16 research outputs found

    Massenkult und Todessymbolik in der nationalsozialistischen Architektur

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    Digitised version produced by the EUI Library and made available online in 2020

    The ascertainment of customary law : what is ascertainment of customary law and what is it for?

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    Traditional communities are no longer homogeneous. Before, basically everybody knew what the law of the community was. There is a growing understanding that the legal complexity experienced in urban settlements where various customary laws apply needs attention. There is also a growing acceptance that the verdict of the chief is not necessarily the last word: dissatisfied parties may take that verdict on appeal to a state court whose judges will not necessarily know what the customary law applied by the court a quo.The Namibian approach to ascertaining customary law has become known as the self-statement of customary law. Self-stating customary law refers to a process of ascertaining customary law by the owners of the law to be ascertained, namely the people and the traditional leaders as the custodians of customary law. The most important element in self-stating is that the end result will be a product created in the community that is required to follow and apply the law concerned.The fact that the author of this paper - based on his experience with customary law in Namibia - had the opportunity to work for the then Ministry of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development of the Government of Southern Sudan and the United Nations Development Programme in the development of a customary law strategy for Southern Sudan adds special value to the Namibian experience and its analysis. Las comunidades tradicionales ya no son homog&eacute;neas. Antes todo el mundo conoc&iacute;a cu&aacute;l era la ley de la comunidad. Sin embargo, cada vez se asume m&aacute;s que hay que prestar atenci&oacute;n a la complejidad legal existente en asentamientos urbanos en los que se aplican diferentes derechos consuetudinarios. Tambi&eacute;n hay una creciente aceptaci&oacute;n de que el veredicto del jefe no es necesariamente la &uacute;ltima palabra: las partes descontentas pueden recurrir el veredicto ante un tribunal estatal, cuyos jueces puede que no conozcan el derecho consuetudinario aplicado por el tribunal a quo.El enfoque de Namibia para determinar el derecho consuetudinario se conoce como la auto-afirmaci&oacute;n del derecho consuetudinario. Por auto-afirmaci&oacute;n se entiende el proceso de establecer el derecho consuetudinario por los propietarios del derecho que se va a determinar, concretamente el pueblo y los l&iacute;deres tradicionales, como conservadores del derecho consuetudinario. El elemento m&aacute;s importante en la auto-afirmaci&oacute;n es que el resultado final ser&aacute; un producto creado dentro de la comunidad que est&aacute; obligada a cumplir y aplicar la ley en cuesti&oacute;n.El hecho de que el autor de este art&iacute;culo &ndash;basado en su experiencia con el derecho consuetudinario en Namibia&ndash; tuviera la oportunidad de trabajar para el entonces Ministerio de Asuntos Jur&iacute;dicos y Desarrollo Constitucional del Gobierno de Sud&aacute;n del Sur y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, en el desarrollo de una estrategia de derecho consuetudinario para Sud&aacute;n del Sur, ofrece un valor a&ntilde;adido a la experiencia de Namibia y su an&aacute;lisis. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2100337</p

    The Dualism of Contemporary Traditional Governance and the State

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    In many parts of the world, people live in “dual polities”: they are governed by the state and organize collective decision making within their ethnic community according to traditional rules. We examine the substantial body of works on the traditional–state dualism, focusing on the internal organization of traditional polities, their interaction with the state, and the political consequences of the dualism. We find the descriptions of the internal organization of traditional polities scattered and lacking comparative perspective. The literature on the interaction provides a good starting point for theorizing the strategic role of traditional leaders as intermediaries, but large potentials for inference remain underexploited. Studies on the consequences of “dual polities” for democracy, conflict, and development are promising in their explanatory endeavor, but they do not yet allow for robust conclusions. We therefore propose an institutionalist research agenda addressing the need for theory and for systematic data collection and explanatory approaches

    Revolutionsgebärde und politische Disziplinierung im italienischen Futurismus

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    Defence date: 23 April 1982Examining board: Prof. Rudolf Wildenmann, Vorsitzender ; Prof. Maurice Cranston ; Prof. A. Moulakis ; Prof. E. NolteFirst made available onilne: 16 October 201

    Die Zukunft der Katastrophe : mythische und rationalistische Geschichtstheorie im italienischen Futurismus

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    Digitised version produced by the EUI Library and made available online in Open Access in 2021 for research or private study purposesPublished version of EUI PhD thesis, 198

    Customary Law Ascertained Volume 2 : The Customary Law of the Bakgalagari, Batswana and Damara Communities of Namibia

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    Customary Law Ascertained Volume 2 is the second of a three volume series in which traditional authorities in Namibia present the customary laws of their communities. It contains the laws of the Bakgalagari, the Batswana ba Namibia and the Damara communities. The recognised traditional authorities in Namibia are expected to ascertain the customary law applicable in their respective communities and to note the most important aspects of the laws in written form. The Ministry of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development, and the Council of Traditional Leaders therefore initiated the ascertainment of customary law. The ascertainment project is housed in the Human Rights and Documentation Centre of the University of Namibia. The former Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Namibia, Professor Manfred O. Hinz, has directed the project since its inception

    Customary Law Ascertained Volume 3 : The Customary Law of the Nama, Ovaherero, Ovambanderu, and San Communities of Namibia

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    Customary Law Ascertained Volume 3 is the third of a three-volume series in which traditional authorities in Namibia present the customary laws of their communities. It contains the laws of the Nama, Ovaherero, Ovambanderu, and San communities. Volume 2 contained the customary laws of the Bakgalagari, the Batswana ba Namibia and the Damara communities. Recognised traditional authorities in Namibia are expected to ascertain the customary law applicable in their respective communities after consultation with the members of that community, and to note the most important aspect of such law in written form. This series is the result of that process, It has been facilitated but the Human Rights and Documentation Centre of the University of Namibia, through the former Dean of the Law Faculty, Professor Manfred Hinz