4 research outputs found
Impulse measurement and analysis using a smartphone accelerometer
In this research, we will learn about the concept, measurement and analysis of an impulse using a smartphone accelerometer. The impulse measurements were performed in several experimental conditions such as free-fall objects hitting a sand surface, two cars in collision and straight punching (boxing jab). During the experimental process, the acceleration of objects (such as children's toys and smartphones) is measured using a smartphone accelerometer application. Then, the acceleration versus time data were analysed to determine the impulse characteristic, such as the time interval and area of the impulse, and it was compared with the motion analysis using video (image) analysis. We hope this alternative apparatus is a valuable, low-cost and straightforward experiment for physics laboratories or sports science analysis
The effect of temperature and humidity on vo2max of PPLP athletes in Java, Indonesia
Efek dari lingkungan yang panas pada kinerja aerobik belum didokumentasikan dengan baik. Suhu dan kelembaban suatu lingkungan berpengaruh terhadap fisiologis tubuh dan dapat memengaruhi penampilan fisik, serta proses oxygen intake (VO2Max) yang kurang optimal. Hal ini menimbulkan sebuah pertanyaan apakah suhu lingkungan dapat berpengaruh terhadap kondisi tubuh pada saat berolahraga. Dengan demikian tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji efek suhu lingkungan yang berbeda terhadap VO2max pada atlet PPLP se-Pulau Jawa Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi observasional, di manaeneliti hanya melakukan observasi pada satu saat, tanpa memberikan intervensi pada variabel yang akan diteliti. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 80 Atlet PPLP se-Pulau Jawa. Di antaranya yaitu; Jawa Tengah (20 Atlet), Jawa Timur (20 Atlet), Jawa Barat (20 Atlet) dan DIY Yogyakarta (20 Atlet). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa VO2max secara signifikan dapat berkurang pada suhu dan kelembaban 34°C/70% dan 32°C/60% dibandingkan dengan suhu dan kelembaban 23°C/69% dan 31°C/50%. Kinerja aerob sangat dipengaruhi oleh fungsi kardiovaskular. Lingkungan yang panas meningkatkan aliran darah kulit yang mengubah fungsi kardiovaskular. Sehingga hal ini dapat memengaruhi penurunan terhadap oxygen intake (VO2max).The effects of a hot environment on aerobic performance study have not been well documented. The temperature and humidity of an environment affect the body's physiology, influence physical appearance, and affect the less advantageous process of oxygen intake (VO2Max). Hence, a question arises in this study is the effect of environmental temperatures on the body condition while exercising. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to examine the effect of different environmental temperatures on VO2max of PPLP (Students education and training center/pusat pendidikan dan latihan pelajar) athletes in java island, Indonesia. This study employs an observational study method, in which the researcher only observes at one time, without intervention on the examined variables. The subjects are 80 PPLP athletes from Java, specifically 20 Athletes of Central Java, 20 Athletes of East Java,20 Athletes of West Java and 20 Athletes of Yogyakarta. The results of this study indicate that VO2max is significantly decreased at the air temperature of 34°C with relative humidity of 70% and the air temperature of 32°C with relative humidity of60% compared to the air temperature of 23°C with relative humidity of 69% and the air temperature of 31°C with relative humidity of 50%. Aerobic performance is intensely influenced by cardiovascular function. A hot environment increases the blood flow of the skin, which changes cardiovascular function. Consequently, this decreases oxygen intake (VO2max)
Latar belakang: Sports science menekankan pentingnya pengukuran kondisi fisik pada setiap cabang olahraga untuk menentukan metode latihan yang tepat, yang dapat digunakan oleh pelatih dalam membina atlet. Penelitian bermaksud untuk mengukur karakteristik fisiologi atlet muda PPLP di beberapa cabang olahraga prioritas Indonesia, seperti: Atletik, Pencak Silat dan Taekwondo. Metode: Dalam penelitian ini, seluruh subjek melakukan pengukuran antropometri dan kondisi fisik. Dimana dalam pengukuran antropometri, meliputi berat badan, tinggi badan, Body mass Index (BMI). Sedangkan pada uji kondisi fisik, pengukuran meliputi lompat vertikal, sprint 30 meter, dan cooper test 2.4 km. Hasil: Penelitian ini berhasil menunjukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif, rata-rata antropometri, daya tahan aerobik (VO2max), daya tahan anaerobik (lompat vertikal dan sprint 30 meter) pada atlet dari cabang olahraga Taekwondo, Pencak Silat, dan Atletik. Pada pengukuran antropometri, hanya atlet Pencak Silat (putra dan putri), yang memiliki tinggi badan di bawah rata-rata nilai normal yang ditetapkan WHO. Sementara pada pengukuran daya tahan anaerobik pada variable sprint 30 meter, hanya atlet Atletik putra yang masuk kedalam rentang nilai normal yang telah ditetapkan, sementara atlet pada cabang olahraga lainnya tidak masuk kedalam rentang nilai normal tersebut. Di sisi lain, tidak ada rata-rata hasil lompat vertikal yang dibawah nilai normal, pada ketiga cabang olahraga yang telah dilakukan pengukuran, baik putra dan putri pada setiap cabang. Sementara itu, hasil pengukuran VO2max juga mencatatakan bahwa seluruh atlet (putra dan putri) dari ketiga cabang olahraga yang diukur, memiliki hasil rata-rata VO2max yang normal dan cenderung sangat baik. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan tidak adanya hasil rata-rata VO2max yang berada dibawah rentang nilai normal yang telah ditetapkan. Kesimpulan: Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan screening latihan aerobic test (cooper test 2.4), anaerobic test (batrey test) yang meliputi lompat vertikal, sprint 30 meter dan cooper tes 2.4 km dapat digunakan dan efektif sebagai rangkaian metode dalam melakukan proses pencarian bakat dan pembinaan atlet muda di PPLP se-Pulau Jawa Background: Sports science emphasizes the importance of measuring physical conditions in each branch of sport to determine the right training methods, which can be used by coaches in fostering athletes. The research intends to measure the physiological characteristics of PPLP young athletes in several priority sport branches in Indonesia, such as: Athletics, Pencak Silat and Taekwondo. Methods: In this study, all subjects took anthropometric measurements and physical conditions. Where in anthropometric measurements, including body weight, height, Body mass Index (BMI). Whereas in physical condition tests, measurements vertical jumps, sprint 30 meters, and cooper test 2.4 km. Results: This research successfully demonstrated quantitatively and qualitatively, the average value of anthropometry, aerobic endurance (VO2max), anaerobic endurance (vertical jump and sprint 30 meter) in athletes from the Taekwondo, Pencak Silat, and Athletics branches. In anthropometric measurements, only martial arts athletes (male and female), who have a height below the average normal value determined by WHO. While in anaerobic endurance measurement in the 30 meter sprint variable, only male athletes enter the normal range that has been set, while athletes in other sports do not enter the normal range. On the other hand, there are no average vertical jump results below the normal value, in the three sports that have been measured, both male and female in each branch. Meanwhile, the results of VO2max measurements also stated that all athletes (male and female) from the three sports that were measured had normal VO2max results and tended to be very good. This is evidenced by the absence of an average VO2max result which is below the predetermined normal range. Conclusion: These findings indicate that anthropometric profile measurement and the use of aerobic test screening exercises (cooper test 2.4), as well as anaerobic tests (batrey tests) which include vertical jumps and, 30 meter sprints can be used and effectively as a series of methods in the process of finding talent and coaching young athletes in PPLP throughout JavaKata kunci: Aktivitas Fisik, Atlet, Cabang Olahraga, Antropometri, Kondisi Fisik
Differences of physiological characteristics of taekwondo junior players vs pencak silat junior players
Introduction: Because of the fact that detailed data on the physiological characteristics of Pencak Silat are still limited. The primary purpose of this study to assess the physiological responses of Pencak Silat athletes and a secondary aim is to compare the physiological responses of Pencak Silat athletes with physiological responses of Taekwondo athletes. Material and Methods: This study has included 17 male junior martial art athletes (aged 15-16 years). This study requires all participants to completed one familiarization session and two experimental sessions. During the first session (laboratory condition), anthropometry was measured in the laboratory, and during the second session (on-court condition), the participants completed tests for anaerobic capacity (sprint test 60-m, vertical jump, push-ups, and sit-ups) and VO2max test. Results: The statistical analysis revealed no significant differences in anthropometry, vertical-jump, sit-ups, push-ups, and 60-m sprint results among TKD and PKS groups. Furthermore, the TKD group had significantly higher VO2max (p=0.015), when compared with the PKS group. Conclusion: The present investigation describes similar physiological characterizes, such as weight, height, BMI, BMR, body fat and also performances of vertical jump, situps, push-ups, and 60-m sprint tests among Taekwondo and Pencak Silat athletes. However, in comparison with junior Pencak Silat athletes, the junior Taekwondo athletes have better VO2max