92 research outputs found

    Influences of implant neck design and implant–abutment joint type on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micromovement: Three-dimensional finite element analysis

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    Objectives: Occlusal overloading is one of the causes of peri-implant bone resorption, and many studies on stress distribution in the peri-implant bone by three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) have been performed. However, the FEA models previously reported were simplified and far from representing what occurs in clinical situations. In this study, 3D FEA was conducted with simulation of the complex structure of dental implants, and the influences of neck design and connections with an abutment on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micromovement were investigated. Methods: Three types of two-piece implant CAD models were designed: external joint with a conical tapered neck (EJ), internal joint with a straight neck (IJ), and conical joint with a reverse conical neck (CJ). 3D FEA was performed with the setting of a “contact” condition at the component interface, and stress distribution in the peri-implant bone and abutment micromovement were analyzed. Results: The shear stress was concentrated on the mesiodistal side of the cortical bone for EJ. EJ had the largest amount of abutment micromovement. While the von Mises and shear stresses around the implant neck were concentrated on the labial bone for IJ, they were distributed on the mesiodistal side of the cortical bone for CJ. CJ had the least amount of abutment micromovement. Significance: Implants with a conical joint with an abutment and reverse conical neck design may effectively control occlusal overloading on the labial bone and abutment micromovement.Yamanishi Y., Yamaguchi S., Imazato S., et al. Influences of implant neck design and implant–abutment joint type on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micromovement: Three-dimensional finite element analysis. Dental Materials 28, 1126 (2012); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2012.07.160

    Effects of the implant design on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micromovement: Three-dimensional finite element analysis of original computer-aided design models

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    Background: Occlusal overloading causes peri-implant bone resorption. Previous studies examined stress distribution in alveolar bone around commercial implants using three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis. However, the commercial implants contained some different designs. The purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of the target design on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micromovement. Methods: Six 3D implant models were created for different implant-abutment joints: 1) internal joint model (IM); 2) external joint model (EM); 3) straight abutment (SA) shape; 4) tapered abutment (TA) shapes; 5) platform switching (PS) in the IM; and 6) modified TA neck design (reverse conical neck [RN]). A static load of 100 N was applied to the basal ridge surface of the abutment at a 45-degree oblique angle to the long axis of the implant. Both stress distribution in peri-implant bone and abutment micromovement in the SA and TA models were analyzed. Results: Compressive stress concentrated on labial cortical bone and tensile stress on the palatal side in the EM and on the labial side in the IM. There was no difference in maximum principal stress distribution for SA and TA models. Tensile stress concentration was not apparent on labial cortical bone in the PS model (versus IM). Maximum principal stress concentrated more on peri-implant bone in the RN than in the TA model. The TA model exhibited less abutment micromovement than the SA model. Conclusion: This study reveals the effects of the design of specific components on peri-implant bone stress and abutment displacement after implant-supported single restoration in the anterior maxilla.This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article:Yamanishi Y., Yamaguchi S., Imazato S., et al. Effects of the implant design on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micromovement: Three-dimensional finite element analysis of original computer-aided design models. Journal of Periodontology 85, (2014), which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1902/jop.2014.140107. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

    Influence of implant length and diameter, bicortical anchorage, and sinus augmentation on bone stress distribution: Three-dimensional finite element analysis

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    Purpose: Clarification of the protocol for using short implants is required to enable widespread use of short implants as an available treatment option. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of implant length and diameter, bicortical anchorage, and sinus augmentation on peri-implant cortical bone stress by three-dimensional finite element analysis. Materials and Methods: For bone models with bone quantity A and C in the maxillary molar region, three-dimensional finite element analysis was performed using different lengths and diameters of implant computer-aided design models, and the degree of maximum principal stress distribution for each model was calculated. Results: For bone quantity A models, the degree of stress distribution of the 4-mm-diameter, 6-mm-length implant was the greatest. For bone quantity C models, the degree of stress distribution of the 5-mm-diameter, 6-mm-length implant with bicortical anchorage was much smaller than that for the 4-mm-diameter, 13-mm-length implant with sinus augmentation. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that 6-mm-length implants should be selected in cases with bone quantity C where the bone width permits increasing implant diameter from 4 mm to 5 mm.Moriwaki H., Yamaguchi S., Nakano T., et al. Influence of implant length and diameter, bicortical anchorage, and sinus augmentation on bone stress distribution: Three-dimensional finite element analysis. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 31, 84 (2016); https://doi.org/10.11607/jomi.4217

    Optical impression method to measure three-dimensional position and orientation of dental implants using an optical tracker

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to devise an optical impression method that could make impressions of dental implants accurately and rapidly. Materials and methods: Four paper markers (4 × 3 mm, 8 × 6 mm, 16 × 12 mm, and 24 × 18 mm) and one titanium marker (8 × 6 mm) were prepared to determine the measuring accuracy of the three-dimensional optical tracker. For a proposed and conventional impression taking method, we compared the reproduction accuracies of the positions and orientations of dental implants and the times to obtain impressions. Finally, we fabricated computer-aided designing (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) superstructure frameworks to determine the adaptation accuracy. Results: The 8 × 6-mm titanium marker was optimal among the prepared markers. Dental implants made by the proposed and conventional impression taking methods had measurement errors of 71 ± 31 μm and 32 ± 18 μm, respectively. The proposed method took a significantly shorter time to obtain an impression than did the conventional method. The connection between the CAD/CAM superstructure frameworks and four implant analogs had uplifts of 55 ± 10 μm, 94 ± 35 μm, 2 ± 1 μm, and 66 ± 3 μm. Conclusion: Our proposed method and fabricated titanium markers enabled us to measure the positions and orientations of dental implants both accurately and rapidly. We then used the reproducible measurement results for the positions and orientations of the dental implants to fabricate CAD/CAM superstructure frameworks within an acceptable accuracy range. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Ono S., Yamaguchi S., Kusumoto N., et al. Optical impression method to measure three-dimensional position and orientation of dental implants using an optical tracker. Clinical Oral Implants Research 24, 1117 (2013), which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0501.2012.02519.x.. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

    Effects of implant–abutment connection type and inter-implant distance on inter-implant bone stress and microgap: Three-dimensional finite element analysis

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    The attainment of a good aesthetic outcome in dental implant treatment requires inter-implant papilla reconstruction, which is very difficult to perform. Maintenance of the inter-implant bone is essential for maintenance of the inter-implant papilla. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanical influences of the implant–abutment connection type and inter-implant distance on the inter-implant bone by using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Three computer-aided design models of two-piece implants were designed: external connection (EC), internal connection (IC), and conical connection (CC). In each model, two identical implants were placed with inter-implant distances of 3.0, 2.5, and 2.0 mm. The maximum principal stress and microgap were evaluated. The stress values of the inter-implant bone decreased in the following order: IC, EC, and CC. The microgap decreased in the following order: EC, IC, and CC. Regardless of the type of implant– abutment connection, the stress of the inter-implant bone increased as the inter-implant distance decreased. The microgap barely changed as the inter-implant distance decreased. A CC implant is a mechanically advantageous implant–abutment connection type for maintenance of the inter-implant bone. With an inter-implant distance of less than 3.0 mm, use of a CC implant might suppress absorption of the inter-implant bone.Matsuoka T., Nakano T., Yamaguchi S., et al. Effects of implant–abutment connection type and inter-implant distance on inter-implant bone stress and microgap: Three-dimensional finite element analysis. Materials 14, 2421 (2021); https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14092421

    Clinical application of removable partial dentures using thermoplastic resin—Part I: Definition and indication of non-metal clasp dentures

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    AbstractThis position paper proposes a definition and naming standard for removable partial dentures (RPDs) using thermoplastic resin, and presents a guideline for clinical application. A panel of 14 experts having broad experience with clinical application of RPDs using thermoplastic resin was selected from members of the Japan Prosthodontic Society. At a meeting of the panel, “non-metal clasp denture” was referred as the generic name of RPDs with retentive elements (resin clasps) made of thermoplastic resin. The panel classified non-metal clasp dentures into two types: one with a flexible structure that lacks a metal framework and the other having a rigid structure that includes a metal framework. According to current prosthetic principles, flexible non-metal clasp dentures are not recommended as definitive dentures, except for limited cases such as patients with a metal allergy. Rigid non-metal clasp dentures are recommended in cases where patients will not accept metal clasps for esthetic reasons. Non-metal clasp dentures should follow the same design principles as conventional RPDs using metal clasps

    Functional tooth number and mortality

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    Aim: Previous studies on the association between intraoral conditions and mortality in community-dwelling older individuals reported that fewer present teeth (PT) are significant risk factors for mortality. However, how the number of PT relative to the number of functional teeth (FT), including both present and rehabilitated teeth, influences mortality has not been investigated fully. This study examined the impact of the number of FT on mortality among community-dwelling Japanese older adults. Methods: This study was a retrospective, observational and population-based follow-up study, which examined 1188 older individuals who participated in an annual geriatric health examination from 2009 to 2015. The average follow-up period was 1697.0 ± 774.5 days. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality at follow-up. The numbers of PT and FT of each participant were counted during an oral examination. In addition, demographics, clinical variables, blood nutrient markers, physical functions and perceived masticatory function were measured. Results: Kaplan–Meier analysis, followed by a log-rank test, revealed that fewer PT (P < 0.001) and FT (P = 0.002) were significantly associated with a reduced survival rate. Cox's proportional hazard analysis indicated that the number of FT, but not the number of PT, was a significant independent mortality risk factor after adjusting for demographics, clinical variables, nutrient markers and physical functioning (P = 0.036, hazard ratio: 2.089). Conclusions: Current results suggest that the number of FT more strongly predicts all-cause mortality than the number of PT among community-dwelling older adults. Further studies are necessary to consider the confounding of socioeconomic status and disability status

    Number of functional teeth more strongly predicts all‐cause mortality than number of present teeth in Japanese older adults

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    Aim Previous studies on the association between intraoral conditions and mortality in community‐dwelling older individuals reported that fewer present teeth (PT) are significant risk factors for mortality. However, how the number of PT relative to the number of functional teeth (FT), including both present and rehabilitated teeth, influences mortality has not been investigated fully. This study examined the impact of the number of FT on mortality among community‐dwelling Japanese older adults. Methods This study was a retrospective, observational and population‐based follow‐up study, which examined 1188 older individuals who participated in an annual geriatric health examination from 2009 to 2015. The average follow‐up period was 1697.0 ± 774.5 days. The primary outcome was all‐cause mortality at follow‐up. The numbers of PT and FT of each participant were counted during an oral examination. In addition, demographics, clinical variables, blood nutrient markers, physical functions and perceived masticatory function were measured. Results Kaplan–Meier analysis, followed by a log‐rank test, revealed that fewer PT (P  Conclusions Current results suggest that the number of FT more strongly predicts all‐cause mortality than the number of PT among community‐dwelling older adults. Further studies are necessary to consider the confounding of socioeconomic status and disability status