473 research outputs found

    A marker tephra bed close to the Lower-Middle Pleistocene boundary: Distribution of the Ontake-Byakubi Tephra Bed in central Japan

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    Tephrochronology is an exceptionally important tool in the precise regional correlation of Early and Middle Pleistocene sedimentary strata in Japan. The present study reveals that the Yukawa tephra 5 (YUT5) derived from the Older Ontake volcano, the Nezumigawa (Nzg) and Mitamitajima (Mtj) tephras of the Ina Bazin, and the Byakubi-E tephra (Byk-E) of the Boso Peninsula are the same tephra on the basis of their lithofacies, bulk grain composition, mafic mineral composition, major element composition of hornblende, and stratigraphic relationships with the dated tephras. We propose to call the series of tephras correlated with Byk-E the Ontake-Byakubi Tephra Bed (On-Byk Tephra) following the naming convention in which the tephra name consists of the names of the source volcano and the type location. The Matuyama-Brunhes Chronozone boundary occurs just above Byk-E in the type section of the Kokumoto Formation in the Kazusa Group, which is a candidate Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the lower boundary of the Middle Pleistocene Subseries. Therefore, On-Byk Tephra becomes a critically important marker tephra bed for the Early-Middle Pleistocene boundary in central Japan. The present study indicates that the major element composition of hornblende can be a useful tool for identification and correlation of strongly weathered tephra layers such as Nzg and Mtj in which all the volcanic glass shards have been altered.ArticleQuaternary International. 397: 27-38(2016)journal articl

    Evanescently coupled topological ring-waveguide systems for chip-scale ultrahigh frequency phononic circuits

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    Topological phononics enabling backscattering-immune transport is expected to improve the performance of electromechanical systems for classical and quantum information technologies. Nonetheless, most of the previous demonstrations utilized macroscale and low-frequency structures and thus offered little experimental insight into ultrahigh frequency phonon transport, especially in chip-scale circuits. Here, we report microwave phonon transmissions in a microscopic topological ring-waveguide coupled system, which is an important building block for wave-based signal processing. The elastic waves in the topological waveguide evanescently couple to the ring resonator, while maintaining the valley pseudospin polarization. The resultant waves are robust to backscattering even in the tiny hexagonal ring, generating a resonant phonon circulation. Furthermore, the evanescently coupled structure allows for a critical coupling, where valley-dependent ring-waveguide interference enables blocking of the topological edge transmission. Our demonstrations reveal the capability of using topological phenomena to manipulate ultrahigh frequency elastic waves in intricate phononic circuits for classical and quantum signal-processing applications.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Transient IR absorption study of charge carriers photogenerated in sulfur-doped TiO2

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    Sulfur-doped TiO2 was prepared by two methods; one was simple oxidation annealing of TiS2, the other was mixing of titanium isopropoxide and thiourea. These two sulfur-doped TiO2 preparations showed fairly different photocatalytic activity under visible light. The dynamics of photogenerated charge carriers were studied by the transient absorption measurement in the region of mid-IR. In both samples, excitation by 532 nm pulse led to photocarrier generation to the same extent. Nevertheless, the reactivity of the photocarriers was totally different. Photogenerated electrons and holes transferred to reactant gas in the latter sample, whereas they did not in the former sample. We attributed the different carrier behavior to the difference in the distribution of S atoms or particle size. These observations can explain the difference in capability of photocatalysis under visible light

    Laparoscopic Partial Hepatectomy: Animal Experiments

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    As a first step in firmly establishing laparoscopic hepatectomy, we introduce a porcine model of laparoscopic partial hepatectomy. This procedure has been successfully performed under the normal-pressure or low-pressure pneumoperitoneum condition supported by the full-thickness abdominal wall lifting technique. An ultrasonic dissector combined with electrocautery, newly developed by Olympus Optical Corporation (Japan) was effectively utilized in facilitating safe and smooth incisions into the liver parenchyma. Although indications for this procedure seem to be limited only to peripheral lesions and not to central lesions, clinical application of this method may be useful for some patients in the near future

    SHRIMP U-Pb ages of the Karasaki mylonites in western Shikoku, Japan

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    唐崎マイロナイトの優白質角閃岩マイロナイトについて, ジルコンのSHRIMP U-Pb年代測定を行った結果, 1試料からの8粒子は114.2±3.9~102.3±4.5Ma(±1σ)の年代値を示した.マイロナイト化した優白質角閃岩は, SiO_2含有量が低い(49wt.%)ことと, 主として角閃石, 曹長石, 緑泥石および緑簾石のモード比の違いによる数百μm~数mm幅の顕著な層状構造を有することから, 玄武岩質火山岩または火山砕屑岩に由来する砂岩を原岩としている可能性が高い.優白質角閃岩マイロナイト中の丸みを帯びたジルコンは, ある程度遠方より運搬される過程で円磨された可能性が高いこと, マグマから晶出したジルコンに特徴的なオシレトリー累帯構造が認められることから, 砕屑性起源のジルコンであると判断される.また, その年代値が約110Maの狭い範囲を示す事実は, ジルコンが"古領家帯"に帰属すると考えられる真穴帯の大島変成岩や肥後帯の約110Ma深成岩類のみに由来する可能性を示唆する.したがって, 本論において初めて"古領家帯"中にアルビアン以降の堆積岩源変成岩が存在していることが明らかとなった.Zircon U-Pb isotope ages have been analyzed by the Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) in an leucocratic amphibolite mylonite from the Karasaki mylonites, western Shikoku, Japan which has been considered to belong to the "Paleo-Ryoke" belt. Eight zircon grains from the sample yielded U-Pb ages of Albian (Early Cretaceous) ranging from 114.2 ± 3.9 Ma to 102.3 ±4.5 Ma (± 1σ errors). The protolith of the mylonitized leucocratic amphibolite has been inferred to be basaltic volcanic sandstones, because the SiO_2 content is low (49 wt.%), and the leucocratic amphibolite (consisting of albite and epidote rich, and chlorite and epidote rich layers alternates with amphibole rich and chlorite rich layers on the order of a few mm, suggestive of original sedimentary layering. All the zircon grains can be inferred to be detrital based on both the facts that they were abraded possibly due to sedimentation processes, and that they show oscillatory zoning indicating igneous (primary) texture. The small range of U-Pb ages varying ca. 110 Ma suggests that the zircon grains in the volcanic sandstones were supplied only from the Oshima metamorphic rocks of the Maana belt and the Higo plutonic rocks of the Higo belt whose U-Pb zircon ages were dated as ca. 110 Ma. The fact clearly indicates that the metamorphic rocks (Karasaki mylonites) originated from post-Albian sediments also constitute as a new member of the "Paleo-Ryoke" belt

    Studies on the Flotation of Molybdenite. I : Flotation of Molybdenite Ore Containing Clayey Gangue

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    Some points to be considered in the flotation of molybdenite containing clayey gangue were investigated, and based on the results obtained, the method of flotation operation was examined at the Daito mine, Shimane Prefecture. In the rougher flotation of molybdenite ore, high concentrate grade and recovery can be obtained by selecting the proper ratio of silica to soda and suitable concentration of sodium silicate to be added. Sodium silicate having the ratio of silica to soda 2 : 1 shows the most effective depressing action on gangue minerals. The minimum content of SiO_2 in the froth product is obtained when the conditioning time after adding sodium silicate is 10-20 minutes. It is preferable to use sodium hydroxide instead of lime to regulate the pH value of the pulp containing much primary slime. On the contraty, lime is effective for the flotation of molybdenite ore containing no primary slime. Though it is usual to use oily collectors as collecting agents for molybdenite, quantities to be added to obtain good flotation results are unexpectedly large. In some cases molybdenite can be recovered at high rates of recovery by using xanthate with oily collector, but we should be cautious of using much xanthate. However, a good flotation result cannot be expected with xanthate only. At the Daito mine, the flotation results have been improved by modifications of flotation methods : slime is treated by a separate flotation circuit and the froths are returned to the main circuit. Sodium hydroxide is used to regulate the pH value of the pulp. Thus, no difficulty has been experienced in producing a molybdenite concentrate assaying 86.3-87.4% MoS_2 with a recovery of 95.5-97.9% from a flotation feed assaying 1.06-1.13% MoS_2