147 research outputs found

    Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder Presenting as Peritoneal Carcinomatosis

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    We report an unusual case of a 78-year-old Caucasian female, who presented with peritoneal carcinomatosis and hypercalcemia, and was found to have a rapidly progressive primary squamous cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Squamous cell bladder carcinoma is a rare malignancy in the United States, accounting for just 1–3% of bladder tumors. Interestingly our patient lacked the established risk factors, including exposure to the parasite Schistosoma haematobium, recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder calculi, radiation exposure, chronic indwelling catheter, neurogenic bladder, or tobacco abuse. Although hypercalcemia has been rarely described, an initial presentation of peritioneal carcinomatosis has not been previously reported

    On-site Cytology for Development of Patient-Derived Three-dimensional Organoid Cultures - A Pilot Study

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    BACKGROUND/AIM Development of patient-derived three-dimensional (3D) organoid cultures is an emerging technique in the field of precision oncology. We aimed to integrate on-site adequacy evaluation using cytology into the tumor organoid development workflow to ensure precise characterization and growth of these cultures. PATIENTS AND METHODS Cancer patients were consented to a Precision Medicine trial. Fresh tissue was procured for genomic analyses as well as organoid development. Fresh tissue destined for organoid development was evaluated by preparing on-site cytology smears to ensure that only lesional tissue would be submitted for further cell culture work. RESULTS Cytology preparations were made from 64 different tumor samples and evaluated prior to tissue submission for organoid development. In 53 (82.2%) of those tumor samples, the cytology preparation was diagnostic, thus providing adequate material for organoid development. CONCLUSION Characterizing the tissue prior to submission for organoid development ensures submission of lesional tissue only. Furthermore, it is a cost-effective method that can help document patient diagnosis. This can be of importance in biopsies, since the tissue submitted for organoid development cannot be retrieved for clinical diagnosis afterwards. Our findings in this pilot study led to the implementation of on-site cytological evaluation in the tumor organoid development workflow at the Englander Institute for Precision Medicine, NY, USA

    Tribbles 2 pseudokinase confers enzalutamide resistance in prostate cancer by promoting lineage plasticity

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    Enzalutamide, a second-generation antiandrogen, is commonly prescribed for the therapy of advanced prostate cancer, but enzalutamide-resistant, lethal, or incurable disease invariably develops. To understand the molecular mechanism(s) behind enzalutamide resistance, here, we comprehensively analyzed a range of prostate tumors and clinically relevant models by gene expression array, immunohistochemistry, and Western blot, which revealed that enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer cells and tumors overexpress the pseudokinase, Tribbles 2 (TRIB2). Inhibition of TRIB2 decreases the viability of enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer cells, suggesting a critical role of TRIB2 in these cells. Moreover, the overexpression of TRIB2 confers resistance in prostate cancer cells to clinically relevant doses of enzalutamide, and this resistance is lost upon inhibition of TRIB2. Interestingly, we found that TRIB2 downregulates the luminal markers androgen receptor and cytokeratin 8 in prostate cancer cells but upregulates the neuronal transcription factor BRN2 (Brain-2) and the stemness factor SOX2 (SRY-box 2) to induce neuroendocrine characteristics. Finally, we show that inhibition of either TRIB2 or its downstream targets, BRN2 or SOX2, resensitizes resistant prostate cancer cells to enzalutamide. Thus, TRIB2 emerges as a potential new regulator of transdifferentiation that confers enzalutamide resistance in prostate cancer cells via a mechanism involving increased cellular plasticity and lineage switching

    Unraveling the clonal hierarchy of somatic genomic aberrations

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    Defining the chronology of molecular alterations may identify milestones in carcinogenesis. To unravel the temporal evolution of aberrations from clinical tumors, we developed CLONET, which upon estimation of tumor admixture and ploidy infers the clonal hierarchy of genomic aberrations. Comparative analysis across 100 sequenced genomes from prostate, melanoma, and lung cancers established diverse evolutionary hierarchies, demonstrating the early disruption of tumor-specific pathways. The analyses highlight the diversity of clonal evolution within and across tumor types that might be informative for risk stratification and patient selection for targeted therapies. CLONET addresses heterogeneous clinical samples seen in the setting of precision medicine. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0439-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Epigenomic Alterations in Localized and Advanced Prostate Cancer

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    AbstractAlthough prostate cancer (PCa) is the second leading cause of cancer death among men worldwide, not all men diagnosed with PCa will die from the disease. A critical challenge, therefore, is to distinguish indolent PCa from more advanced forms to guide appropriate treatment decisions. We used Enhanced Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing, a genome-wide high-coverage single-base resolution DNA methylation method to profile seven localized PCa samples, seven matched benign prostate tissues, and six aggressive castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) samples. We integrated these data with RNA-seq and whole-genome DNA-seq data to comprehensively characterize the PCa methylome, detect changes associated with disease progression, and identify novel candidate prognostic biomarkers. Our analyses revealed the correlation of cytosine guanine dinucleotide island (CGI)-specific hypermethylation with disease severity and association of certain breakpoints (deletion, tandem duplications, and interchromosomal translocations) with DNA methylation. Furthermore, integrative analysis of methylation and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) uncovered widespread allele-specific methylation (ASM) for the first time in PCa. We found that most DNA methylation changes occurred in the context of ASM, suggesting that variations in tumor epigenetic landscape of individuals are partly mediated by genetic differences, which may affect PCa disease progression. We further selected a panel of 13 CGIs demonstrating increased DNA methylation with disease progression and validated this panel in an independent cohort of 20 benign prostate tissues, 16 PCa, and 8 aggressive CRPCs. These results warrant clinical evaluation in larger cohorts to help distinguish indolent PCa from advanced disease

    Allele-informed copy number evaluation of plasma DNA samples from metastatic prostate cancer patients: the PCF_SELECT consortium assay

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    Sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in cancer patients' plasma offers a minimally-invasive solution to detect tumor cell genomic alterations to aid real-time clinical decision-making. The reliability of copy number detection decreases at lower cfDNA tumor fractions, limiting utility at earlier stages of the disease. To test a novel strategy for detection of allelic imbalance, we developed a prostate cancer bespoke assay, PCF_SELECT, that includes an innovative sequencing panel covering ∼25 000 high minor allele frequency SNPs and tailored analytical solutions to enable allele-informed evaluation. First, we assessed it on plasma samples from 50 advanced prostate cancer patients. We then confirmed improved detection of genomic alterations in samples with <10% tumor fractions when compared against an independent assay. Finally, we applied PCF_SELECT to serial plasma samples intensively collected from three patients previously characterized as harboring alterations involving DNA repair genes and consequently offered PARP inhibition. We identified more extensive pan-genome allelic imbalance than previously recognized in prostate cancer. We confirmed high sensitivity detection of BRCA2 allelic imbalance with decreasing tumor fractions resultant from treatment and identified complex ATM genomic states that may be incongruent with protein losses. Overall, we present a framework for sensitive detection of allele-specific copy number changes in cfDNA

    Allele-informed copy number evaluation of plasma DNA samples from metastatic prostate cancer patients: the PCF_SELECT consortium assay.

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    Sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in cancer patients' plasma offers a minimally-invasive solution to detect tumor cell genomic alterations to aid real-time clinical decision-making. The reliability of copy number detection decreases at lower cfDNA tumor fractions, limiting utility at earlier stages of the disease. To test a novel strategy for detection of allelic imbalance, we developed a prostate cancer bespoke assay, PCF_SELECT, that includes an innovative sequencing panel covering ∼25 000 high minor allele frequency SNPs and tailored analytical solutions to enable allele-informed evaluation. First, we assessed it on plasma samples from 50 advanced prostate cancer patients. We then confirmed improved detection of genomic alterations in samples with <10% tumor fractions when compared against an independent assay. Finally, we applied PCF_SELECT to serial plasma samples intensively collected from three patients previously characterized as harboring alterations involving DNA repair genes and consequently offered PARP inhibition. We identified more extensive pan-genome allelic imbalance than previously recognized in prostate cancer. We confirmed high sensitivity detection of BRCA2 allelic imbalance with decreasing tumor fractions resultant from treatment and identified complex ATM genomic states that may be incongruent with protein losses. Overall, we present a framework for sensitive detection of allele-specific copy number changes in cfDNA

    Small extracellular vesicles modulated by αVβ3 integrin induce neuroendocrine differentiation in recipient cancer cells

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    The ability of small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) to reprogram cancer cells is well established. However, the specific sEV components able to mediate aberrant effects in cancer cells have not been characterized. Integrins are major players in mediating sEV functions. We have previously reported that the αVβ3 integrin is detected in sEVs of prostate cancer (PαVβ3rCa) cells and transferred into recipient cells. Here, we investigate whether sEVs from -expressing cells affect tumour growth differently than sEVs from control cells that do not express αVβ3. We compared the ability of sEVs to stimulate tumour growth, using sEVs isolated from PrCa C4-2B cells by iodixanol density gradient and characterized with immunoblotting, nanoparticle tracking analysis, immunocapturing and single vesicle analysis. We incubated PrCa cells with sEVs and injected them subcutaneously into nude mice to measure in vivo tumour growth or analysed in vitro their anchorage-independent growth. Our results demonstrate that a single treatment with sEVs shed from C4-2B cells that express αVβ3, but not from control cells, stimulates tumour growth and induces differentiation of PrCa cells towards a neuroendocrine phenotype, as quantified by increased levels of neuroendocrine markers. In conclusion, the expression of αVβ3 integrin generates sEVs capable of reprogramming cells towards an aggressive phenotype

    The Identification of CELSR3 and Other Potential Cell Surface Targets in Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer.

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    UNLABELLED Although recent efforts have led to the development of highly effective androgen receptor (AR)-directed therapies for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, a significant subset of patients will progress with resistant disease including AR-negative tumors that display neuroendocrine features [neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC)]. On the basis of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data from a clinical cohort of tissue from benign prostate, locally advanced prostate cancer, metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and NEPC, we developed a multi-step bioinformatics pipeline to identify NEPC-specific, overexpressed gene transcripts that encode cell surface proteins. This included the identification of known NEPC surface protein CEACAM5 as well as other potentially targetable proteins (e.g., HMMR and CESLR3). We further showed that cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (CELSR3) knockdown results in reduced NEPC tumor cell proliferation and migration in vitro. We provide in vivo data including laser capture microdissection followed by RNA-seq data supporting a causal role of CELSR3 in the development and/or maintenance of the phenotype associated with NEPC. Finally, we provide initial data that suggests CELSR3 is a target for T-cell redirection therapeutics. Further work is now needed to fully evaluate the utility of targeting CELSR3 with T-cell redirection or other similar therapeutics as a potential new strategy for patients with NEPC. SIGNIFICANCE The development of effective treatment for patients with NEPC remains an unmet clinical need. We have identified specific surface proteins, including CELSR3, that may serve as novel biomarkers or therapeutic targets for NEPC