2,501 research outputs found

    Recent advances in ultrafast laser processing of transparent materials

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    Interaction of intense ulrashort light pulses with transparent materials reveal new interesting properties and phenomena. Recent demonstrations of 3D nanoripple formation, self-assembled form birefringency and ultrafast laser calligraphy are reviewed

    New phenomena in interaction of intense ultrashort light pulses with transparent materials: from 3D self-assembled nanostructures to quill writing and nonreciprocal photosensitivity

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    Interaction of intense ulrashort light pulses with transparent materials reveal new ultrafast phenomena. Recent demonstrations of 3D nanoripple formation, ultrafast laser calligraphy and nonreciprocal photosensitivity are reviewed

    Femtosecond laser nanostructuring of transparent materials: from bulk to fiber lasers

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    Progress in high power ultra-short pulse lasers has opened new frontiers in the physics of light-matter interactions and laser material processing. Recently there has been considerable interest in the application of femtosecond lasers to writing inside transparent materials and in particular to fabrication of three-dimensional microstructures

    Leaky Lamb Wave Along VCR Magnetic Tapes

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    High recording density with the home-use digital VCRs requires the use of narrow tracks, short recording wavelength, and thin magnetic tapes. Knowledge of Young’s modulus of the tape is essential for the precise positioning of the tape on the rotating drums and then a stable tape-to-head interface. The magnetic tapes usually show different Young’s moduli for the machine direction (MD) and the transverse direction (TD) [1]. The anisotropy develops mainly in the base film of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) through the partial crystallization and the crystallite orientation alignment during the stretching process on the tapes [2], while the original PET sheet, from which the tapes are cut, shows much less anisotropy. This situation requires the determination of Young’s moduli for both MD and TD of the tape. The tapes on play are straightened by tensile loads, which should be controlled with Young’s modulus for the MD. Too much load may distort the recorded tracks or damage the tape. Besides, the vertical load is applied onto both edges of the running tape by the guiding rollers. Again, too much load may induce the tape buckling. Critical load is proportional to the Young’s modulus in the TD. Large moduli are desirable for both directions

    Earthquake-Induced Settlement in Soft Grounds

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    Earthquake-induced settlements in clay is derived from both undrained shear deformation and post-earthquake volume change. The former is assumed to be time-independent while the latter must be time-dependent. To determine the characteristics of cyclic-induced settlements, the authors have carried out a family of cyclic triaxial tests followed by drainage on the plastic marine clay. In every test, shear strain and excess pore pressure were measured during undrained stage and volume change was measured during dissipation of excess pore pressure. In the present study, in particular, the results from cyclic triaxial tests were formulated in order to predict the variations of pore pressure with number of load cycles. An excess pore pressure model was used together with the consolidation theory to evaluate the total settlements and their time-dependent variations due to dissipation of cyclic-induced pore pressure. The results of analysis using the proposed method provide a basis for evaluating the post-earthquake settlement in soft grounds

    Material processing using ultrashort light pulses with tilted front

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    Femtosecond laser writing in glass is controlled by the polarization plane azimuth and intensity front tilt of light pulse. Polarization dependent distribution of extraordinary modifications along the light propagation direction is observed

    Revealing extraordinary properties of femtosecond laser writing in glass

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    Modification of transparent materials with ultrafast lasers has attracted considerable interest due to a wide range of applications including laser surgery, integrated optics, optical data storage, 3D micro- and nano-structuring [1].Three different types of material modifications can be induced with ultrafast laser irradiation in the bulk of a transparent material, silica glass in particular: an isotropic refractive index change (type 1); a form birefringence associated with self-assembled nanogratings and negative refractive index change (type 2) [2,3]; and a void (type 3). In fused silica the transition from type 1 to type 2 and finally to type 3 modification is observed with an increase of fluence. Recently, a remarkable phenomenon in ultrafast laser processing of transparent materials has been reported manifesting itself as a change in material modification by reversing the writing direction [4]. The phenomenon has been interpreted in terms of anisotropic plasma heating by a tilted front of the ultrashort laser pulse. Moreover a change in structural modification has been demonstrated in glass by controlling the direction of pulse front tilt, achieving a calligraphic style of laser writing which is similar in appearance to that inked with the bygone quill pen [5]. It has also been a common belief that in a homogeneous medium, the photosensitivity and corresponding light-induced material modifications do not change on the reversal of light propagation direction. More recently it have observed that in a noncentrosymmetric medium, modification of the material can be different when light propagates in opposite directions (KaYaSo effect) [6]. Non-reciprocity is produced by magnetic field (Faraday effect) and movement of the medium with respect to the direction of light propagation: parallel (Sagnac effect) or perpendicular (KaYaSo effect). Moreover a new phenomenon of ultrafast light blade, representing itself the first evidence of anisotropic sensitivity of isotropic medium to femtosecond laser radiation has been recently discovered [7]. We attribute these new phenomena to the anisotropy of the light-matter interaction caused by space-time couplings in ultrashort light pulses. This intrinsic spatio-temporal asymmetry of light opens an interesting opportunity in the control of photon flux interacting with a target submerged into condensed isotropic medium. We anticipate that the observed phenomena will open new opportunities in laser material processing, laser surgery, optical manipulation and data storage
