6 research outputs found

    Personality Analysis Through Handwriting

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    This work discusses about computer aidedGraphology i.e. Personality analysis based on handwritten text,in which instead of a Graphologist, a system will be trained toperform the analysis without much human intervention. A realworld dataset of handwritten text samples will be maintained andbased on few features like Margins, Baseline, Size, Zones etc.depicted in each of the samples and extracted through Imageprocessing techniques and , an approximate analysis of thewriter’s personality trait will be done. These traits will then bemapped to the existing personality theories and finally apersonality type, temperament and a detailed report will be givenfor the handwritten sample, as the result of analysis

    A Rule Based Cognitive System of Emotion Recognition

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    Emotions are an important aspect of human nature and behaviour that helps a person communicate and interact with others in a social environment. The present work is such an attempt towards machine intelligence, to recognize the cause-and-effect of the emotional states of humans. In the present times, the intelligence quotient (IQ) measured earlier is replaced by the emotional intelligence (EI)- a factor that helps assess the performance and efficiency of humans in various arenas like home, office, sports, clubs etc.A Questionnaire has been designed, to be taken up by subjects whose emotional status, need to be understood. The set of answers received would fire the appropriate rule and result in a specific emotion. These set of rules, once designed are static. The concept of embedded emotion and hence of a rule in another rule (inheritance) is used. A set of 13 rules have been discovered depicting the causes of specific emotions and their inclusion in other emotions, thus enabling the design of augmented transition networks (ATN). Java Expert System Shell (JESS) has been used to design this rule-based emotion recognition system and the results are presented in the corresponding results section

    Aspect oriented programs: Issues and perspective

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    Aspect oriented programming (AOP) helps programmers for separating crosscutting concerns. All programming methodologies support split up and encapsulation of concerns. In object-oriented programming (OOP) crosscutting aspects are distributed among objects. It is hard to attain crosscutting in OOP as it is scattered in different objects. In AOP crosscutting concerns are addressed using one entity called aspect. This paper discusses varieties of existing slicing techniques of AOP. Also, we discuss a novel method to calculate dynamic slice of AOP. To represent AOP Aspect Oriented System Dependence Graph (AOSDG) is used. The complexity of this new approach is equal or improved as related to certain prevailing approaches. Keywords: Aspect, AOP, Slicing, Crosscutting, AOSD