51 research outputs found

    Economic Impacts of a New Road Network in San-En Region, Japan: A Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model

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    In this paper, we aim to evaluate impacts of a new road network on the regional economy in San-en, Japan. San-en area is a boundary region between Aichi and Shizuoka Prefectures where the industrial sector is concentrated. The regional economy in San-en strongly depends on the regional transportation networks. Recently, a new road construction is planned in the region. The efficiency of road investment is expected for the regional economy. We construct a spatial computable general equilibrium model to evaluate the border economy. The spatial economic impacts of a new road construction are analyzed by the numerical simulation under several scenarios.

    Evaluation of COVID-19 Related Measures using Ordered Logistic Regression Analysis based on a Survey of Tourism-Related Offices in the Nishimikawa Region, Aichi Prefectur

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    COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on the tourism industry. The Go To Travel (overnight travel discount and regional common coupons campaign), which was implemented in Japan from July 2020 to stimulate demand in the tourim industry, was canceled at the end of 2020 because of the spread of infection again. Repeated outbreaks of infection and state of emergencies highlight the difficultly in balancing human health and economic activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to clarify the economic impacts of the pandemic and evaluate the implementation of related economic support measures on the tourism industry. Based on a questionnaire survey of tourism-related offices in the Nishimikawa Region of Aichi Prefecture, it examines the economic impacts on the sales amount of tourism-related industry, evaluated the effects of the Subsidy Program for Sustaining Businesses (SPSB) and Go To Travel (by the national government) and Coupon Campaigns for shopping and restaurants (by municipalities) using ordered logistic regression analysis. The findings show that the impact of COVID-19 on business office sales is most severe for the accommodation industry, with a 62% decrease at the time of the survey compared to 2019. In addition, SPSB and Go To Travel campaigns are relatively highly evaluated by accommodation and tourism servise offices, while Coupon Campaigns for shopping and restaurant coupon campaigns are relatively more effective in the restaurant and retail offices. In additon, the results show that the larger the offices annual sales, the more effective the Coupon Campaigns, indicating that since consumers use premium coupons to purchase goods and services that are more expensive than usual, the effect of policy implementation would be biased toward business offices that provide relatively expensive goods and service

    A Comparison of the Urban Policy Evaluation used in Britain and Japan (I)

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    本論では,英国と日本において都市政策のインパクトがどのように評価されてきたのかを検討する。実際に採用されてきた評価システムと手法に焦点を当て国際比較を行う。都市政策の評価を,都市レベルと国家レベルの観点から検討する。英国における都市再生政策の評価手法の事例の特徴を解析し,最近日本において導入されている都市再生政策について若干の提案を行う。英日間の国際比較から,都市政策評価の発展可能性について述べる。In this study, we examine how the impacts of urban policy are assessed in Britain and Japan. Cross-national comparisons are made by reviewing the evaluation systems and methods that are used in practice. The evaluation of urban policy is examined from two different perspectives: national and local public. Based on the study of urban regeneration evaluation in Britain, we make a number of suggestions for evaluating the recently introduced urban renaissance plan in Japan. We also discuss the potential for the assessment of urban policy evaluation through this cross-national comparison

    A Comparison of the Urban Policy Evaluation used in Britain and Japan (2)

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    In this study, we examine a system for evaluating economic impacts of tourism on a small region. The tourism is not only an important industry for the national economy but also a regional resource for the regional development. In general, the tourism plays an important role in the regional economy and growth. However the simple framework for evaluating economic impacts on a regional economy is not established and the statistics of regional tourism is not sufficiently collected in Japan. In this report, we introduce a convenient method for evaluating economic impacts of the tourism consumption on the regional economy. In this framework, the economic impacts of the regional tourism are evaluated using the regional input-output table and other data