11 research outputs found
ジョシ ダイガクセイ ノ ガクギョウ ニ カカワル コミュニケーション ノウリョク ト ジコ コウリョク ノ カンケイ ニツイテノ ジッタイ チョウサ
自己効力とは課題や行動に対する自己の遂行能力の予測、効力の信念を意味し,その信念の強度が後の行動に影響を与える重要な心的要素である。筆者は若者のコミュニケーション能力育成には当該能力に対する自己効力の向上を視野に入れた教育が必要であろうと考えるが,コミュニケーション能力と自己効力に関する詳しい研究はほとんどない。そこで,女子大学生の学業に関わるコミュニケーション能力の自己効力に関係する要因について質問紙調査を行った。具体的には,学業で特に必要と考えられる4つの基本的なコミュニケーション能力として,「話す」,「聞く」,「書く」,「プレゼンテーション・自己主張」をとりあげた。自己効力に関わる要因としては,当該能力に対する「経験」,「意欲」,「評価」,「感情」,「態度」を考えた。相関分析の結果,異なるコミュニケーション能力にもかかわらず,各々のコミュニケーションにおいて自己効力が低いと感じている学生(当該の能力が乏しいと認識している学生)にはほぼ共通の特徴があり,その能力についての過去の経験が乏しい,その行為の実現に対する不安感情が強い,他者からの評価が低いと認識している傾向が見られた。今後学業に関わるコミュニケーションに問題を抱えている学生の学習支援に役立てるためには,データ数や質問項目の設定など課題となった点を改善し,本研究の知見の因果関係を調査していく必要がある。The present study was designed to investigate relationships between communication capabilities in academic situations and self-efficacy among female undergraduate students. The targeted communication capabilities were "speaking", "listening comprehension", "writing", and "presenting and asserting". The author hypothesized that in order to make progress in communication capabilities it is important to consider improvement in the self-efficacy related to the capabilities. However, fewer studies have clarified their relationships. The present results indicated that low self-efficacy in any of the four communication activities significantly correlated with a lack in experience, anxiety about performing the activity, and perceived low level of appraisal for the activity. To clarify the cause and effect of the results of the correlation analyses, it is necessary to improve the questionnaire and collect more data
成人を対象としたメタ記憶測定尺度の開発 : MIA(The Questionnaire for Metamemory in Adulthood)日本語版作成の試み
Though it is inevitable to avoid deterioration of memory ability by aging, the quality of life varies in the way of recognizing the ability. It is called metamemory that how people recognize the ability of their memory. Metamemory is an important factor when investigating the quality of life in adulthoods, especially in elder persons. We developed a Japanese version of MIA (The questionnaire for Metamemory in Adulthood, Dixon, et al., 1983, 1988), and analyzed the data collected from 346 Japanese participants. They are consisted of two groups of students (N=302, m=20.4±1.91,18-37years,female=230, male= 72) and elders (N=44, m=69.4±4.75, 60-81years, female=34, male=10). As a result of factor analysis, the original seven factors (Achievement, Anxiety, Capacity, Change, Locus, Strategy and Task) were found to be replicable with the Japanese version of MIA. We discuss the differences from the original factor structure
Gaze Bias in Preference Judgments by Younger and Older Adults
Individuals’ gaze behavior reflects the choice they will ultimately make. For example, people confronting a choice among multiple stimuli tend to look longer at stimuli that are subsequently chosen than at other stimuli. This tendency, called the gaze bias effect, is a key aspect of visual decision-making. Nevertheless, no study has examined the generality of the gaze bias effect in older adults. Here, we used a two-alternative forced-choice task (2AFC) to compare the gaze behavior reflective of different stages of decision processes demonstrated by younger and older adults. Participants who had viewed two faces were instructed to choose the one that they liked/disliked or the one that they judged to be more/less similar to their own face. Their eye movements were tracked while they chose. The results show that the gaze bias effect occurred during the remaining time in both age groups irrespective of the decision type. However, no gaze bias effect was observed for the preference judgment during the first dwell time. Our study demonstrated that the gaze bias during the remaining time occurred regardless of decision-making task and age. Further study using diverse participants, such as clinic patients or infants, may help to generalize the gaze bias effect and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the gaze bias
成人を対象としたメタ記憶測定尺度の開発 : MIA(The Questionnaire for Metamemory in Adulthood)日本語版作成の試み
P(論文)Though it is inevitable to avoid deterioration of memory ability by aging, the quality of life varies in the way of recognizing the ability. It is called metamemory that how people recognize the ability of their memory. Metamemory is an important factor when investigating the quality of life in adulthoods, especially in elder persons. We developed a Japanese version of MIA (The questionnaire for Metamemory in Adulthood, Dixon, et al., 1983, 1988), and analyzed the data collected from 346 Japanese participants. They are consisted of two groups of students (N=302, m=20.4±1.91,18-37years,female=230, male= 72) and elders (N=44, m=69.4±4.75, 60-81years, female=34, male=10). As a result of factor analysis, the original seven factors (Achievement, Anxiety, Capacity, Change, Locus, Strategy and Task) were found to be replicable with the Japanese version of MIA. We discuss the differences from the original factor structure