5,642 research outputs found

    Spatial and Wavenumber Resolution of Doppler Reflectometry

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    Doppler reflectometry spatial and wavenumber resolution is analyzed within the framework of the linear Born approximation in slab plasma model. Explicit expression for its signal backscattering spectrum is obtained in terms of wavenumber and frequency spectra of turbulence which is assumed to be radially statistically inhomogeneous. Scattering efficiency for both back and forward scattering (in radial direction) is introduced and shown to be inverse proportional to the square of radial wavenumber of the probing wave at the fluctuation location thus making the spatial resolution of diagnostics sensitive to density profile. It is shown that in case of forward scattering additional localization can be provided by the antenna diagram. It is demonstrated that in case of backscattering the spatial resolution can be better if the turbulence spectrum at high radial wavenumbers is suppressed. The improvement of Doppler reflectometry data localization by probing beam focusing onto the cut-off is proposed and described. The possibility of Doppler reflectometry data interpretation based on the obtained expressions is shown.Comment: http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/46/114

    The in-plane electrodynamics of the superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d: energy scales and spectral weight distribution

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    The in-plane infrared and visible (3 meV-3 eV) reflectivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d (Bi-2212) thin films is measured between 300 K and 10 K for different doping levels with unprecedented accuracy. The optical conductivity is derived through an accurate fitting procedure. We study the transfer of spectral weight from finite energy into the superfluid as the system becomes superconducting. In the over-doped regime, the superfluid develops at the expense of states lying below 60 meV, a conventional energy of the order of a few times the superconducting gap. In the underdoped regime, spectral weight is removed from up to 2 eV, far beyond any conventional scale. The intraband spectral weight change between the normal and superconducting state, if analyzed in terms of a change of kinetic energy is ~1 meV. Compared to the condensation energy, this figure addresses the issue of a kinetic energy driven mechanism.Comment: 13 pages with 9 figures include

    Operator Analysis of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    We study the effective operators of the standard model fields which would yield an observable rate of neutrinoless double beta decay. We particularly focus on the possibility that neutrinoless double beta decay is dominantly induced by lepton-number-violating higher dimensional operators other than the Majorana neutrino mass. Our analysis can be applied to models in which neutrinoless double beta decay is induced either by a strong dynamics or by quantum gravity effects at a fundamental scale near the TeV scale as well as the conventional models in which neutrinoless double beta decay is induced by perturbative renormalizable interactions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 eps figures, 5 tables; references adde

    Spin Gap in Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Model for CaV4_4O9_9

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    We investigate the mechanism of spin gap formation in a two-dimensional model relevant to Mott insulators such as CaV4_4O9_9. From the perturbation expansion and quantum Monte Carlo calculations, the origin of the spin gap is ascribed to the four-site plaquette singlet in contrast to the dimer gap established in the generalized dimerized Heisenberg model.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures available upon request (Revtex

    Multiple Histogram Method for Quantum Monte Carlo

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    An extension to the multiple-histogram method (sometimes referred to as the Ferrenberg-Swendsen method) for use in quantum Monte Carlo simulations is presented. This method is shown to work well for the 2D repulsive Hubbard model, allowing measurements to be taken over a continuous region of parameters. The method also reduces the error bars over the range of parameter values due the overlapping of multiple histograms. A continuous sweep of parameters and reduced error bars allow one to make more difficult measurements, such as Maxwell constructions used to study phase separation. Possibilities also exist for this method to be used for other quantum systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev. B Rapid Com

    A CrC^{r} Closing Lemma for a Class of Symplectic Diffeomorphisms

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    We prove a CrC^r closing lemma for a class of partially hyperbolic symplectic diffeomorphisms. We show that for a generic CrC^r symplectic diffeomorphism, r=1,2,...,r =1, 2, ...,, with two dimensional center and close to a product map, the set of all periodic points is dense

    Neutrino oscillation constraints on neutrinoless double beta decay

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    We have studied the constraints imposed by the results of neutrino oscillation experiments on the effective Majorana mass || that characterizes the contribution of Majorana neutrino masses to the matrix element of neutrinoless double-beta decay. We have shown that in a general scheme with three Majorana neutrinos and a hierarchy of neutrino masses (which can be explained by the see-saw mechanism), the results of neutrino oscillation experiments imply rather strong constraints on the parameter ||. From the results of the first reactor long-baseline experiment CHOOZ and the Bugey experiment it follows that || < 3x10^{-2} eV if the largest mass-squared difference is smaller than 2 eV^2. Hence, we conclude that the observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay with a probability that corresponds to || > 10^{-1} eV would be a signal for a non-hierarchical neutrino mass spectrum and/or non-standard mechanisms of lepton number violation.Comment: 20 pages, including 4 figure

    Why holes are not like electrons. II. The role of the electron-ion interaction

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    In recent work, we discussed the difference between electrons and holes in energy band in solids from a many-particle point of view, originating in the electron-electron interaction, and argued that it has fundamental consequences for superconductivity. Here we discuss the fact that there is also a fundamental difference between electrons and holes already at the single particle level, arising from the electron-ion interaction. The difference between electrons and holes due to this effect parallels the difference due to electron-electron interactions: {\it holes are more dressed than electrons}. We propose that superconductivity originates in 'undressing' of carriers from bothboth electron-electron and electron-ion interactions, and that both aspects of undressing have observable consequences.Comment: Continuation of Phys.Rev.B65, 184502 (2002) = cond-mat/0109385 (2001

    Finite temperature molecular dynamics study of unstable stacking fault free energies in silicon

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    We calculate the free energies of unstable stacking fault (USF) configurations on the glide and shuffle slip planes in silicon as a function of temperature, using the recently developed Environment Dependent Interatomic Potential (EDIP). We employ the molecular dynamics (MD) adiabatic switching method with appropriate periodic boundary conditions and restrictions to atomic motion that guarantee stability and include volume relaxation of the USF configurations perpendicular to the slip plane. Our MD results using the EDIP model agree fairly well with earlier first-principles estimates for the transition from shuffle to glide plane dominance as a function of temperature. We use these results to make contact to brittle-ductile transition models.Comment: 6 pages revtex, 4 figs, 16 refs, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Exact ground states for the four-electron problem in a two-dimensional finite Hubbard square system

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    We present exact explicit analytical results describing the exact ground state of four electrons in a two dimensional square Hubbard cluster containing 16 sites taken with periodic boundary conditions. The presented procedure, which works for arbitrary even particle number and lattice sites, is based on explicitly given symmetry adapted base vectors constructed in r-space. The Hamiltonian acting on these states generates a closed system of 85 linear equations providing by its minimum eigenvalue the exact ground state of the system. The presented results, described with the aim to generate further creative developments, not only show how the ground state can be exactly obtained and what kind of contributions enter in its construction, but emphasize further characteristics of the spectrum. On this line i) possible explications are found regarding why weak coupling expansions often provide a good approximation for the Hubbard model at intermediate couplings, or ii) explicitly given low lying energy states of the kinetic energy, avoiding double occupancy, suggest new roots for pairing mechanism attracting decrease in the kinetic energy, as emphasized by kinetic energy driven superconductivity theories.Comment: 37 pages, 18 figure