457 research outputs found

    Roundabout relaxation: collective excitation requires a detour to equilibrium

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    Relaxation to equilibrium after strong and collective excitation is studied, by using a Hamiltonian dynamical system of one dimensional XY model. After an excitation of a domain of KK elements, the excitation is concentrated to fewer elements, which are made farther away from equilibrium, and the excitation intensity increases logarithmically with KK. Equilibrium is reached only after taking this ``roundabout'' route, with the time for relaxation diverging asymptotically as KγK^\gamma with γ≈4.2\gamma \approx 4.2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Ultrastable Optical Clock with Neutral Atoms in an Engineered Light Shift Trap

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    An ultrastable optical clock based on neutral atoms trapped in an optical lattice is proposed. Complete control over the light shift is achieved by employing the 5s21S0→5s5p3P05s^2 {}^1S_0 \to 5s5p {}^3P_0 transition of 87Sr{}^{87}{\rm Sr} atoms as a "clock transition". Calculations of ac multipole polarizabilities and dipole hyperpolarizabilities for the clock transition indicate that the contribution of the higher-order light shifts can be reduced to less than 1 mHz, allowing for a projected accuracy of better than 10−17 10^{-17}.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Analytical evidence for the absence of spin glass transition on self-dual lattices

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    We show strong evidence for the absence of a finite-temperature spin glass transition for the random-bond Ising model on self-dual lattices. The analysis is performed by an application of duality relations, which enables us to derive a precise but approximate location of the multicritical point on the Nishimori line. This method can be systematically improved to presumably give the exact result asymptotically. The duality analysis, in conjunction with the relationship between the multicritical point and the spin glass transition point for the symmetric distribution function of randomness, leads to the conclusion of the absence of a finite-temperature spin glass transition for the case of symmetric distribution. The result is applicable to the random bond Ising model with ±J\pm J or Gaussian distribution and the Potts gauge glass on the square, triangular and hexagonal lattices as well as the random three-body Ising model on the triangular and the Union-Jack lattices and the four dimensional random plaquette gauge model. This conclusion is exact provided that the replica method is valid and the asymptotic limit of the duality analysis yields the exact location of the multicritical pointComment: 11 Pages, 4 figures, 1 table. submitted to J. Phys. A Math. Theo

    Exact location of the multicritical point for finite-dimensional spin glasses: A conjecture

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    We present a conjecture on the exact location of the multicritical point in the phase diagram of spin glass models in finite dimensions. By generalizing our previous work, we combine duality and gauge symmetry for replicated random systems to derive formulas which make it possible to understand all the relevant available numerical results in a unified way. The method applies to non-self-dual lattices as well as to self dual cases, in the former case of which we derive a relation for a pair of values of multicritical points for mutually dual lattices. The examples include the +-J and Gaussian Ising spin glasses on the square, hexagonal and triangular lattices, the Potts and Z_q models with chiral randomness on these lattices, and the three-dimensional +-J Ising spin glass and the random plaquette gauge model.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Free Boson Representation of Uq(sl^3)U_q(\widehat{sl}_3)

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    A representation of the quantum affine algebra Uq(sl^3)U_{q}(\widehat{sl}_3) of an arbitrary level kk is constructed in the Fock module of eight boson fields. This realization reduces the Wakimoto representation in the q→1q \rightarrow 1 limit. The analogues of the screening currents are also obtained. They commute with the action of Uq(sl^3)U_{q}(\widehat{sl}_3) modulo total differences of some fields.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, RIMS-920, YITP/K-101

    Electronic inhomogeneity in EuO: Possibility of magnetic polaron states

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    We have observed the spatial inhomogeneity of the electronic structure of a single-crystalline electron-doped EuO thin film with ferromagnetic ordering by employing infrared magneto-optical imaging with synchrotron radiation. The uniform paramagnetic electronic structure changes to a uniform ferromagnetic structure via an inhomogeneous state with decreasing temperature and increasing magnetic field slightly above the ordering temperature. One possibility of the origin of the inhomogeneity is the appearance of magnetic polaron states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Dirac Electrons in Molecular Solids

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    Electrons in solids are characterized by the energy bands, which indicate that electrons are considered to be "elementary particles" with specific effective masses and g-factors reflecting features of each solid. There are cases where these particles obey dispersion relationship similar to those of Dirac electrons. Examples include graphite and bismuth both of which are known for many years, together with graphene, a single layer of graphite, recently addressed intensively after its realization. Another recent example is a molecular solid, alpha-ET2I3, which is described by an equation similar to Weyl equation with massless Dirac cones but the coordinate axis is tilted because of the location of cones at off-symmetry points. Orbital susceptibility of such Dirac electrons in graphite and bismuth has been known to have striking features not present in ordinary band electrons but resulting from the inter-band matrix elements of magnetic field. Results of theoretical studies on not only orbital susceptibility but also Hall effect of such Dirac electrons in molecular solids with tilting are introduced in this paper.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Five-dimensional AGT Conjecture and the Deformed Virasoro Algebra

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    We study an analog of the AGT relation in five dimensions. We conjecture that the instanton partition function of 5D N=1 pure SU(2) gauge theory coincides with the inner product of the Gaiotto-like state in the deformed Virasoro algebra. In four dimensional case, a relation between the Gaiotto construction and the theory of Braverman and Etingof is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, reference added, minor corrections (typos, notation changes, etc

    Heisenberg realization for U_q(sln) on the flag manifold

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    We give the Heisenberg realization for the quantum algebra Uq(sln)U_q(sl_n), which is written by the qq-difference operator on the flag manifold. We construct it from the action of Uq(sln)U_q(sl_n) on the qq-symmetric algebra Aq(Matn)A_q(Mat_n) by the Borel-Weil like approach. Our realization is applicable to the construction of the free field realization for the Uq(sln^)U_q(\widehat{sl_n}) [AOS].Comment: 10 pages, YITP/K-1016, plain TEX (some mistakes corrected and a reference added

    Multispin Ising spin glasses with ferromagnetic interactions

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    We consider the thermodynamics of an infinite-range Ising p-spin glass model with an additional r-spin ferromagnetic interaction. For r=2 there is a continuous transition to a ferromagnetic phase, while for r>2 the transition is first order. We find both glassy and non-glassy ferromagnetic phases, with replica symmetry breaking of both the one step and full varieties. We obtain new results for the case where r=p>2, demonstrating the existence of a non-glassy ferromagnetic phase, of significance to error-correcting codes.Comment: 16 pages, AMS LaTeX, 14 EPS figures; one minor correction to (42
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