38 research outputs found

    Model Checking Contest @ Petri Nets, Report on the 2013 edition

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    This document presents the results of the Model Checking Contest held at Petri Nets 2013 in Milano. This contest aimed at a fair and experimental evaluation of the performances of model checking techniques applied to Petri nets. This is the third edition after two successful editions in 2011 and 2012. The participating tools were compared on several examinations (state space generation and evaluation of several types of formul{\ae} -- reachability, LTL, CTL for various classes of atomic propositions) run on a set of common models (Place/Transition and Symmetric Petri nets). After a short overview of the contest, this paper provides the raw results from the contest, model per model and examination per examination. An HTML version of this report is also provided (http://mcc.lip6.fr).Comment: one main report (422 pages) and two annexes (1386 and 1740 pages

    Standardisation des réseaux de Petri : état de l'art et enjeux futurs

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    National audienceLa communautĂ© travaillant sur les rĂ©seaux de Petri a constatĂ© relativement tĂŽt le manque d’homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© dans les dĂ©finitions formelles et les outils. En effet, il existe une grande variĂ©tĂ© de types de rĂ©seaux de Petri, avec des diffĂ©rences parfois significatives (par exemple les rĂ©seaux temporels) ou de simples extensions (les rĂ©seaux avec arcs inhibiteurs). De plus, chaque outil utilise sa propre version de rĂ©seau de Petri et implĂ©mente des techniques d’analyse qui lui sont propres. La vĂ©rification de systĂšmes modĂ©lisĂ©s avec des rĂ©seaux de Petri nĂ©cessite l’utilisation de diverses techniques de vĂ©rification, donc des outils associĂ©s diffĂ©rents. Pour que cette vĂ©rification soit rĂ©alisable dans la pratique, la conception d’un format d’échange de rĂ©seaux de Petri entre ces outils est un enjeu majeur.La norme ISO/IEC-1590 prĂ©sentĂ©e dans cet article a pour objectif de rĂ©pondre Ă  cette problĂ©matique. Elle eststructurĂ©e en trois parties. La premiĂšre partie concerne les dĂ©finitions du formalisme, donnant ainsi une sĂ©mantique formelle Ă  plusieurs types usuels de rĂ©seaux de Petri : les rĂ©seaux places/transitions et les rĂ©seaux de haut niveau (colorĂ©s). Cette partie a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©e comme norme internationale en dĂ©cembre 2004. Un amendement dĂ©finissant les rĂ©seaux symĂ©triques devrait ĂȘtre bientĂŽt publiĂ©. La seconde partie, parue en novembre 2009, se concentre sur la syntaxe et l’élaboration d’un langage d’échange de rĂ©seaux de Petri. Ce langage, PNML (Petri Net Markup Language) s’appuie sur les concepts introduits dans la premiĂšre partie de la norme. Sa conception repose sur des mĂ©tamodĂšles UML, puis une transformation en XML.Un des enjeux majeurs de la seconde partie a Ă©tĂ© la flexibilitĂ© et l’extensibilitĂ© du langage PNML, en vue des travaux sur la troisiĂšme partie de la norme. Cette partie, dont le dĂ©veloppement vient de dĂ©marrer, porte sur les extensions de rĂ©seaux de Petri. Ces derniĂšres concernent la structuration des modĂšles (modularitĂ© et hiĂ©rarchie) et les mĂ©canismes nĂ©cessaires Ă  l’intĂ©gration de nouveaux types de rĂ©seaux de Petri et Ă  l’ajout de nouveaux Ă©lĂ©ments (tels que les arcs inhibiteurs)

    Petri Nets Repository: a tool to benchmark and debug Petri Net tools

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    International audienceForagivenscientificcommunity,beingabletouseacommonandrich accepted benchmark for the evaluation of algorithms and prototypes is an added value. The goal of this paper is to present Petri Nets Repository, an open Petri nets models database. It offers two main ways to navigate through the benchmark using criteria related to Petri net properties: a Web interface, and a Web service API (REST). So far, this database embeds the models from the Model Checking Contest, as well as those of the discontinued Petriweb.A placeholder is available to store, when possible, the outputs of the Model Checking Contest; then for the corresponding models there will be formulas and their accepted results available too. We believe this would help the community to easily create oracles to debug new algorithms and tools

    UML Behavioral Consistency Checking Using Instantiable Petri nets

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    International audienceModel-driven engineering (MDE) development methods are gaining increasing attention from industry. In MDE, the model is the primary artifact and serves several goals, including code generation, requirements traceability, and model-based testing. MDE thus enables cost-effective building of models versus direct coding of an application. Thus model-based formal verification of behavioral consistency is desirable as it helps improve model quality. Our approach is based on translation of a UML model to instantiable Petri nets (IPN). This formalism is based on the semantics of Petri nets, but introduces the concepts of type and instance. This allows one to accurately capture these concepts in UML models. IPN support hierarchical descriptions natively, and use the notion of transition synchronization for composition of behaviors. This is a general and powerful mechanism borrowed from process algebra. We show that IPN allow one to adequately address the challenges of translation from UML for analysis purposes. The approach has been implemented and experimental results are presented

    Application des méthodes formelles à la robotique modulaire

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    International audienceCet article se propose de montrer l'intĂ©rĂȘt de l'application des mĂ©thodes formelles Ă  la spĂ©cification et l'analyse des systĂšmes robotiques modulaires. AprĂšs avoir introduit le problĂšme de la robotique modulaire et le modĂšle des rĂ©seaux symĂ©triques, nous dĂ©taillons une Ă©tude de cas

    CARE: a platform for reliable Comparison and Analysis of Reverse-Engineering techniques

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    International audienceReverse engineering of behavior models has received a lot of attention over the last few years. However, no standard benchmark exists for the comparison and analysis of published miners. Evaluation is usually performed on few case studies, which fails to demonstrate effectiveness in a broad context. This paper proposes a general, approach-independent, platform for the intensive evaluation of behavior miners. Its goals are essentially: provide a benchmark mechanism for reverse engineering; allow analysis of miners w.r.t. a class of programs and/or behaviors; help users in choosing the best suited approach for their objective