1 research outputs found
Chilled Water Storage Feasibility with District Cooling Chiller in Tropical Environment
The difficulties of efficiently operating a chiller cooling system are manifest in the high-energy consumption under partial-cooling loads. The performance of a chiller cooling system declines when operating away from the optimal design conditions, which is typically 75% of chiller capacity. One pathway has been found to overcome this problem using multiple smaller chillers within the same chiller plant, accompanied by a smart control system that is designed and constructed based on the cooling demand profile. Thermal energy storage integration with chiller cooling system is proposed to shave the cooling peak demand. This can be achieved by storing chilled water during the lower electricity-tariff period by the thermal energy storage system, which will then be
discharged during the higher tariff-rate, thus, aiming for sustainable operating cost. The present paper studies the feasibility of sensible thermal energy storage to be integrated with two chillers, of 30-ton capacity each, under hot-and-humid climates. A computational model validated with experimental results is developed for three chiller
cooling system case scenarios. The smart control scenario, as well as the thermal energy storage scenario results, showed great potential for energy and electricity cost saving. In addition, the carbon dioxide emissions reduction is calculated based on the amount of energy saving