9 research outputs found

    ソウキ ノ ゼンシン ステロイド リョウホウ ニヨリ キドウ ノ ハンコン キョウサク オ カイヒ デキタ キカンシ ケッカク ノ 1ショウレイ

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    35歳男性.入院約6週前より喀痰,咳嗽出現.数日前に左上肺空洞影指摘,喀痰中抗酸菌(3+)検出され入院.INH,RFP,PZA 及びEB による標準化学療法が開始された.咳嗽,呼吸困難,両肺野狭窄音聴取及び多量排菌持続し,気管支鏡所見上気管〜両側主気管支に隆起性潰瘍病変を認め,気管支結核を確定.高度の呼吸器症状遷延のため中等量のステロイド点滴投与を開始し,症状ならびに気道粘膜病変は改善した.高率に気管・気管支瘢痕収縮へ移行しうる気道粘膜像であったが,中等量の全身ステロイド療法により回避された.気道瘢痕狭窄回避のため,気管支結核活動性病変には中等量以上の全身ステロイド療法を考慮すべきと考えられた.A 35-year-old man admitted to the hospital because of acavitary lesion in the lung and acid-fast bacilli (AFB) (3+) in a sputum specimen, a polymerase-chain-reaction ofwhich revealed positive for M. tuberculosis. He had beenwell until approximately 6 weeks before admission, whenproductive cough developed. He also had temperature of upto 38 ℃, hoarseness, and shortness of breath couple of daysbefore. Intractable cough, dyspnea, wheeze in both lungfields, and numerous AFB in a sputum sustained, despiteprompt introduction of conventional chemotherapy containingINH, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. Diagnosisof EBTB was confirmed by fibroptic bronchoscopy,which revealed granulomatous ulceration in the mucosa oftrachea and both main bronchi. Accordingly, intravenousmedium-dose methylprednisolone was administered, resultingrelief from serious respiratory manifestation and avoidanceof cicatricial stenosis of trachea and bronchi. This outcomesuggested that the current early intervention withglucocorticoid should be considered in serious active lesionof tracheal and bronchial mucosa in patients with EBTB

    キョウクウ センパ ニヨル ノウキョウ ガッペイ オ ミトメタ セイジュクガタ ジュウカク キケイシュ ノ 1レイ

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    症例は16 歳女性,咳嗽,発熱,左前胸部痛を主訴に来院.胸部CT にて内部不均一な径7 cm の前縦隔腫瘍及び左舌区・下葉の完全無気肺を確認,また,MRI にて前縦隔腫瘍内に脂肪組織と同一の吸収域を認め,成熟型奇形腫穿破による膿胸と診断.膿胸に対し胸腔内繊維素溶解療法,ドレナージ及び抗生剤にて加療,膿胸改善を確認した上で,前縦隔腫瘍摘出術施行,病理にて嚢胞性成熟型奇形腫と診断した.病理組織にて膵類似の腺組織を確認,穿破の原因として,腫瘍内膵酵素の存在が考えられた.成熟型縦隔奇形腫は穿破により重篤な合併症発生の危険性があり,また経過中悪性転化する可能性もあることから,早期の外科治療が重要と考えられた.A 16-year-old female visited our hospital, complaining ofcough, fever, and left precordial pain. Chest computed tomographyshowed a heterogeneous anterior mediastinal tumormeasuring 7 cm in diameter and complete atelectasis inthe lingula and lower lobe of the left lung. Magnetic resonanceimaging also showed an area of intensity identical tothat of adipose tissue in the anterior mediastinal tumor.Thus, empyema due to rupture of a mature teratoma wasdiagnosed. The empyema was treated with intra-pleural fibrinolytictherapy, drainage, and antibiotics. After confirmingresolution of the empyema, we resected the anteriormediastinal tumor and pathologically diagnosed it as cysticmature teratoma. Histopathological examination showedglandular tissue resembling the pancreas, suggesting thatthe rupture had been caused by pancreatic enzymes in thetumor. Mediastinal mature teratoma carries a risk of seriouscomplications developing due to rupture and the possibilityof malignant transformation during the diseasecourse. Thus, early surgical treatment is important

    Arboriculture of Euphorbia tirucarlli

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    アオサンゴの栽培はこれまでほとんど行なわれなかった。そのためまず大政・塘の液を基準液として砂耕培養を行ない,養分要求度を求めた。生育は基準区が最も良く,1/2区がそれにつぎ,1/5区,1/10区および水区の間には差がなく,またこれら3区の地上部の乾重は基準区の約1/2であった。室温をA区(20℃-20℃),B区(25℃-20℃),C区(30℃-25℃)として6ケ月栽培した結果,A<B<Cと温度が高いほど良く生育した。温度はA,B,C区,培養液は2倍,1倍,水区として組合せ実験の結果,液の濃さが同じ場合はB区の温度があれば良いこと,水区は温度が高いほど生育が良いことが明らかになった。寒さに弱いため地上部を切り取り,切り株にわらをかぶせて,わら下の温度をプラスにしても苗は越冬できなかった。春に苗を植え,秋に収穫する方法では最大収量がha当り乾重で2.3tと計算された。Euphorbia tirucalli is known to produce hydrocarbonic substance like gasoline (CALVIN, M. 1976). The rooted cutting was cultured in greenhouse for six months under five different nutrient concentrations; (a) standard, and (b) 1/2, (c) 1/5, (d) 1/10 in dilutions and (e) water. The growth of saplings was the best at (a) and poorest at (c), (d) and (e). When the saplings were placed for six months under the room temperatures of (A) 20℃, (B) 20°-25℃ and (C) 25°-30℃, the growth was better under higher temperatures. Furthermore, the experiment was undertaken in each combination of three temperatures, (A), (B) and (C), with three nutrient solutions as (a) standard concentration, (f) doubled concentration and (e) water. There was no significant difference in growth between (a) and (f) in the same temperature and between (B) and (C) in the same concentration. All of the rooted cuttings died in the open field during the winter, but many of them survived inside the cover with twofold polyvinyl film, where the lowest temperture was recorded -1℃. When the stem was cut in the fall and the stump was mulched with straw, all the sapling stumps died in spite that the temperature under the straw was +3℃. When the rooted cuttings were grown from May to November at the spacing of 0.25m×0.30m in the nursery, total dry weight of the stem was calculated to be 2.3 tons per ha

    Long‐Term Impact of Additional Ablation After Pulmonary Vein Isolation: Results From EARNEST‐PVI Trial

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    Background An optimal strategy for left atrial ablation in addition to pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) has not been determined. Methods and Results We conducted an extended follow‐up of the multicenter randomized controlled EARNEST‐PVI (Efficacy of Pulmonary Vein Isolation Alone in Patients With Persistent Atrial Fibrillation) trial, which compared 12‐month rhythm outcomes in patients with persistent AF between patients randomized to a PVI‐alone strategy (n=248) or PVI‐plus strategy (n=248; PVI followed by left atrial additional ablation, including linear ablation or ablation targeting areas with complex fractionated electrograms). The present study extended the follow‐up period to 3 years after enrollment. Outcomes were compared not only between randomly allocated groups but also between on‐treatment groups categorized by actually created ablation lesions. Recurrence rate of AF or atrial tachycardia (AT) was lower in the randomly allocated to PVI‐plus group than the PVI‐alone group (29.0% versus 37.5%, P=0.036). On‐treatment analysis revealed that patients with PVI+linear ablation (n=205) demonstrated a lower AF/AT recurrence rate than those with PVI only (26.3% versus 37.8%, P=0.007). In contrast, patients with PVI+complex fractionated electrograms ablation (n=37) had an AF/AT recurrence rate comparable to that of patients with PVI only (40.5% versus 37.8%, P=0.76). At second ablation in 126 patients with AF/AT recurrence, ATs excluding common atrial flutter were more frequent in patients with PVI+linear ablation than in those with PVI only (32.6% versus 5.7%, P<0.0001). Conclusions Left atrial ablation in addition to PVI was efficacious during 3‐year follow‐up. Linear ablation was superior to other ablation strategies but may increase iatrogenic ATs. Registration URL: http://www.umin.ac.jp/ctr/index‐j.htm; Unique identifier: UMIN000019449