32 research outputs found

    Error analysis and minimum bound method for atmospheric remote sensing

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    In this study, we present an error analysis for Tikhonov regularization in a semi-stochastic setting. The analysis is carried out in such a way that it can be applied to any kind of inverse problem in atmospheric remote sensing. A method for selecting the optimal regularization parameter relying on the minimization of an estimator of the bound of the error between the first iterate and the exact solution is also discussed. Numerical simulations are performed for NO2 retrieval from SCIAMACHY limb scatter measurements

    Experiments with Height-Dependent Parameterizations for Limb Profile Retrievals

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    The retrieval of vertical trace gas profiles from limb sounding measurements offers the chance for a number of height-dependent parameterizations. Among them basis functions can be used for the representation of profiles using a reduced number of coefficients. Typical examples are ozone profiles where a reduction of the number of coefficients by a factor of two led to no noticeable degradations of the retrieved profiles

    Retrieval of Heavy Molecule Profiles from MIPAS Data Using a Multi-Scale Approach

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    Zum Retrieval von Profilen schwerer Moleküle aus MIPAS-Daten bietet sich ein Multi-Skalen-Ansatz an

    MIPAS Data Quality - Lessons Learned

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    we outline how data quality of the MIPAS products can be monitored

    Use of Selected Initial Guesses for the Retrieval of Trace Gas Profiles

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    As a rule, the retrieval of trace gas profiles from atmospheric data sets is based on iterative methods. These iterative methods require initial guess profiles. Simulations showed that tropopause altitudes could be found from measurement data and feature vectors allowing the selection of improved initial guess profiles

    Cost/Performance Comparisons of Joint Temperature and Water Vapour Retrievals from MIPAS Data

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    Mehrere Alternativen bieten sich für ein gemeinsames Retrieval von Temperatur und Wasserdampfprofilen aus MIPAS-Daten an. Diese werden verglichen

    Stepwise Adaptation of Retrieval Vectors for Limb Profile Retrievals

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    The retrieval of vertical trace gas profiles from limb sounding measurements can be accelerated considerably if the usual iterations will be computed with a minimum number of parameters. The determination of "nuisance parameters" during early iterations and the stepwise refinement of trace gas parameters during later stages of a retrievals will lead to an overall reduction of the computational effort. This was verified during a number of simulated trace gas retrievals

    Impact of Alternative Matrix Structures on Retrieved Trace Gas Profiles

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    We demonstrate how an adaptation of the retrieval vector can be used to reduce memory consumption and run time during the retrieval of trace gas profiles. At the same time. a clever selection of the elements to be left out does not lead to a degradation of the retrieved trace gas profile

    Performance Verification of Two ENVISAT Limb Sounding Processors

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    Ein Vergleich von zwei Limb-Sounding-Prozessoren für zeigt typische Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede

    Modelling of the Attainable Resolution of Vertical Details from Limb Sounding Observations

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    The presentation compares the attainable vertical resolution (i.e. resolution of vertical details) of atmospheric trace gas profiles obtained by modelling of limb sounding observations. In essence, a trace gas retrieval on a fine grid in conjunction with Optimal Estimation provides promising results