255 research outputs found
Differences in the Opinions and Attitudes of Student Athletes Relative to Expenditures for Intercollegiate Athletic Support Services (Social, Athletic, and Academic).
Athletic programs within Division I-A universities and colleges have maintained a unique relationship with both the NCAA and their governing academic institutions. Resources in support of academic, social, and athletic services for student athletes vary across the country for Division-I collegiate athletes. The purpose of this study was to assess the attitudes and opinions of student athletes concerning academic, athletic, and social services provided to them at numerous Division-I athletic programs. Student athletes have not been assessed through a questionnaire concerning their own perceptions and opinions of the specific services (athletic, academic, and social) provided to them at their designated university. Is there a relationship between the attitudes and opinions of student athletes on academic, athletic, and social services and the amount of money spent per student athlete at their Division-I institutions?
Four Division-I universities were viewed, individually, according to the athletic academic budget designated for each scholarship student athlete. As a result of the findings, the following summary and conclusions were drawn regarding student athletes\u27 attitudes and opinions toward athletic academic services provided at their designated university. The researcher concluded that overall gaps between expectations and experiences do exist at all target universities. There is a realistic value in identifying expectation-experience gaps at individual universities as a means for internal evaluation and potential improvement for services provided to student athletes. Identification of areas in need of change or improvement would be the first step toward creating a more holistic environment for the student athletes at each targeted university
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan profil kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika siswa laki-laki dan perempuan yang berkemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah pada siswa kelas VII A SMP Negeri Neonbat Kefamenanu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, subjek dalam penelitian ini diambil 6 orang siswa, 3 siswa laki-laki dan 3 siswa perempuan yang masing-masing berkemampuan matematika tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Hasil dari penelitian ini berdasarkan hasil analisis data dalam penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa profil kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaiakn soal cerita matematika pada materi bentuk aljabar ditinjau dari perbedaan gender siswa kelas VII A SMP Negeri Neonbat Kefamenanu adalah sebagai berikut: 1).Secara keseluruhan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika dengan menggunakan langkah pemecahan masalah Polya pada tingkat kemampuan siswa tinggi, sedang, dan rendah dapat dilihat bahwa siswa laki – laki lebih unggul dari siswa perempuan pada tingkat kemampuan matematika sedang dan rendah. 2).Pada siswa dengan tingkat kemampuan tinggi dapat dilihat bahwa kemampuan verbal siswa perempuan lebih baik dari pada siswa laki – laki. Hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat yang dikemukakan oleh Eleanor Maccoby dan Carol Jacklin (dalam Santrock, 2007: 99), menyimpulkan bahwa laki - laki memiliki kemampuan matematika dan visuospasial yang lebih baik, sedangkan perempuan lebih baik dalam kemampuan verbalnya
This study is concerned with the employment of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) theory in analyzing a speech text. The selected text was reconstructed into some clauses and sentences and subsequently was analyzed in terms of its field, tenor, and mode. The results of the analysis have shown that the register category of the field of the text is the action of America’s change. The tenor as the realization of the interpersonal meaning of the text was the establishment of an intimate relationship that enables the orator to gain support from the audience. Meanwhile, the mode of the texts is categorized as spoken mode because the texts make use of simple nominal groups. Further studies need to cope with other ways of examining field, tenor, and mode as proposed by SFL theory.         Â
From Clause to Function: Texts Analysis Using Systemic Functional Linguistics Theory and Its Pedagogical Implication in Language Teaching
Using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) theory, this study was an attempt to investigate the metafunctions of language which are realized by register category of field, tenor, and mode existing simultaneously in texts. Employing qualitative approach with the use of discourse semantics analysis, two different selected newspaper texts were purposefully chosen as the source of data. Following the orientation of SFL, the writer modified the texts into some sentences and clauses which were subsequently analysed and compared regarding the objectives in question. The result of analysis shows that the field of texts was mostly concerned with physical actions and events employing both direct and indirect speech for the sake of information. Meanwhile, in terms of mode, Text I was more rhetoric and more detail in describing the event than text II. Yet, the level of modality in both texts was low and low in which there were not many actions of getting other people to do things. Aside from those two, this analysis revealed that the mode of both texts mostly used anaphoric types of referential cohesion indicating written mode. In the meantime, Text I had more number of conjunctions implying more explanative in giving information and cause and effect relation of the information. Of greater importance of this finding was that a paradigmatic description of context implying a meaning, system, and metafunctions of language and its pedagogical implication in language teaching
It is all about clauses: Speech analysis using systemic functional linguistics theory
Text and context are tightly related. Although previous studies have revealed the benefits of employing Systemic Functional Linguistics theory (SFL) in revealing the language functions, the specific examination of text ideational or experiential focusing on transitivty process type analysis is lacking. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the transitivity process type of a text. To achieve this purpose, Joe Biden’s victory speech was chosen and analyzed. In this respect, to make the analysis easily done, the speech text was changed into some sentences and clauses and thereafter analyzed following the aim of the study in question. The result of analysis has shown that the the material process type appears at most, which indicates the action of the participants involved in the speech. In addition, by means of transitivity analysis, interpersonal and power relation might be revealed as the existence of pronouns linking to verbs used in clauses of the text. As a conclusion, different language patterns might signify different concerns of the experintial or ideational functional category. Future research studies, by means of different ways of analysis, might be of benefit to examine the effectiveness of Systemic Functional Linguistics theory (SFL) in a text analysis
The role of culture in teaching target language is undeniable. This article belongs to a literature review. As such, it deals with the reviews of culture integration in English Language Teaching. The article provides the conflicting findings of teaching target language with local culture or target culture along with the reasonable reasons for each. The writers adopt the systematic way of doing literature review consisting of four steps namely designing the review, conducting the review, analyzing, and writing the review. Drawing from the review of the progress reports in the field, the writer recommends an intermediary for prospective English Language Teaching accommodating both local and target culture in question. Recommendations for future research studies are highlighted at the end
UNDIP Water and Waste Treatment Center
Pembangunan kawasan Universitas Diponegoro semakin berkembang tiap tahunnya, salah satunya yaitu pembangunan Waduk Pendidikan di bagian paling timur kawasan UNDIP pada tahun 2013.
UNDIP yang tiap tahunnya selalu meningkat dalam jumlah penerimaan mahasiswanya berbanding lurus dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan air besih juga dalam produksi sampah terutama sampah plastik atau sampah anorganik. Saat ini, kebutuhan air bersih hanya dipasok dari PDAM dan air sumur yang akan terus menyusut sehubungan dengan semakin berkembangnya kawasan permukiman di sekitar UNDIP. Pengelolaan sampah yang ada hanya berfokus pada sampah organik untuk dijadikan kompos, dan sampah plastik hanya dibuang ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir(TPA).
Maka dari itu, dibutuhkan sebuah pengelolaan air dan sampah terpadu yang dapat mengolah air baku yang berasal dari waduk menjadi air bersih bahkan air siap minum dan mengolah sampah baik sampah organik maupun sampah anorganik. Sampah anorganik berupa plastik dapat diolah kembali menjadi bijih plastik sehingga dapat dijual atau dimanfaatkan secara pribadi oleh pihak UNDIP.
Untuk semakin menarik minat masyarakat dalam proses pengolhan lingkungan ini, akan ditambahkan galeri yang berisi tentang proses pengolahan tersebut dan nantinya akan dapat dikunjungi oleh masyarakat luas sehingga dapat menjadi sarana edukasi dan dapat diterapkan oleh masyarakat dilingkungan tempat tinggalnya
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