33 research outputs found

    Slowenien: Bericht ĂŒber die wirtschaftliche Transformation regionaler und sektoraler Entwicklungspotenziale

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    Unter den neuen (sĂŒd-)osteuropĂ€ischen Mitgliedstaaten der EU verzeichnet Slowenien die positivste Entwicklung, gemessen etwa am Wirtschaftswachstum oder am Prokopfeinkommen. Sowohl der wirtschaftspolitische als auch der wirtschaftsstrukturelle Transformationsprozess ist in Slowenien verglichen mit den anderen EU-Erweiterungsstaaten am gĂŒnstigsten verlaufen. Die GrĂŒnde hierfĂŒr sind vielschichtig. Von maßgeblicher Bedeutung ist jedoch ein BĂŒndel aus drei ursĂ€chlichen Komplexen. So bedingten freilich zunĂ€chst historische bzw. pfadabhĂ€ngige Aspekte den erfolgreichen Umwandlungsprozess, wie etwa der relativ wirtschaftslibarale Sozialismus unter Tito oder die geringen Kampfhandlungen wĂ€hrend der UnabhĂ€ngigkeitskrieges. An zweiter Stelle ist die politische Stringenz der konsequenten Reform- und Entwicklungspolitik seit der UnabhĂ€ngigkeit fĂŒr die rasche Transformation verantwortlich. Drittens trugen schließlich aber auch die gĂŒnstigen regionalökonomischen Ausgangsbedingungen, wie etwa die vielfĂ€ltigen teilrĂ€umlichen Entwicklungspotentiale, zum Erfolg des slowenischen Transformationsprozesses bei. (Autorenreferat)Slovenia is witnessing the most positive development of the new (South-) Eastern European member states of the European Union measured in terms of its economic growth or per-capita income. In comparison to the other European Union extension states, Slovenia also underwent both the best process of transformation in economic policy and economic structures. There is a variety of different reasons for that. However, a combination of three causative complexes was of definitive significance. First of all, it was aspects of the history or path that brought about an effective process of transformation such as the relatively liberal economic socialism under Tito or the small number of clashes that took place during the war for independence. Second of all, the political stringency of the thorough reform and development policy since independence that has brought about the quick transformation. Third of all, the positive initial regional economic conditions (such as the wide variety of local potentials for development) play a major part in bringing about the success of the Slovenian process of transformation. (author's abstract

    Warfare in Late Neolithic\Early Chalcolithic Pisidia, southwestern Turkey. Climate induced social unrest in the late 7th millennium calBC

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    This paper proposes an association between climate forcing connected with the 8200 calBP ‘climate event’ and a postulated phase of internecine warfare and population collapse at Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic sites in Pisidia, southwestern Turkey. A summary of this evidence is provided and a hypothetical scenario considered in the context of contemporaneous developments in neighbouring regions

    Fine-grained Affective Processing Capabilities Emerging from Large Language Models

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    Large language models, in particular generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs), show impressive results on a wide variety of language-related tasks. In this paper, we explore ChatGPT's zero-shot ability to perform affective computing tasks using prompting alone. We show that ChatGPT a) performs meaningful sentiment analysis in the Valence, Arousal and Dominance dimensions, b) has meaningful emotion representations in terms of emotion categories and these affective dimensions, and c) can perform basic appraisal-based emotion elicitation of situations based on a prompt-based computational implementation of the OCC appraisal model. These findings are highly relevant: First, they show that the ability to solve complex affect processing tasks emerges from language-based token prediction trained on extensive data sets. Second, they show the potential of large language models for simulating, processing and analyzing human emotions, which has important implications for various applications such as sentiment analysis, socially interactive agents, and social robotics

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