42 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Diverse Microalgal Species as Potential Biofuel Feedstocks Grown Using Municipal Wastewater

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    Microalgae offer great potential as a third-generation biofuel feedstock, especially when grown on wastewater, as they have the dual application for wastewater treatment and as a biomass feedstock for biofuel production. The potential for growth on wastewater centrate was evaluated for forty microalgae strains from fresh (11), brackish (11), or saltwater (18) genera. Generally, freshwater strains were able to grow at high concentrations of centrate, with two strains, Neochloris pseudostigmata and N. conjuncta, demonstrating growth at up to 40% v/v centrate. Fourteen of eighteen salt water Dunaliella strains also demonstrated growth in centrate concentrations at or above 40% v/v. Lipid profiles of freshwater strains with high-centrate tolerance were determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and compared against those obtained on cells grown on defined maintenance media. The major lipid compounds were found to be palmitic (16:0), oleic (18:1), and linoleic (18:2) acids for all freshwater strains grown on either centrate or their respective maintenance medium. These results demonstrate the highly concentrated wastewater can be used to grow microalgae, which limits the need to dilute wastewater prior to algal production. In addition, the algae produced generate lipids suitable for biodiesel or green diesel production

    Evaluation of Semi-Volatile Contaminant Transport in a Novel, Gas-Tight Direct Contact Membrane Distillation System

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    A first-of-its-kind, gas-tight MD system was designed to provide insight into the dynamic transport of semi-volatile contaminants over time by closing the mass balance for each contaminant. Testing with non-volatile ions was used to confirm the integrity of the test system and sampling procedures. Non-volatile contaminants had consistently high rejection rates (≄ 99%) for all analytes tested. For the most hydrophobic semi-volatile contaminants, sorption to the membrane and polymeric components within the system played a significant role in their fate. Less hydrophobic semi-volatile contaminants reached a pseudo-equilibrium governed largely by contaminant volatility, as predicted by Henry\u27s Law. Rejection of semi-volatile nitrosamines varied from − 96 to 88%, demonstrating significant variation in behavior even within the same contaminant class. Results suggest that transport of semi-volatile contaminants in MD was consistent with a pseudo-equilibrium partitioning process and was highly correlated with contaminant volatility (R2 = 0.934 for the combined data set). These results have implications for treatment of complex source waters where an understanding of the transport of volatile components is needed even if treatment objectives are focused on nonvolatile components. © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    Continuous-flow sorting of microalgae cells based on lipid content by high frequency dielectrophoresis

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    This paper presents a continuous-flow cell screening device to isolate and separate microalgae cells (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) based on lipid content using high frequency (50 MHz) dielectrophoresis. This device enables screening of microalgae due to the balance between lateral DEP forces relative to hydrodynamic forces. Positive DEP force along with amplitude-modulated electric field exerted on the cells flowing over the planar interdigitated electrodes, manipulated low-lipid cell trajectories in a zigzag pattern. Theoretical modelling confirmed cell trajectories during sorting. Separation quantification and sensitivity analysis were conducted with time-course experiments and collected samples were analysed by flow cytometry. Experimental testing with nitrogen starved dw15-1 (high-lipid, HL) and pgd1 mutant (low-lipid, LL) strains were carried out at different time periods, and clear separation of the two populations was achieved. Experimental results demonstrated that three populations were produced during nitrogen starvation: HL, LL and low-chlorophyll (LC) populations. Presence of the LC population can affect the binary separation performance. The continuous-flow micro-separator can separate 74% of the HL and 75% of the LL out of the starting sample using a 50 MHz, 30 voltages peak-to-peak AC electric field at Day 6 of the nitrogen starvation. The separation occurred between LL (low-lipid: 86.1% at Outlet # 1) and LC (88.8% at Outlet # 2) at Day 9 of the nitrogen starvation. This device can be used for onsite monitoringtherefore, it has the potential to reduce biofuel production costs

    Modeling and Life Cycle Assessment of a Membrane Bioreactor–Membrane Distillation Wastewater Treatment System for Potable Reuse

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    Wastewater treatment for indirect potable reuse (IPR) is a possible approach to address water scarcity. In this study, a novel membrane bioreactor–membrane distillation (MBR-MD) system was evaluated to determine the environmental impacts of treatment compared to an existing IPR facility (“Baseline”). Physical and empirical models were used to obtain operational data for both systems and inform a life cycle inventory. Life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to compare the environmental impacts of each system. Results showed an average 53.7% reduction in environmental impacts for the MBR-MD system when waste heat is used to operate MD; however, without waste heat, the environmental impacts of MBR-MD are significantly higher, with average impacts ranging from 218% to 1400% greater than the Baseline, depending on the proportion of waste heat used. The results of this study demonstrate the effectiveness of the novel MBR-MD system for IPR and the reduced environmental impacts when waste heat is available to power MD

    Modeling and Life Cycle Assessment of a Membrane Bioreactor–Membrane Distillation Wastewater Treatment System for Potable Reuse

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    Wastewater treatment for indirect potable reuse (IPR) is a possible approach to address water scarcity. In this study, a novel membrane bioreactor–membrane distillation (MBR-MD) system was evaluated to determine the environmental impacts of treatment compared to an existing IPR facility (“Baseline”). Physical and empirical models were used to obtain operational data for both systems and inform a life cycle inventory. Life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to compare the environmental impacts of each system. Results showed an average 53.7% reduction in environmental impacts for the MBR-MD system when waste heat is used to operate MD; however, without waste heat, the environmental impacts of MBR-MD are significantly higher, with average impacts ranging from 218% to 1400% greater than the Baseline, depending on the proportion of waste heat used. The results of this study demonstrate the effectiveness of the novel MBR-MD system for IPR and the reduced environmental impacts when waste heat is available to power MD

    Detection and Quantification of Functional Genes of Cellulose- Degrading, Fermentative, and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria and Methanogenic Archaea▿

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    Cellulose degradation, fermentation, sulfate reduction, and methanogenesis are microbial processes that coexist in a variety of natural and engineered anaerobic environments. Compared to the study of 16S rRNA genes, the study of the genes encoding the enzymes responsible for these phylogenetically diverse functions is advantageous because it provides direct functional information. However, no methods are available for the broad quantification of these genes from uncultured microbes characteristic of complex environments. In this study, consensus degenerate hybrid oligonucleotide primers were designed and validated to amplify both sequenced and unsequenced glycoside hydrolase genes of cellulose-degrading bacteria, hydA genes of fermentative bacteria, dsrA genes of sulfate-reducing bacteria, and mcrA genes of methanogenic archaea. Specificity was verified in silico and by cloning and sequencing of PCR products obtained from an environmental sample characterized by the target functions. The primer pairs were further adapted to quantitative PCR (Q-PCR), and the method was demonstrated on samples obtained from two sulfate-reducing bioreactors treating mine drainage, one lignocellulose based and the other ethanol fed. As expected, the Q-PCR analysis revealed that the lignocellulose-based bioreactor contained higher numbers of cellulose degraders, fermenters, and methanogens, while the ethanol-fed bioreactor was enriched in sulfate reducers. The suite of primers developed represents a significant advance over prior work, which, for the most part, has targeted only pure cultures or has suffered from low specificity. Furthermore, ensuring the suitability of the primers for Q-PCR provided broad quantitative access to genes that drive critical anaerobic catalytic processes