1,270 research outputs found

    Newtonian and Pseudo-Newtonian Hill Problem

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    A pseudo-Newtonian Hill problem based on the Paczynski-Wiita pseudo-Newtonian potential that reproduces general relativistic effects is presented and compared with the usual Newtonian Hill problem. Poincare maps, Lyapunov exponents and fractal escape techniques are employed to study bounded and unbounded orbits. In particular we consider the systems composed by Sun, Earth and Moon and composed by the Milky Way, the M2 cluster and a star. We find that some pseudo-Newtonian systems - including the M2 system - are more stable than their Newtonian equivalent.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Test-retest reliability of the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ-Br) in Brazilian carers of older people

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    The rapid aging of the Brazilian population is seeing people living longer but with comorbidities more common in older people and higher dependence in activities of daily living. Due to these factors, support from formal and informal carers is needed more frequently. Many informal carers are family members who manage the health of the older person they are caring for, including accompanying them to medical appointments and advocating for them when they are hospitalized1,2. As such, carers of older people often have a key role in accessing, understanding and supporting the implementation of health-related recommendations for the older person they provide care for..

    External Operators and Anomalous Dimensions in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory

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    It has recently been argued that soft-collinear effective theory for processes involving both soft and collinear partons contains a new soft-collinear mode, which can communicate between the soft and collinear sectors of the theory. The formalism incorporating the corresponding fields into the effective Lagrangian is extended to include external current and four-quark operators relevant to weak interactions. An explicit calculation of the anomalous dimensions of these operators reveals that soft-collinear modes are needed for correctly describing the ultraviolet behavior of the effective theory.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    ExperimentaciĂłn con anĂĄlisis de abundancias quĂ­micas

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    En los Ășltimos años se ha mejorado la calidad de los espectros estelares, tanto por el uso de detectores electrĂłnicos como por las tĂ©cnicas desarrollada para el anĂĄlisis de los datos. Los modelos de atmĂłsferas estelares representan cada vez mĂĄs fielmente los procesos fĂ­sicos que en ellas ocurren, y las tĂ©cnicas de sintetizaciĂłn de espectros permiten realizar un cĂĄlculo muy exacto de las abundancias quĂ­micas de las mismas. Usando estas tĂ©cnicas es posible calcular abundancias usando un nĂșmero limitado de lĂ­neas espectrales de buena calidad. Sin embargo, esto no se puede hacer cuando se usan lineas dĂ©biles, debido a los errores sistemĂĄticos que presentan los valores de gf para esas lĂ­neas. Usando espectros de Reticon con un rango de 6.7 Å mm⁻Âč y 2.4 Å mm⁻Âč de dispersiĂłn, para un conjunto de estrellas con velocidades de rotaciĂłn menores que 25 km s⁻Âč, investigamos de que manera podemos determinar las abundancias en forma consistente y correcta, aun cuando los datos atĂłmicos disponibles no sean de muy buena calidad.AsociaciĂłn Argentina de AstronomĂ­

    Subleading Shape Functions in Inclusive B Decays

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    The contributions of subleading shape functions to inclusive decay distributions of B mesons are derived from a systematic two-step matching of QCD current correlators onto soft-collinear and heavy-quark effective theory. At tree-level, the results can be expressed in terms of forward matrix elements of bi-local light-cone operators. Four-quark operators, which arise at O(g^2), are included. Their effects can be absorbed entirely into a redefinition of other shape functions. Our results are in disagreement with some previous studies of subleading shape-function effects in the literature. A numerical analysis of B->X_u+l+nu decay distributions suggests that power corrections are small, with the possible exception of the endpoint region of the charged-lepton energy spectrum.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; several typos corrected; version published in JHE

    Football in the community schemes: Exploring the effectiveness of an intervention in promoting healthful behaviour change

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    This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a Premier League football club’s Football in the Community (FitC) schemes intervention in promoting positive healthful behaviour change in children. Specifically, exploring the effectiveness of this intervention from the perspectives of the participants involved (i.e. the researcher, teachers, children and coaches). A range of data collection techniques were utilized including the principles of ethnography (i.e. immersion, engagement and observations), alongside conducting focus groups with the children. The results allude to the intervention merely ‘keeping active children active’ via (mostly) fun, football sessions. Results highlight the important contribution the ‘coach’ plays in the effectiveness of the intervention. Results relating to working practice (i.e. coaching practice and coach recruitment) are discussed and highlighted as areas to be addressed. FitC schemes appear to require a process of positive organizational change to increase their effectiveness in strategically attending to the health agenda

    Constraints on diffuse neutrino background from primordial black holes

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    We calculated the energy spectra and the fluxes of electron neutrino emitted in the process of evaporation of primordial black holes (PBHs) in the early universe. It was assumed that PBHs are formed by a blue power-law spectrum of primordial density fluctuations. We obtained the bounds on the spectral index of density fluctuations assuming validity of the standard picture of gravitational collapse and using the available data of several experiments with atmospheric and solar neutrinos. The comparison of our results with the previous constraints (which had been obtained using diffuse photon background data) shows that such bounds are quite sensitive to an assumed form of the initial PBH mass function.Comment: 18 pages,(with 7 figures

    Black Hole Chromosphere at the LHC

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    If the scale of quantum gravity is near a TeV, black holes will be copiously produced at the LHC. In this work we study the main properties of the light descendants of these black holes. We show that the emitted partons are closely spaced outside the horizon, and hence they do not fragment into hadrons in vacuum but more likely into a kind of quark-gluon plasma. Consequently, the thermal emission occurs far from the horizon, at a temperature characteristic of the QCD scale. We analyze the energy spectrum of the particles emerging from the "chromosphere", and find that the hard hadronic jets are almost entirely suppressed. They are replaced by an isotropic distribution of soft photons and hadrons, with hundreds of particles in the GeV range. This provides a new distinctive signature for black hole events at LHC.Comment: Incorporates changes made for the version to be published in Phys. Rev. D. Additional details provided on the effect of the chromosphere in cosmic ray shower

    Force and Motion Generation of Molecular Motors: A Generic Description

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    We review the properties of biological motor proteins which move along linear filaments that are polar and periodic. The physics of the operation of such motors can be described by simple stochastic models which are coupled to a chemical reaction. We analyze the essential features of force and motion generation and discuss the general properties of single motors in the framework of two-state models. Systems which contain large numbers of motors such as muscles and flagella motivate the study of many interacting motors within the framework of simple models. In this case, collective effects can lead to new types of behaviors such as dynamic instabilities of the steady states and oscillatory motion.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure
