948 research outputs found

    Heavy-heavy-light quark potential in two approaches

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    We perform the first study about the heavy-heavy-light quark potential in lattice QCD and a potential model. We find that the inter-two-quark confining force is reduced by valence quark motional effects compared to the string tension.Comment: Talk given at YITP International Symposium: Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense QCD, Kyoto, Japan, 3-6 March 200

    Yuki shiran jiko soshikika tanbunshimaku no kiso bussei oyobi oyo ni kansuru kenkyu

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲2813号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2009/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新503

    Lattice QCD Analysis for Gluons

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    Nonperturbative properties of gluons are studied in SU(3) lattice QCD at the quenched level. The first subject is a functional-form analysis of the gluon propagator Dμνab(x)D_{\mu\nu}^{ab}(x) in the Landau gauge. We find that the gluon propagator Dμμaa(r)D_{\mu\mu}^{aa}(r) obtained in lattice QCD is well described by the four-dimensional (4D) Yukawa-type function emr/re^{-mr}/r with m600m \simeq 600MeV for the Euclidean 4D distance r=0.11.0r = 0.1 \sim 1.0 fm. In momentum space, the gluon propagator D~μμaa(p2)\tilde D_{\mu\mu}^{aa}(p^2) (p=0.53p= 0.5 \sim 3 GeV) is found to be well approximated with a new-type propagator of (p2+m2)3/2(p^2+m^2)^{-3/2}, which corresponds to 4D Fourier image of the Yukawa-type function. Associated with the Yukawa-type gluon propagator, we derive analytical expressions for the zero-spatial-momentum propagator D0(t)D_0(t), the effective mass Meff(t)M_{\rm eff}(t), and the spectral function ρ(ω)\rho(\omega) of the gluon field. The mass parameter mm turns out to be the infrared effective mass of gluons. The obtained gluon spectral function ρ(ω)\rho(\omega) is almost negative-definite for ω>m\omega >m, except for a positive δ\delta-functional peak at ω=m\omega=m. The second subject is a lattice-QCD determination of the relevant gluonic momentum-component for color confinement. As a remarkable fact, the string tension is found to be almost unchanged even after cutting off the high-momentum gluon component above 1.5 GeV in the Landau gauge. In fact, the relevant gluonic scale for color confinement is concluded to be below 1.5 GeV.Comment: Invited talk at International Workshop on QCD Green's Functions, Confinement, and Phenomenology - QCD-TNT09, September 07 - 11 2009, ECT Trento, Ital

    Development of a monoclonal anti-ADAMTS-5 antibody that specifically blocks the interaction with LRP1

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    The potent aggrecanase ADAMTS-5 is constitutively secreted by chondrocytes, but it is rapidly endocytosed in normal cartilage via the cell surface endocytic receptor LRP1. Therefore it is difficult to detect the total ADAMTS-5 activity produced. In this study, we isolated a monoclonal anti-ADAMTS-5 antibody 1B7 that blocks LRP1-mediated internalization without affecting the aggrecanolytic activity. Addition of 1B7 to cultured human chondrocytes revealed the full aggrecanolytic activity of ADAMTS-5 generated by the cells. 1B7 is a useful tool to estimate the ADAMTS-5 activity and to identify its potential roles in the tissues

    Image Processing Techniques for Flow Patterns in the Seto Inland Sea Hydraulic Model

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    Various flow visualization techniques were applied to study the tidal exchange of the Seto Inland Sea with the largest hydraulic model in a horizontal scale 1/2000. To analyze dyefront patterns, image processing techniques have been developed. The techniques include the extraction of the boundary of the dyefront and the flow direction through tuft images.近年、瀬戸内海地域では過去の産業発展や人口増加に伴って発生した水質汚濁も改善されてきており、将来に向けた海の積極的利用が模索されている。水質汚濁シミュレーションを行うために建設された瀬戸内海大型水理模型も、こうした動きの中で、人為的な流動環境操作法に基づく海の有効利用を図るための手段として活用される方向にある。このような海域流動環境の制御効果を評価するためには、物質輸送に関わる流れを的確に捉えることが必要である。最近のコンピュータや画像処理技術の発展に伴って、流れの可視化で得た画像から流れの定量的な情報を求める研究が進められている。これらの研究においては、可視化手法としてトレーサ直接注入法を用いて個々のトレーサ粒子あるいはトレーサ粒子群の移動から流速ベクトル分析が求められている。筆者らはさきに瀬戸内海大型水理模型内に放流した染料の拡がりを検出するための画像処理手法について報告した。本論文では、染料とタフトを併用した可視化手法により経時的に一定間隔で得られた一連の流れパターンから、水理模型の広島県呉湾での流速ベクトル分析を求める画像解析手法と結果について述べる

    Modular architecture facilitates noise-driven control of synchrony in neuronal networks

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    H.Y., A.H.-I., and S.S. acknowledge MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B) “Multicellular Neurobiocomputing” (21H05164), JSPS KAKENHI (18H03325, 19H00846, 20H02194, 20K20550, 22H03657, 22K19821, 22KK0177, and 23H03489), JST-PRESTO (JMPJPR18MB), JST-CREST (JPMJCR19K3), and Tohoku University RIEC Cooperative Research Project Program for financial support. F.P.S., V.P., and J.Z. received support from the Max-Planck-Society. F.P.S. acknowledges funding by SMARTSTART, the joint training program in computational neuroscience by the VolkswagenStiftung and the Bernstein Network. F.P.S. and V.P. were funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), SFB-1528–Cognition of Interaction. V.P. was supported by the DFG under Germany’s Excellence Strategy EXC 2067/1- 390729940. V.B. and A.L. were supported by a Sofja Kovalevskaja Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, endowed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. A.L. is a member of the Machine Learning Cluster of Excellence EXC 2064/1- 39072764. M.A.M. acknowledges the Spanish Ministry and Agencia Estatal de investigación (AEI) through Project of I + D + i (PID2020-113681GB-I00), financed by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER “A way to make Europe”, and the Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación Universidad, Junta de Andalucía and European Regional Development Fund (P20-00173) for financial support. J.Z. received financial support from the Joachim Herz Stiftung. J.S. acknowledges Horizon 2020 Future and Emerging Technologies (grant agreement 964877-NEUChiP), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2019-108842GB-C21), and Departament de Recerca i Universitats, Generalitat de Catalunya (2017-SGR-1061 and 2021-SGR-00450) for financial support.Supplementary Materials This PDF file includes: Supplementary Text, file:///D:/Modular-architecture-facilitates-.pdfHigh-level information processing in the mammalian cortex requires both segregated processing in specialized circuits and integration across multiple circuits. One possible way to implement these seemingly opposing demands is by flexibly switching between states with different levels of synchrony. However, the mechanisms behind the control of complex synchronization patterns in neuronal networks remain elusive. Here, we use precision neuroengineering to manipulate and stimulate networks of cortical neurons in vitro, in combination with an in silico model of spiking neurons and a mesoscopic model of stochastically coupled modules to show that (i) a modular architecture enhances the sensitivity of the network to noise delivered as external asynchronous stimulation and that (ii) the persistent depletion of synaptic resources in stimulated neurons is the underlying mechanism for this effect. Together, our results demonstrate that the inherent dynamical state in structured networks of excitable units is determined by both its modular architecture and the properties of the external inputs.D+i: P20-00173, PID2020-113681GB-I00Innovación y Universidades PID2019-108842GB-C21Horizon2020 Future and Emerging Technologies 964877-NEUChiPMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2019-108842GB-C21)Departament de Recerca i Universitats, Generalitat de Catalunya (2017-SGR-1061, 2021-SGR-00450)MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033FEDER “A way to make Europe”Junta de AndalucíaEuropean Regional Development Fun


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    The effects of aluminum (Al) on the cytotoxicity of ferrous iron (Fe(Ⅱ)), copper(Cu) and cadmium(Cd) were studied. Log-phase cells were treated with either FeSO4,CuSO4, or CdCl2 in the presence or absence of AlCl3(120μM) for 18h at pH 4.0. After the treatment, the viability was determined as relative growth of the metal-treated cells to the untreated control cells during the post-treated culture. A single treated with either Al, Fe(Ⅱ) or Cd did not inhibit the growth at the metal concerntrations up to 300 μM, 200 μM and 500 μM, respectively, whereas the growth was markedly inhibited at 15 μM Cu. Thus,the cells were relatively insensitive to Al, Fe(Ⅱ) and Cd and sensitive to Cu. When cells were treated with both Fe(Ⅱ)(120 μM)and Al(120μM), the growth was significantly inhibited and the cellular contents of both Al and Fe increased synergistically. After the treatment with Cu(0 to 10 μM) with or without Al, the cells grew more vigorously when they were treated in the presence of Al, althrouh the Cu content of the cells were not alterd by Al. The presence of Al during the treatmemt with Cd(0 to 2 μM) had no effect on the degree of growth inhibition by Cd. Thus, Al interacts with the toxicity of Fe(Ⅱ), Cu and Cd in different manners; synergistic with Fe(Ⅱ), antagonistic with Cu and apparently no effeco on Cd.二価鉄[Fe(Ⅱ)]、銅(Cu)およびカドミウム(Cd)の細胞毒性に対するアルミニウム(Al)の効果について検討した。120μM AlCl3の存在もしくは非存在下において、対数増殖期の細胞をFeSO4,CuSO4,CdCl2で各々18時間、pH4.0で処理した。処理後の生存率は、処理後の細胞を増殖させたのちに、未処理細胞(コントロール)の増殖に対する金属で処理した細胞の相対増殖率で求めた。Al,Fe(Ⅱ),Cdの単独処理による増殖阻害は、各々300μM、200μM、500μMの濃度まで観察されなかったが、Cuでは15μMで大きく阻害された。このように、タバコ細胞は相対的にAl、Fe(Ⅱ)、Cdには感受性が低く、Cuには感受性が高かった。細胞をFe(Ⅱ)およびAlの両方で処理すると、増殖は著しく阻害され、AlおよびFeの細胞内含量も相乗的に増加した。Cuで処理した場合、Alを加えることにより逆に増殖率が増加した。しかし、細胞内Cu含量はAlの影響を受けなかった。Cd処理の場合、Alを加えてもCdによる増殖阻害の程度は変わらなかった。このように、AlはFe(Ⅱ)、Cu、Cd毒性に対して各々異なる相互作用を示し、Fe(Ⅱ)に対し、相乗効果を、Cuに対しては拮抗的な阻害を示したが、Cdに対してはみかけ上効果がなかった