4,566 research outputs found

    How close can we approach the event horizon of the Kerr black hole from the detection of the gravitational quasinormal modes?

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    Using the WKB method, we show that the peak location (rpeakr_{\rm peak}) of the potential, which determines the quasinormal mode frequency of the Kerr black hole, obeys an accurate empirical relation as a function of the specific angular momentum aa and the gravitational mass MM. If the quasinormal mode with a/M1a/M \sim 1 is observed by gravitational wave detectors, we can confirm the black-hole space-time around the event horizon, rpeak=r++O(1q)r_{\rm peak}=r_+ +O(\sqrt{1-q}) where r+r_+ is the event horizon radius. While if the quasinormal mode is different from that of general relativity, we are forced to seek the true theory of gravity and/or face to the existence of the naked singularity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Possible confirmation of the existence of ergoregion by the Kerr quasinormal mode in gravitational waves from Pop III massive black hole binary

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    The existence of the ergoregion of the Kerr space-time has not been confirmed observationally yet. We show that the confirmation would be possible by observing the quasinormal mode in gravitational waves. As an example, using the recent population synthesis results of Pop III binary black holes, we find that the peak of the final merger mass (MfM_f) is about 50 M50~\rm M_{\odot}, while the fraction of the final spin qf=af/Mf>0.7q_f = a_f/M_f > 0.7 needed for the confirmation of a part of ergoregion is 77%\sim 77\%. To confirm the frequency of the quasinormal mode, SNR>35{\rm SNR} > 35 is needed. The standard model of Pop III population synthesis tells us that the event rate for the confirmation of more than 50%50\% of the ergoregion by the second generation gravitational wave detectors is 2.3\sim 2.3 events yr1 (SFRp/(102.5 Myr1 Mpc3))([fb/(1+fb)]/0.33){\rm events\ yr^{-1}\ (SFR_p/(10^{-2.5}\ M_\odot yr^{-1}\ Mpc^{-3}))} \cdot (\rm [f_b/(1+f_b)]/0.33) where SFRp{\rm SFR_p} and fb{\rm f_b} are the peak value of the Pop III star formation rate and the fraction of binaries, respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in PTEP. Comments welcom

    Gravitational wave quasinormal mode from Population III massive black hole binaries in various models of population synthesis

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    Focusing on the remnant black holes after merging binary black holes, we show that ringdown gravitational waves of Population III binary black holes mergers can be detected with the rate of 5.9500 events yr1 (SFRp/(102.5 M yr1 Mpc3))([fb/(1+fb)]/0.33)5.9-500~{\rm events~yr^{-1}}~({\rm SFR_p}/ (10^{-2.5}~M_\odot~{\rm yr^{-1}~Mpc^{-3}})) \cdot ({\rm [f_b/(1+f_b)]/0.33}) for various parameters and functions. This rate is estimated for the events with SNR>8>8 for the second generation gravitational wave detectors such as KAGRA. Here, SFRp{\rm SFR_p} and fb{\rm f_b} are the peak value of the Population III star formation rate and the fraction of binaries, respectively. When we consider only the events with SNR>35>35, the event rate becomes 0.0464.21 events yr1 (SFRp/(102.5 M yr1 Mpc3))([fb/(1+fb)]/0.33)0.046-4.21~{\rm events~yr^{-1}}~({\rm SFR_p}/ (10^{-2.5}~M_\odot~{\rm yr^{-1}~Mpc^{-3}})) \cdot ({\rm [f_b/(1+f_b)]/0.33}). This suggest that for remnant black hole's spin qf>0.95q_f>0.95 we have the event rate with SNR>35>35 less than 0.037 events yr1 (SFRp/(102.5 M yr1 Mpc3))([fb/(1+fb)]/0.33)0.037~{\rm events~yr^{-1}}~({\rm SFR_p}/ (10^{-2.5}~M_\odot~{\rm yr^{-1}~Mpc^{-3}})) \cdot ({\rm [f_b/(1+f_b)]/0.33}), while it is 330 events yr1 (SFRp/(102.5 M yr1 Mpc3))([fb/(1+fb)]/0.33)3-30~{\rm events~yr^{-1}}~({\rm SFR_p}/ (10^{-2.5}~M_\odot~{\rm yr^{-1}~Mpc^{-3}})) \cdot ({\rm [f_b/(1+f_b)]/0.33}) for the third generation detectors such as Einstein Telescope. If we detect many Population III binary black holes merger, it may be possible to constrain the Population III binary evolution paths not only by the mass distribution but also by the spin distribution.Comment: Submitted to PTEP. comments welcom