26 research outputs found

    Increased intrapharyngeal pressure with combined use of high-flow nasal cannula and a surgical face mask: a preliminary study

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    OBJECTIVES: Nasal high-flow (NHF) therapy provides continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), flushes the anatomical dead space, and improves mucociliary clearance. CPAP is usually applied at a flow rate at or above an established threshold value with the mouth closed because it is hard to maintain it with an open mouth. We conducted a prospective study to validate our hypothesis that CPAP can be applied with the mouth open through a surgical face mask. METHODS: We inserted 12-Fr nasogastric tubes through the noses of 18 healthy individuals and fixed each tube within the pharynx to monitor the intrapharyngeal pressure. We monitored the pressure during the following two conditions: NHF oxygen with the mouth open (condition O) and NHF oxygen with the mouth open and wearing a surgical face mask (condition OM). We set the NHF rate at 40 L/min and the oxygen concentration at 21%, under all conditions. We measured the intrapharyngeal pressure five times during each inspiration and expiration, and calculated mean values. RESULTS: The mean expiratory intrapharyngeal pressure (median [interquartile range]) increased significantly from the baseline during conditions O (2.08 [1.58–4.02] cm H(2)O) and OM (3.35 [2.72–3.79] cm H(2)O). In addition, there was a significant difference in pressure between conditions O and OM (p=0.0263, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). CONCLUSIONS: In our healthy volunteers, the intrapharyngeal pressures increased during expiration with an open mouth while wearing a surgical face mask

    The effect of in-bed leg cycling exercises on muscle strength in patients with intensive care unit-acquired weakness: a single-center retrospective study

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    Objective: To examine the effect of in-bed leg cycling exercise on patients with intensive care unit-acquired weakness (ICU-AW). Design: Single-center retrospective study. Subjects/Patients: Patients admitted to the ICU between January 2019 and March 2023 were enrolled in the ergometer group, and those admitted to the ICU between August 2017 and December 2018 were enrolled in the control group. Methods: The ergometer group performed in-bed leg cycling exercises 5 times per week for 20 min from the day of ICU-AW diagnosis. Furthermore, the ergometer group received 1 early mobilization session per day according to the early mobilization protocol, whereas the control group received 1 or 2 sessions per day. The number of patients with recovery from ICU-AW at ICU discharge and improvement in physical functions were compared. Results: Significantly more patients in the ergometer group recovered from ICU-AW than in the control group (87.0% vs 60.6%, p = 0.039). Regarding physical function, the ergometer group showed significantly higher improvement efficiency in Medical Research Council sum score (1.0 [0.7–2.1] vs 0.1 [0.0–0.2], p < 0.001). Conclusion: In-bed leg cycling exercise, in addition to the early mobilization protocol, reduced the number of patients with ICU-AW at ICU discharge

    Association of circulating histone H3 and high mobility group box 1 levels with postoperative prognostic indicators in intensive care unit patients: a single-center observational study

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    Objectives: Damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) levels are associated with sepsis severity and prognosis. Histone and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) levels are also potential indicators of prognosis. We investigated the relationship between serum histone H3 and HMGB1 levels and the illness severity score and prognosis in postoperative patients. Methods: Postoperative serum histone H3 and HMGB1 levels in 39 intensive care unit (ICU) patients treated at our institution were measured. The correlation between peak histone H3 and HMGB1 levels in each patient and clinical data (age, sex, surgical time, length of ICU stay, and survival after ICU discharge), which also included the patients’ illness severity score, was examined. Results: Histone H3 but not HMGB1 levels were positively correlated with surgical time, the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine acute phase disseminated intravascular coagulation diagnosis score, and the length of ICU stay. Both histone H3 and HMGB1 levels were negatively correlated with age. However, survival post-ICU discharge was not correlated with histone H3 or HMGB1 levels. Conclusions: Histone H3 levels are correlated with severity scores and the length of ICU stay. Serum histone H3 and HMGB1 levels are elevated postoperatively. These DAMPs, however, are not prognostic indicators in postoperative ICU patients

    A devised strategy for tracheal extubation for predicted difficult airway in a child with unilateral vocal cord paralysis: a case report

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    Abstract Background Extubation is a more challenging medical practice than intubation, and countermeasures against it are similar to those described in the Difficult Intubation Guidelines, but problems cannot be overcome by completely the same methods. We predicted difficult extubation in a pediatric patient with left recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis and devised an extubation method. Case presentation The patient was a 2-year-and-8-month-old boy scheduled for cleft palate repair. Concomitant cardiac anomaly and first and second branchial arch syndrome-associated facial malformations, such as mandibular micrognathia and auricular malformation, were observed. He had a past medical history of difficult intubation and respiratory arrest on a catheter test under intravenous sedation at 4 months old. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis was discovered on preoperative examination of the cleft palate, based on which difficulty in postoperative extubation was predicted. A catheter for tracheal tube exchange proposed by the extubation guidelines of the Difficult Airway Society (DAS) was placed, endoscopic examination was performed while inducing spontaneous breathing and swallowing reflex by an otolaryngologist, and the tube was removed while movement of the tissue around the glottis was visually evaluated. The patient was managed in an ICU after extubation, and both the systemic and respiratory conditions were favorable. Conclusions Extubation and airway management could be safely performed by devising extubation while conforming to the DAS guidelines