2,018 research outputs found

    High Kondo temperature (TK ~ 80 K) in self-assembled InAs quantum dots laterally coupled to nanogap electrodes

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    We have fabricated single electron tunneling structures by forming nanogap metallic electrodes directly upon single self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs). The fabricated samples exhibited clear Coulomb blockade effects. Furthermore, a clear Kondo effect was observed when strong coupling between the electrodes and the QDs was realized using a large QD with a diameter of ~ 100 nm. From the temperature dependence of the linear conductance at the Kondo valley, the Kondo temperature TK was determined to be ~ 81 K. This is the highest TK ever reported for artificial quantum nanostructures.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Fabrication of graphene nanoribbon by local anodic oxidation lithography using atomic force microscope

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    We conducted local anodic oxidation (LAO) lithography in single-layer, bilayer, and multilayer graphene using tapping-mode atomic force microscope. The width of insulating oxidized area depends systematically on the number of graphene layers. An 800-nm-wide bar-shaped device fabricated in single-layer graphene exhibits the half-integer quantum Hall effect. We also fabricated a 55-nm-wide graphene nanoribbon (GNR). The conductance of the GNR at the charge neutrality point was suppressed at low temperature, which suggests the opening of an energy gap due to lateral confinement of charge carriers. These results show that LAO lithography is an effective technique for the fabrication of graphene nanodevices.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Transport properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors: Dynamical mean field theory and Boltzmann theory

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    The transport properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) are calculated using dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) and Boltzmann transport theory. Within DMFT we study the density of states and the dc-resistivity, which are strongly parameter dependent such as temperature, doping, density of the carriers, and the strength of the carrier-local impurity spin exchange coupling. Characteristic qualitative features are found distinguishing weak, intermediate, and strong carrier-spin coupling and allowing quantitative determination of important parameters defining the underlying ferromagnetic mechanism. We find that spin-disorder scattering, formation of bound state, and the population of the minority spin band are all operational in DMFT in different parameter range. We also develop a complementary Boltzmann transport theory for scattering by screened ionized impurities. The difference in the screening properties between paramagnetic (T>TcT>T_c) and ferromagnetic (T<TcT<T_c) states gives rise to the temperature dependence (increase or decrease) of resistivity, depending on the carrier density, as the system goes from the paramagnetic phase to the ferromagnetic phase. The metallic behavior below TcT_c for optimally doped DMS samples can be explained in the Boltzmann theory by temperature dependent screening and thermal change of carrier spin polarization.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Electrical control of Kondo effect and superconducting transport in a side-gated InAs quantum dot Josephson junction

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    We measure the non-dissipative supercurrent in a single InAs self-assembled quantum dot (QD) coupled to superconducting leads. The QD occupation is both tuned by a back-gate electrode and lateral side-gate. The geometry of the side-gate allows tuning of the QD-lead tunnel coupling in a region of constant electron number with appropriate orbital state. Using the side-gate effect we study the competition between Kondo correlations and superconducting pairing on the QD, observing a decrease in the supercurrent when the Kondo temperature is reduced below the superconducting energy gap in qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions

    Spin transport through a single self-assembled InAs quantum dot with ferromagnetic leads

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    We have fabricated a lateral double barrier magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) which consists of a single self-assembled InAs quantum dot (QD) with ferromagnetic Co leads. The MTJ shows clear hysteretic tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) effect, which is evidence for spin transport through a single semiconductor QD. The TMR ratio and the curve shapes are varied by changing the gate voltage.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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