235 research outputs found

    Some Open Points in Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics

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    We present and discuss a list of some interesting points that are currently open in nonextensive statistical mechanics. Their analytical, numerical, experimental or observational advancement would naturally be very welcome.Comment: 30 pages including 6 figures. Invited paper to appear in the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Universal fluctuations in the support of the random walk

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    A random walk starts from the origin of a d-dimensional lattice. The occupation number n(x,t) equals unity if after t steps site x has been visited by the walk, and zero otherwise. We study translationally invariant sums M(t) of observables defined locally on the field of occupation numbers. Examples are the number S(t) of visited sites; the area E(t) of the (appropriately defined) surface of the set of visited sites; and, in dimension d=3, the Euler index of this surface. In d > 3, the averages (t) all increase linearly with t as t-->infinity. We show that in d=3, to leading order in an asymptotic expansion in t, the deviations from average Delta M(t)= M(t)-(t) are, up to a normalization, all identical to a single "universal" random variable. This result resembles an earlier one in dimension d=2; we show that this universality breaks down for d>3.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures include

    Global analysis of gene expression associated with chlorophyll retention in soybean seeds.

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    Edição Especial contendo os Anais do XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Sementes, Florianópolis, set. 2013

    Restricted random walk model as a new testing ground for the applicability of q-statistics

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    We present exact results obtained from Master Equations for the probability function P(y,T) of sums y=t=1Txty=\sum_{t=1}^T x_t of the positions x_t of a discrete random walker restricted to the set of integers between -L and L. We study the asymptotic properties for large values of L and T. For a set of position dependent transition probabilities the functional form of P(y,T) is with very high precision represented by q-Gaussians when T assumes a certain value TL2T^*\propto L^2. The domain of y values for which the q-Gaussian apply diverges with L. The fit to a q-Gaussian remains of very high quality even when the exponent aa of the transition probability g(x)=|x/L|^a+p with 0<p<<1 is different from 1, all though weak, but essential, deviation from the q-Gaussian does occur for a1a\neq1. To assess the role of correlations we compare the T dependence of P(y,T) for the restricted random walker case with the equivalent dependence for a sum y of uncorrelated variables x each distributed according to 1/g(x).Comment: 5 pages, 7 figs, EPL (2011), in pres

    A note on q-Gaussians and non-Gaussians in statistical mechanics

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    The sum of NN sufficiently strongly correlated random variables will not in general be Gaussian distributed in the limit N\to\infty. We revisit examples of sums x that have recently been put forward as instances of variables obeying a q-Gaussian law, that is, one of type (cst)\times[1-(1-q)x^2]^{1/(1-q)}. We show by explicit calculation that the probability distributions in the examples are actually analytically different from q-Gaussians, in spite of numerically resembling them very closely. Although q-Gaussians exhibit many interesting properties, the examples investigated do not support the idea that they play a special role as limit distributions of correlated sums.Comment: 17 pages including 3 figures. Introduction and references expande

    Selfsimilar solutions in a sector for a quasilinear parabolic equation

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    We study a two-point free boundary problem in a sector for a quasilinear parabolic equation. The boundary conditions are assumed to be spatially and temporally "self-similar" in a special way. We prove the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of an expanding solution which is self-similar at discrete times. We also study the existence and uniqueness of a shrinking solution which is self-similar at discrete times.Comment: 23 page

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a two-lane model for bidirectional overtaking traffic

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    First we consider a unidirectional flux \omega_bar of vehicles each of which is characterized by its `natural' velocity v drawn from a distribution P(v). The traffic flow is modeled as a collection of straight `world lines' in the time-space plane, with overtaking events represented by a fixed queuing time tau imposed on the overtaking vehicle. This geometrical model exhibits platoon formation and allows, among many other things, for the calculation of the effective average velocity w=\phi(v) of a vehicle of natural velocity v. Secondly, we extend the model to two opposite lanes, A and B. We argue that the queuing time \tau in one lane is determined by the traffic density in the opposite lane. On the basis of reasonable additional assumptions we establish a set of equations that couple the two lanes and can be solved numerically. It appears that above a critical value \omega_bar_c of the control parameter \omega_bar the symmetry between the lanes is spontaneously broken: there is a slow lane where long platoons form behind the slowest vehicles, and a fast lane where overtaking is easy due to the wide spacing between the platoons in the opposite direction. A variant of the model is studied in which the spatial vehicle density \rho_bar rather than the flux \omega_bar is the control parameter. Unequal fluxes \omega_bar_A and \omega_bar_B in the two lanes are also considered. The symmetry breaking phenomenon exhibited by this model, even though no doubt hard to observe in pure form in real-life traffic, nevertheless indicates a tendency of such traffic.Comment: 50 pages, 16 figures; extra references adde

    Surface critical behavior of two-dimensional dilute Ising models

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    Ising models with nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic random couplings on a square lattice with a (1,1) surface are studied, using Monte Carlo techniques and star-tiangle transformation method. In particular, the critical exponent of the surface magnetization is found to be close to that of the perfect model, beta_s=1/2. The crossover from surface to bulk critical properties is discussed.Comment: 6 pages in RevTex, 3 ps figures, to appear in Journal of Stat. Phy

    Quantitative features of multifractal subtleties in time series

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    Based on the Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MFDFA) and on the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima (WTMM) methods we investigate the origin of multifractality in the time series. Series fluctuating according to a qGaussian distribution, both uncorrelated and correlated in time, are used. For the uncorrelated series at the border (q=5/3) between the Gaussian and the Levy basins of attraction asymptotically we find a phase-like transition between monofractal and bifractal characteristics. This indicates that these may solely be the specific nonlinear temporal correlations that organize the series into a genuine multifractal hierarchy. For analyzing various features of multifractality due to such correlations, we use the model series generated from the binomial cascade as well as empirical series. Then, within the temporal ranges of well developed power-law correlations we find a fast convergence in all multifractal measures. Besides of its practical significance this fact may reflect another manifestation of a conjectured q-generalized Central Limit Theorem