920 research outputs found

    Implementation of quantum maps by programmable quantum processors

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    A quantum processor is a device with a data register and a program register. The input to the program register determines the operation, which is a completely positive linear map, that will be performed on the state in the data register. We develop a mathematical description for these devices, and apply it to several different examples of processors. The problem of finding a processor that will be able to implement a given set of mappings is also examined, and it is shown that while it is possible to design a finite processor to realize the phase-damping channel, it is not possible to do so for the amplitude-damping channel.Comment: 10 revtex pages, no figure

    Representation of entanglement by negative quasi-probabilities

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    Any bipartite quantum state has quasi-probability representations in terms of separable states. For entangled states these quasi-probabilities necessarily exhibit negativities. Based on the general structure of composite quantum states, one may reconstruct such quasi-propabilities from experimental data. Because of ambiguity, the quasi-probabilities obtained by the bare reconstruction are insufficient to identify entanglement. An optimization procedure is introduced to derive quasi-probabilities with a minimal amount of negativity. Negativities of optimized quasi-probabilities unambiguously prove entanglement, their positivity proves separability.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; An optimization procedure for the quasi-probabilities has been adde

    Quantum walks with random phase shifts

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    We investigate quantum walks in multiple dimensions with different quantum coins. We augment the model by assuming that at each step the amplitudes of the coin state are multiplied by random phases. This model enables us to study in detail the role of decoherence in quantum walks and to investigate the quantum-to-classical transition. We also provide classical analogues of the quantum random walks studied. Interestingly enough, it turns out that the classical counterparts of some quantum random walks are classical random walks with a memory and biased coin. In addition random phase shifts "simplify" the dynamics (the cross interference terms of different paths vanish on average) and enable us to give a compact formula for the dispersion of such walks.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. A (10 pages, 5 figures

    Quantum copying: A network

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    We present a network consisting of quantum gates which produces two imperfect copies of an arbitrary qubit. The quality of the copies does not depend on the input qubit. We also show that for a restricted class of inputs it is possible to use a very similar network to produce three copies instead of two. For qubits in this class, the copy quality is again independent of the input and is the same as the quality of the copies produced by the two-copy network.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX, with 1 figure, submitted to the Physical Review

    Optimal unambiguous filtering of a quantum state: An instance in mixed state discrimination

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    Deterministic discrimination of nonorthogonal states is forbidden by quantum measurement theory. However, if we do not want to succeed all the time, i.e. allow for inconclusive outcomes to occur, then unambiguous discrimination becomes possible with a certain probability of success. A variant of the problem is set discrimination: the states are grouped in sets and we want to determine to which particular set a given pure input state belongs. We consider here the simplest case, termed quantum state filtering, when the NN given non-orthogonal states, {ψ1>,...,ψN>}\{|\psi_{1} >,..., |\psi_{N} > \}, are divided into two sets and the first set consists of one state only while the second consists of all of the remaining states. We present the derivation of the optimal measurement strategy, in terms of a generalized measurement (POVM), to distinguish ψ1>|\psi_1> from the set {ψ2>,...,ψN>}\{|\psi_2 >,...,|\psi_N > \} and the corresponding optimal success and failure probabilities. The results, but not the complete derivation, were presented previously [\prl {\bf 90}, 257901 (2003)] as the emphasis there was on appplication of the results to novel probabilistic quantum algorithms. We also show that the problem is equivalent to the discrimination of a pure state and an arbitrary mixed state.Comment: 8 page

    Searching via walking: How to find a marked subgraph of a graph using quantum walks

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    We show how a quantum walk can be used to find a marked edge or a marked complete subgraph of a complete graph. We employ a version of a quantum walk, the scattering walk, which lends itself to experimental implementation. The edges are marked by adding elements to them that impart a specific phase shift to the particle as it enters or leaves the edge. If the complete graph has N vertices and the subgraph has K vertices, the particle becomes localized on the subgraph in O(N/K) steps. This leads to a quantum search that is quadratically faster than a corresponding classical search. We show how to implement the quantum walk using a quantum circuit and a quantum oracle, which allows us to specify the resource needed for a quantitative comparison of the efficiency of classical and quantum searches -- the number of oracle calls.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Verifying continuous-variable entanglement in finite spaces

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    Starting from arbitrary Hilbert spaces, we reduce the problem to verify entanglement of any bipartite quantum state to finite dimensional subspaces. Hence, entanglement is a finite dimensional property. A generalization for multipartite quantum states is also given.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum searches on highly symmetric graphs

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    We study scattering quantum walks on highly symmetric graphs and use the walks to solve search problems on these graphs. The particle making the walk resides on the edges of the graph, and at each time step scatters at the vertices. All of the vertices have the same scattering properties except for a subset of special vertices. The object of the search is to find a special vertex. A quantum circuit implementation of these walks is presented in which the set of special vertices is specified by a quantum oracle. We consider the complete graph, a complete bipartite graph, and an MM-partite graph. In all cases, the dimension of the Hilbert space in which the time evolution of the walk takes place is small (between three and six), so the walks can be completely analyzed analytically. Such dimensional reduction is due to the fact that these graphs have large automorphism groups. We find the usual quadratic quantum speedups in all cases considered.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; major revision

    Decoherence in a double-slit quantum eraser

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    We study and experimentally implement a double-slit quantum eraser in the presence of a controlled decoherence mechanism. A two-photon state, produced in a spontaneous parametric down conversion process, is prepared in a maximally entangled polarization state. A birefringent double-slit is illuminated by one of the down-converted photons, and it acts as a single-photon two-qubits controlled not gate that couples the polarization with the transversal momentum of these photons. The other photon, that acts as a which-path marker, is sent through a Mach-Zehnder-like interferometer. When the interferometer is partially unbalanced, it behaves as a controlled source of decoherence for polarization states of down-converted photons. We show the transition from wave-like to particle-like behavior of the signal photons crossing the double-slit as a function of the decoherence parameter, which depends on the length path difference at the interferometer.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review

    Distinguishing two-qubit states using local measurements and restricted classical communication

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    The problem of unambiguous state discrimination consists of determining which of a set of known quantum states a particular system is in. One is allowed to fail, but not to make a mistake. The optimal procedure is the one with the lowest failure probability. This procedure has been extended to bipartite states where the two parties, Alice and Bob, are allowed to manipulate their particles locally and communicate classically in order to determine which of two possible two-particle states they have been given. The failure probability of this local procedure has been shown to be the same as if the particles were together in the same location. Here we examine the effect of restricting the classical communication between the parties, either allowing none or eliminating the possibility that one party's measurement depends on the result of the other party's. These issues are studied for two-qubit states, and optimal procedures are found. In some cases the restrictions cause increases in the failure probability, but in other cases they do not. Applications of these procedures, in particular to secret sharing, are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, two figure