948 research outputs found

    Magnetic structure of domain walls confined in a nano-oxide layer

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    In the recent years, a spin-valve was developed with a current-confined-path structure consisting of a non-oxide-layer (NOL). We analyze magnetic structures of the current-confinedpath in the nano-oxide layer sandwiched between ferromagnetic electrodes and clarify the dependency of the magnetic structure on the shape and size of the current-confined-path. Our results of stiffness energy density and thermal stability shows that we should fabricate a CPP spin-valve with narrow current-confinedpaths with large aspect ratio and strong constriction in order to enhance the MR ratio.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, proceedings paper of Intermag 200

    FTS Measurements of Submillimeter-Wave Atmospheric Opacity at Pampa la Bola III. Water Vapor, Liquid Water, and 183 GHz Water Vapor Line Opacities

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    Further analysis has been made on the millimeter and submillimeter-wave (100-1600 GHz or 3 mm - 188 micron) atmospheric opacity data taken with the Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) at Pampa la Bola, 4800 m above sea level in northern Chile, which is the site of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Time-sequence plots of millimeter and submillimeter-wave opacities show similar variations to each other, except for during the periods with liquid water (fog or clouds) in the atmosphere. Using millimeter and submillimeter-wave opacity correlations under two conditions, which are affected and not affected by liquid water, we succeeded to separate the measured opacity into water vapor and liquid water opacity components. The water vapor opacity shows good correlation with the 183 GHz water vapor line opacity, which is also covered in the measured spectra. On the other hand, the liquid water opacity and the 183 GHz line opacity show no correlation. Since only the water vapor component is expected to affect the phase of interferometers significantly, and the submillimeter-wave opacity is less affected by the liquid water component, it may be possible to use the submillimeter-wave opacity for a phase-correction of submillimeter interferometers.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, PASJ, vol.55, no.1 (2003), in pres

    ペロニズム形成期(1943-46)における労働者の支持に関する新しい解釈を目指して : プロスペクト理論による1945年10月17日事件の分析から

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    小論は、ペロニズム形成期(1943-46)における労働者のペロン支持をめぐって今日まで存在してきた二つの主要な解釈に対抗して第三の解釈を提示することを目的としている。すなわち、ひとつの解釈は、ペロンの主たる支持者が農村から都市に移動して間もない新しい労働者であり、彼らはペロンの親労働者政策に魅了され、操作されたのであり、従って彼らの支持は非合理的なものであったとする。第二の解釈は、ペロニズムの形成期においては労働運動の経験をもつ旧来の労働者の少なからぬ部分(反対派がいたことを認めつつも)がペロンを支持したとの事実に注目し、彼らはペロンの政策が自分たちの利益に直結すると判断した結果としてペロンを支持したのであり、その支持は操作されたものでなく、自発的で合理的であったとする。これに対して、小論は旧労働者の支持を重視する点では第二の説と同じだが、旧労働者のペロン支持の中に、単なる合理性では捉え切れない心理的な要因が介在したことを強調する。なかでも、軍部の圧力で逮捕されたペロンを、旧労働者を含めた多数の労働者が大デモを敢行して彼の釈放に成功した事件(1945年10月17日事件)を取り上げ、デモのきっかけとなったともいわれるCGT (労働総同盟)のゼネスト戦術が、単に旧労働者の合理的判断の結果としではなく、むしろ、プロスペクト理論で言う損失局面における危険受容型行動の一例として解釈できることを主張する。こうした作業を通して、ペロニズムさらにはラテンアメリカのポピュリズム研究において、心理的側面を無視すべきでないことを提言したい。This article intends to challenge the two main interpretations on labor's support to Peronism duringits initial period (1943-46). One stresses the support given by new workers who came from rural areas to the metropolitan areas around Buenos Aires during the 1930s and 1940s. They were not accustomed to urban life and industrial works so they were manipulated by Perón's pro-labor policies. In short, their support was irrational- The other stresses the support offered by old workers with much experience in the labor movement. They were so dissatisfied with the conservative regime (1930-43) that they supported Perón as a rational choice to improve their labor conditions. This article pays attention to the fact that the old workers sometimes showed a psychological support to Perón, especially during the incident of 17 October 1945. Their national labor center called the CGT(Confederación General del Trabajo) approved on october 16 to launch a risky general strike in protest against the arrest of Perón. This aggressiveness of the CGT was considered irrelevant by the first interpretation, because according to it, the October 17 incident was carried out chiefly by new workers spontaneously and independently from all the labor organizations. The second interpretation considered that the CGT played an inportant role in mobilizing the mass demonstration for the next day and one author arguments that the CGT decided the general strike to maintain its prestige as a national center by accepting demands for general strike claimed from below. On the other hand, this article analyzes the decision of the CGT applying prospect theory, arguing that the old workers' attitude demonstrated risk acceptance under the loss domain in which they had fallen because of Perón's detention. In short, it is an effort to insert a psychological analysis to understand the origen of Peronism in a different way from the previous stuadies

    原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症, 尿管ポリープおよび腎盂結石を伴ったKlinefelter症候群の1例

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    副甲状腺機能亢進症, 右尿管ポリープ, および右腎盂結石を合併したKlinefelter症候群の1例を経験し, その臨床経過を報告するとともに文献的考察を加えた。〔症例〕 55歳男性で右側腹部痛を主訴として来院した。理学的所見で外陰部は男性型であるが発育不良で両側睾丸は小さくeunuchoidal habitusを呈した。既往歴に右尿管結石で5回自然排石が認められたほかに, 16年前gynecomastiaのためmastectomyを受けた事がある。身長171 cm, arm span 177.8 cmで体毛は少なく染色体検査は47XXYでKlinefelter症候群と診断した。血清LH, FSHは高値でテストステロン値は低値を示した。排泄性腎盂造影で右水腎症と右腎孟結石が認められ, 逆行性腎盂造影により右尿管上部に水腎症の原因となる腫瘍による多発性陰影欠損がみられ, 尿細胞診も悪性腫瘍を疑わせたため, 右腎尿管全摘術を施行した。尿管腫瘍は組織学的には多発性の尿管ポリープであった。血清Ca, Pは正常範囲内であるがhypercalciuriaがみられ, %TRPも54%と低値で副甲状腺ホルモン値も高いため, 原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症を疑いcervical explorationを施行した。副甲状腺は, diffuse hyperplasiaを呈し3/4副甲状腺亜全摘術と胸腺摘出術を行った。摘出した胸腺内には異所性副甲状腺組織は認められなかった。文献的に本症候群には糖尿病, 甲状腺機能不全, 下垂体牲腺機能不全などのいくつかの内分泌機能障害が報告されている。しかし本症候群に副甲状腺機能充進を合併した報告は過去に1例をみるにすぎない。副甲状腺機能亢進症の診断上, %TRPと静脈カテーテルによる頸部静脈血のmultiple samplingによる副甲状腺ホルモン測定の意義について言及した。Herein is reported a case of 47 XXV-Klinefelter's syndrome associated with ureteral polyps, renal pelvic stone and primary hyperparathyroidism. To the best of our knowledge, this is the second patient reported to have Klinefelter's syndrome coexisting with primary hyperparathyroidism. Frequent endocrinological disorders in the patients with Klinefelter's syndrome and diagnostic problems for hyperparathyroidism and ureteral polyps are discussed

    Effective Resistance Mismatch and Magnetoresistance of a CPP-GMR system with Current-Confined-Paths

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    We theoretically study the magnetoresistance of a CPP-GMR system with current confined paths (CCP) in the framework of Valet-Fert theory. The continuity equations for charge and spin currents are numerically solved with the three-dimensional CCP geometry by use of finite element method. It is confirmed that the MR ratio is enhanced by the CCP structure, which is consistent with the experimental results. Moreover, we find that there exists a certain contact width which maximize the MR ratio. We show that the contact width which maximize the MR ratio is well described by the effective resistance matching.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 1- and 3-Mediated Hyperalgesia and Hypoalgesia in Diabetic Neuropathic Pain Models in Mice

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    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) signaling is known to play key roles in the initiation and maintenance of various chronic pain models. Here we examined whether LPA signaling is also involved in diabetes-induced abnormal pain behaviors. The high-fat diet (HFD) showing elevation of blood glucose levels and body weight caused thermal, mechanical hyperalgesia, hypersensitivity to 2000 or 250 Hz electrical-stimulation and hyposensitivity to 5 Hz stimulation to the paw in wild-type (WT) mice. These HFD-induced abnormal pain behaviors and body weight increase, but not elevated glucose levels were abolished in LPA1−/− and LPA3−/− mice. Repeated daily intrathecal (i.t.) treatments with LPA1/3 antagonist AM966 reversed these abnormal pain behaviors. Similar abnormal pain behaviors and their blockade by daily AM966 (i.t.) or twice daily Ki16425, another LPA1/3 antagonist was also observed in db/db mice which show high glucose levels and body weight. Furthermore, streptozotocin-induced similar abnormal pain behaviors, but not elevated glucose levels or body weight loss were abolished in LPA1−/− and LPA3−/− mice. These results suggest that LPA1 and LPA3 play key roles in the development of both type I and type II diabetic neuropathic pain