49,433 research outputs found

    The optical counterpart of SAX J1808.4-3658, the transient bursting millisecond X-ray pulsar

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    A set of CCD images have been obtained during the decline of the X-ray transient SAX J1808.4-3658 during April-June 1998. The optical counterpart has been confirmed by several pieces of evidence. The optical flux shows a modulation on several nights which is consistent with the established X-ray binary orbit period of 2 hours. This optical variability is roughly in antiphase with the weak X-ray modulation. The source mean magnitude of V=16.7 on April 18 declined rapidly after April 22. From May 2 onwards the magnitude was more constant at around V=18.45 but by June 27 was below our sensitivity limit. The optical decline precedes the rapid second phase of the X-ray decrease by 3 +/- 1 days. The source has been identified on a 1974 UK Schmidt plate at an estimated magnitude of ~20. The nature of the optical companion is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; published in MNRAS, March 15th 199

    Dielectric function and plasmons in graphene

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    The electromagnetic response of graphene, expressed by the dielectric function, and the spectrum of collective excitations are studied as a function of wave vector and frequency. Our calculation is based on the full band structure, calculated within the tight-binding approximation. As a result, we find plasmons whose dispersion is similar to that obtained in the single-valley approximation by Dirac fermions. In contrast to the latter, however, we find a stronger damping of the plasmon modes due to inter-band absorption. Our calculation also reveals effects due to deviations from the linear Dirac spectrum as we increase the Fermi energy, indicating an anisotropic behavior with respect to the wave vector of the external electromagnetic field

    Elementary Derivative Tasks and Neural Net Multiscale Analysis of Tasks

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    Neural nets are known to be universal approximators. In particular, formal neurons implementing wavelets have been shown to build nets able to approximate any multidimensional task. Such very specialized formal neurons may be, however, difficult to obtain biologically and/or industrially. In this paper we relax the constraint of a strict ``Fourier analysis'' of tasks. Rather, we use a finite number of more realistic formal neurons implementing elementary tasks such as ``window'' or ``Mexican hat'' responses, with adjustable widths. This is shown to provide a reasonably efficient, practical and robust, multifrequency analysis. A training algorithm, optimizing the task with respect to the widths of the responses, reveals two distinct training modes. The first mode induces some of the formal neurons to become identical, hence promotes ``derivative tasks''. The other mode keeps the formal neurons distinct.Comment: latex neurondlt.tex, 7 files, 6 figures, 9 pages [SPhT-T01/064], submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Opportunities for use of exact statistical equations

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    Exact structure function equations are an efficient means of obtaining asymptotic laws such as inertial range laws, as well as all measurable effects of inhomogeneity and anisotropy that cause deviations from such laws. "Exact" means that the equations are obtained from the Navier-Stokes equation or other hydrodynamic equations without any approximation. A pragmatic definition of local homogeneity lies within the exact equations because terms that explicitly depend on the rate of change of measurement location appear within the exact equations; an analogous statement is true for local stationarity. An exact definition of averaging operations is required for the exact equations. Careful derivations of several inertial range laws have appeared in the literature recently in the form of theorems. These theorems give the relationships of the energy dissipation rate to the structure function of acceleration increment multiplied by velocity increment and to both the trace of and the components of the third-order velocity structure functions. These laws are efficiently derived from the exact velocity structure function equations. In some respects, the results obtained herein differ from the previous theorems. The acceleration-velocity structure function is useful for obtaining the energy dissipation rate in particle tracking experiments provided that the effects of inhomogeneity are estimated by means of displacing the measurement location.Comment: accepted by Journal of Turbulenc

    Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy of DNA Monolayers Modified with Nile Blue

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    Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) is used to probe long-range charge transport (CT) through DNA monolayers containing the redox-active Nile Blue (NB) intercalator covalently affixed at a specific location in the DNA film. At substrate potentials negative of the formal potential of covalently attached NB, the electrocatalytic reduction of Fe(CN)63− generated at the SECM tip is observed only when NB is located at the DNA/solution interface; for DNA films containing NB in close proximity to the DNA/electrode interface, the electrocatalytic effect is absent. This behavior is consistent with both rapid DNA-mediated CT between the NB intercalator and the gold electrode as well as a rate-limiting electron transfer between NB and the solution phase Fe(CN)63−. The DNA-mediated nature of the catalytic cycle is confirmed through sequence-specific and localized detection of attomoles of TATA-binding protein, a transcription factor that severely distorts DNA upon binding. Importantly, the strategy outlined here is general and allows for the local investigation of the surface characteristics of DNA monolayers both in the absence and in the presence of DNA binding proteins. These experiments highlight the utility of DNA-modified electrodes as versatile platforms for SECM detection schemes that take advantage of CT mediated by the DNA base pair stack

    Polygonal excitations of spinning and levitating droplets

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    The shape of a weightless spinning liquid droplet is governed by the balance between the surface tension and centrifugal forces. The axisymmetric shape for slow rotation becomes unstable to a non-axisymmetric distortion above a critical angular velocity, beyond which the droplet progresses through a series of 2-lobed shapes. Theory predicts the existence of a family of 3- and 4-lobed equilibrium shapes at higher angular velocity. We investigate the formation of a triangular-shaped magnetically levitated water droplet, driven to rotate by the Lorentz force on an ionic current within the droplet. We also study equatorial traveling waves which give the droplet 3, 4 and 5-fold symmetry.Comment: Supplementary information at http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~ppzlev/Drople
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