definition of abbreviations</i>: BMI β=β body mass index; h-TG β=β hypertriglycemia; l-HDL β=β low high-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia; h-LDL β=β high low-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia; DM β=β diabetes mellitus; HU β=β hyperuricemia; CS β=β current smoker; Ex S β=β ex-smoker; NS β=β never-smoker; <sup>*</sup>, significantly different from CS (p<0.01); <sup>β </sup>, significantly different from Ex S (p<0.01).</p