773 research outputs found

    Videothoracoscopic surgical approach for spontaneous pneumothorax: review of the pertinent literature

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    Spontaneous pneumothorax is usually caused by the rupture of subpleural blebs/bullae in the underlying lung and is one of the most common elective applications of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). VATS has been used as an alternative to thoracotomy in the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax. Recurrent pneumothorax and persistent air leakage are quite often indications for spontaneous pneumothorax, and bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax is also considered to be an indication for surgical intervention. The goals of surgical intervention are to eliminate intrapleural air collection and prevent recurrence. Diverse procedures have been reported in the surgical treatment for spontaneous pneumothorax. We review the literature regarding the VATS approach for spontaneous pneumothorax

    Does Foreign Aid Cause "Dutch Disease"?: Case of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam

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    This paper examined the economic impacts of foreign aid from the Dutch-Disease perspective, focusing on the economies of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (so-called CLMV). The CLMV were targeted in this study since they have rarely been studied in the literature in this field although their economies have still depended highly on foreign aid. We found no evidence that they have suffered from the Dutch Disease, or rather identified a positive production effect of foreign aid. We speculate that the major use of foreign aid in the CLMV has focused on economic infrastructure, which has given little room for raising consumption and contributed directly to capital accumulation there


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    The purpose of this study was to establish the measurement method of the reaction force from the springboard used in vaulting table of gymnastics. Ten male gymnasts?performed the handspring vault. The springboard was mounted on four force plates. The ground reaction force was obtained at 1000Hz. A high-speed camera at 500Hz sampled the springboard motion. The springboard was modeled as, 1) twenty-nine segment model consisting of three boards, 2) twelve segment model consisting of upper board, 3) two segment model consisting of upper board and 4) one segment model consisting of upper board. Board reaction forces of these models were calculated from GRF and accelerations of segments. Results indicate that the simpler two segment model can be used to accurately calculate the BRF as same as the complicated model (twenty-nine segment)

    Treatment of Mesh Skin Grafted Scars Using a Plasma Skin Regeneration System

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    Objectives. Several modalities have been advocated to treat traumatic scars, including surgical techniques and laser resurfacing. Recently, a plasma skin regeneration (PSR) system has been investigated. There are no reports on plasma treatment of mesh skin grafted scars. The objective of our study is to evaluate the effectiveness and complications of plasma treatment of mesh skin grafted scars in Asian patients. Materials and Methods. Four Asian patients with mesh skin grafted scars were enrolled in the study. The plasma treatments were performed at monthly intervals with PSR, using energy settings of 3 to 4 J. Improvement was determined by patient questionnaires and physician evaluation of digital photographs taken prior to treatment and at 3 months post treatment. The patients were also evaluated for any side effects from the treatment. Results. All patients showed more than 50% improvement. The average pain score on a 10-point scale was 6.9 +/− 1.2 SD and all patients tolerated the treatments. Temporary, localized hypopigmentation was observed in two patients. Hyperpigmentation and worsening of scarring were not observed. Conclusions. Plasma treatment is clinically effective and is associated with minimal complications when used to treat mesh skin grafted scars in Asian patients

    Efficient generation of adenovirus vectors carrying the Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-CRISPR associated proteins (Cas)12a system by suppressing Cas12a expression in packaging cells

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    Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-CRISPR associated proteins (Cas) 9 system is a powerful tool for genome editing and still being aggressively improved. Cas12a, a recently discovered Cas9 ortholog, is expected to become complementary to Cas9 due to its unique characteristics. Previously we attempted to establish an adenovirus (Ad) vector-mediated delivery of CRISPR-Cas12a system since Ad vector is widely used for gene transfer in basic researches and medical applications. However, we found difficulties preparing of Ad vectors at an adequate titer. In this study, we have developed Ad vectors that conditionally express Cas12a either by a tetracycline-controlled promoter or a hepatocyte specific promoter to avoid putative inhibitory effects of Cas12a. These vectors successfully proliferated in packaging cells, HEK293 cells, and were recovered at high titers. We have also developed packaging cells that express shRNA for Cas12a to suppress expression of Cas12a. Using the cells, the Ad vector directing constitutive expression of Cas12a proliferated efficiently and was successfully recovered at a high titer. Overall, we improved recovery of Ad vectors carrying CRISPR-Cas12a system, thus provided them as a tool in genome editing researches.Tsukamoto T., Sakai E., Nishimae F., et al. Efficient generation of adenovirus vectors carrying the Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-CRISPR associated proteins (Cas)12a system by suppressing Cas12a expression in packaging cells. Journal of Biotechnology 304, 1 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiotec.2019.08.004

    Oral granuloma with chronic graft-vs-host disease

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    BACKGROUND Oral mucositis is often observed with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD); however, the occurrence of oral granuloma is rare. The rapid increase in granulomatous lesions should be distinguished from malignant tumors in patients with GVHD because malignant diseases can develop in those patients. This case is the youngest pediatric patient with granuloma associated with GVHD. CASE SUMMARY The patient was a 1-year and 5-mo-old girl who presented to our department for the management of oral nodules. At the age of 5 mo, she was diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency disease, cord blood transplant was performed at 11 mo and bone marrow transplant at 1 year of age. After transplantation, GVHD and oral mucositis developed, and tacrolimus was administered. Interestingly, nodules appeared on the lower lip and buccal mucosa, which spontaneously disappeared. Then, a new nodule appeared on the left lateral border of the tongue. Resection was performed and the histopathological diagnosis was granuloma. The origin of these nodules were considered to be the fibroblasts activated under inflammation caused by GVHD because the calcineurin inhibitor tacrolimus acted on their proliferation. CONCLUSION It is very important to distinguish oral granulomatous lesions from malignancies if GVHD is present at the base and if immunosuppressive agents and steroids are being administered

    Single adult kidney stem/progenitor cells reconstitute three-dimensional nephron structures in vitro.

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    The kidneys are formed during development from two distinct primordial tissues, the metanephric mesenchyme and the ureteric bud. The metanephric mesenchyme develops into the kidney nephron, the minimal functional unit of the kidney. A nephron consists of several segments and regulates water, electrolyte, and acid-base homeostasis in addition to secreting certain hormones. It has been predicted that the kidney will be among the last organs successfully regenerated in vitro due to its complex structure and multiple functions. Here, we show that adult kidney stem/progenitor cells (KS cells), derived from the S3 segment of adult rat kidney nephrons, can reconstitute a three-dimensional kidney-like structure in vitro. Kidney-like structures were formed when a cluster of KS cells was suspended in an extracellular matrix gel and cultured in the presence of several growth factors. Morphological analyses revealed that these kidney-like structures contained every substructure of the kidney, including glomeruli, proximal tubules, the loop of Henle, distal tubules, and collecting ducts, but no vasculature. Our results demonstrate that a cluster of tissue stem/progenitor cells has the ability to reconstitute the minimum unit of its organ of origin by differentiating into specialized cells in the correct location. This process differs from embryonic kidney development, which requires the mutual induction of two different populations of progenitors, metanephric mesenchymal cells and ureteric bud cells