43 research outputs found

    The SH3 Domain of UNC-89 (obscurin) Interacts with Paramyosin, a Coiled-coil Protein, in Caenorhabditis Elegans Muscle

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    UNC-89 is a giant polypeptide located at the sarcomeric M-line of Caenorhabditis elegans muscle. The human homologue is obscurin. To understand how UNC-89 is localized and functions, we have been identifying its binding partners. Screening a yeast two-hybrid library revealed that UNC-89 interacts with paramyosin. Paramyosin is an invertebrate-specific coiled-coil dimer protein that is homologous to the rod portion of myosin heavy chains and resides in thick filament cores. Minimally, this interaction requires UNC-89’s SH3 domain and residues 294–376 of paramyosin and has a KD of ∼1.1 μM. In unc-89 loss-of-function mutants that lack the SH3 domain, paramyosin is found in accumulations. When the SH3 domain is overexpressed, paramyosin is mislocalized. SH3 domains usually interact with a proline-rich consensus sequence, but the region of paramyosin that interacts with UNC-89’s SH3 is α-helical and lacks prolines. Homology modeling of UNC-89’s SH3 suggests structural features that might be responsible for this interaction. The SH3-binding region of paramyosin contains a “skip residue,” which is likely to locally unwind the coiled-coil and perhaps contributes to the binding specificity

    Lack of GTP-bound Rho1p in secretory vesicles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Rho1p, an essential Rho-type GTPase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, activates its effectors in the GTP-bound form. Here, we show that Rho1p in secretory vesicles cannot activate 1,3-β-glucan synthase, a cell wall synthesizing enzyme, during vesicular transport to the plasma membrane. Analyses with an antibody preferentially reacting with the GTP-bound form of Rho1p revealed that Rho1p remains in the inactive form in secretory vesicles. Rom2p, the GDP/GTP exchange factor of Rho1p, is preferentially localized on the plasma membrane even when vesicular transport is blocked. Overexpression of Rom2p results in delocalization of Rom2p and accumulation of 1,3-β-glucan in secretory vesicles. Based on these results, we propose that Rho1p is kept inactive in intracellular secretory organelles, resulting in repression of the activity of the cell wall–synthesizing enzyme within cells

    UNC-98 links an integrin-associated complex to thick filaments in Caenorhabditis elegans muscle

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    Focal adhesions are multiprotein assemblages that link cells to the extracellular matrix. The transmembrane protein, integrin, is a key component of these structures. In vertebrate muscle, focal adhesion–like structures called costameres attach myofibrils at the periphery of muscle cells to the cell membrane. In Caenorhabditis elegans muscle, all the myofibrils are attached to the cell membrane at both dense bodies (Z-disks) and M-lines. Clustered at the base of dense bodies and M-lines, and associated with the cytoplasmic tail of β-integrin, is a complex of many proteins, including UNC-97 (vertebrate PINCH). Previously, we showed that UNC-97 interacts with UNC-98, a 37-kD protein, containing four C2H2 Zn fingers, that localizes to M-lines. We report that UNC-98 also interacts with the C-terminal portion of a myosin heavy chain. Multiple lines of evidence support a model in which UNC-98 links integrin-associated proteins to myosin in thick filaments at M-lines

    Mutational analysis of the β-subunit of yeast geranylgeranyl transferase I

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    The gene CAL1 (also known as CDC43 ) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes the β subunit of geranylgeranyl transferase I (GGTase I), which modifies several small GTPases. Biochemical analyses of the mutant-enzymes encoded by cal1 , and cdc43-2 to cdc43-7 , expressed in bacteria, have hown that all of the mutant enzymes possess reduced activity, and that none shows temerature-sensitive enzymatic activities. Nonetheless, all of the cal1/cdc43 mutants show temperature-sensitive growth phenotypes. Increase in soluble pools of the small GTPases was observed in the yeast mutant cells at the restrictive temperature in vivo, suggesting that the yeast prenylation pathway itself is temperative sensitive. The cal-1 mutation, located most proximal to the C-terminus of the protein, differs from the other cdc43 mutations in several respects. An increase in soluble Rholp was observed in the cal-1 strain grown at the restrictive temperature. The temperature-sensitive phenotype of cal-1 is most efficiently suppressed by overproduction of Rholp. Overproduction of the other essential target, Cdc42p, in contrast, is deleterious in cal-1 cells, but not in other cdc43 mutants or the wild-type strains. The cdc43-5 mutant cells accumulate Cdc42p in soluble pools and cdc43-5 is suppressed by overproduction of Cdc42p. Thus, several phenotypic differences are observed among the cal1/cdc43 mutations, possibly due to alterations in substrate specificity caused by the mutations.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42258/1/438-252-1-2-1_62520001.pd

    Molecular Structure of Sarcomere-to-Membrane Attachment at M-Lines in C. elegans Muscle

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    C. elegans is an excellent model for studying nonmuscle cell focal adhesions and the analogous muscle cell attachment structures. In the major striated muscle of this nematode, all of the M-lines and the Z-disk analogs (dense bodies) are attached to the muscle cell membrane and underlying extracellular matrix. Accumulating at these sites are many proteins associated with integrin. We have found that nematode M-lines contain a set of protein complexes that link integrin-associated proteins to myosin thick filaments. We have also obtained evidence for intriguing additional functions for these muscle cell attachment proteins

    The DH-PH region of the giant protein UNC-89 activates RHO-1 GTPase in Caenorhabditis elegans body wall muscle.

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    International audienceMutation of the Caenorhabditis elegans gene unc-89 results in disorganization of muscle A-bands. unc-89 encodes a giant polypeptide (900 kDa) containing a DH domain followed by a PH domain at its N terminus, which is characteristic of guanine nucleotide exchange factor proteins for Rho GTPases. To obtain evidence that the DH-PH region has activity toward specific Rho family small GTPases, we conducted an experiment using the yeast three-hybrid system. The DH-PH region of UNC-89 has exchange activity for RHO-1 (C. elegans RhoA), but not for CED-10 (C. elegans Rac), MIG-2 (C. elegans RhoG), or CDC-42 (C. elegans Cdc42). The DH domain alone has similar activity for RHO-1. An in vitro binding assay demonstrates interaction between the DH-PH region of UNC-89 and each of the C. elegans Rho GTPases. Partial knockdown of rho-1 in C. elegans adults showed a pattern of disorganization of myosin thick filaments similar to the phenotype caused by unc-89 (su75), a mutant allele in which all of the isoforms containing the DH-PH region are missing. Taken together, we propose a model in which the DH-PH region of UNC-89 activates RHO-1 GTPase for organization of myosin filaments in C. elegans muscle cells

    The GEX-2 and GEX-3 proteins are required for tissue morphogenesis and cell migrations in C. elegans

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    During body morphogenesis precisely coordinated cell movements and cell shape changes organize the newly differentiated cells of an embryo into functional tissues. Here we describe two genes, gex-2 and gex-3, whose activities are necessary for initial steps of body morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans. In the absence of gex-2 and gex-3 activities, cells differentiate properly but fail to become organized. The external hypodermal cells fail to spread over and enclose the embryo and instead cluster on the dorsal side. Postembryonically gex-3 activity is required for egg laying and for proper morphogenesis of the gonad. GEX-2 and GEX-3 proteins colocalize to cell boundaries and appear to directly interact. GEX-2 and GEX-3 are highly conserved, with vertebrate homologs implicated in binding the small GTPase Rac and a GEX-3 Drosophila homolog, HEM2/NAP1/KETTE, that interacts genetically with Rac pathway mutants. Our findings suggest that GEX-2 and GEX-3 may function at cell boundaries to regulate cell migrations and cell shape changes required for proper morphogenesis and development