25 research outputs found

    Implementation of remote monitoring and diffraction evaluation systems at the Photon Factory macromolecular crystallography beamlines

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    At the Photon Factory macromolecular crystallography beamlines, two new functions, remote monitoring and diffraction image evaluation, have been developed and installed on the beamline controlling system STARS (simple transmission and retrieval system)

    UV LED lighting for automated crystal centring

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    A low-cost light-emitting diode (LED) UV source has been developed for facilitating macromolecular sample centring in the X-ray beam

    High-throughput operation of sample-exchange robots with double tongs at the Photon Factory beamlines

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    Sample-exchange robots with a double-tongs system that could exchange samples within 10 s have been developed

    2D-Time of Flight MR Angiography in Intrathoracic Masses

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    正常ボランティア5例, 胸部腫瘤性病変の患者15例に対してMR Angiographyを施行した.MRAは, 6秒の息、止めでFLASH法(TR=20msec, TE=8msec, Flip angle=30°)を用いて撮像した像から作成した.全ての症例で胸部大動脈, 上大静脈, 下大静脈, 肺動脈及び肺静脈根部など太い血管の明瞭なMRA像が得られ, 腫瘤とそれら大血管系との関係が把握しやすく胸部腫瘤性病変の評価に有用と考えられた.MR Angiography of the thorax was performed in 5 healthy volunteers and 15 patients with intrathoracic masses. 2D-MRA was obtained sequentially by means of a fast low angle shot(FLASH)technique(TR=20msec.TE=8msec, Flip angle=30within a 6-second period of breath holding. MRA for great vessels was successfully completed in all volunteers and all patients. The relation between tumor and vasculature can be visualized so definitely that MRA may be thought to be a promising complement to MR imaging in the evaluation of intrathoracic masses

    Kinematic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the normal shoulder: assessment of the shapes and signals of the superior and inferior labra with abductive movement using an open-type imager.

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    A preliminary study was conducted to evaluate the superior and inferior glenoid labra with abductive movement using an open-type MR unit in asymptomatic healthy volunteers. Both fast low angle shot (FLASH) and turbo spin echo (TSE) images were obtained to evaluate the shapes of both the superior and inferior labra, as well as to assess changes in signal at these sites. As the abduction angle was increased, the shape of the superior labrum changed from round or triangular to crescentic and a higher signal was frequently seen. At an abduction angle of 150 degrees, an increase in signal was seen in one-half of the superior labra; this increase was noted more frequently in volunteers over 40 years of age. In some of the superior labra, the increase in signal seen at 150 degrees abduction disappeared on subsequent images obtained at 0 degrees abduction. Hence, the increase in signal was considered to be a reversible change. The shape of the inferior labrum tended to change from crescentic to triangular or round. An increase in signal in the inferior labrum was unrelated to the abduction angle. Abductive kinematic studies using an open-type MR unit provides information about the morphology of the superior and inferior labra, as well as information about signal changes occurring at these sites.</p

    A Case of Panniculitis of the Sigmoid Colon Recovered with Surgical Treatment

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