114 research outputs found

    Imagery Found in Kahlil Gibran's Selected Poems

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    This thesis discusses the imagery in Kahlil Gibran‟s selected poems. The objectives of the research are to find out the use of types of imagery and to describe the purposes conveyed through the use of imagery in Kahlil Gibran‟s selected poems. This research used qualitative descriptive method. The data were analysed based on Laurence Perrine‟s theory. The result of this study shows the poem entitled “Love”, the researcher found organic, visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic imagery; “Eating and Drinking” consists of imagery; visual, olfactory, tactile, auditory, gustatory, organic, and kinesthetic imagery in structure of poem‟s lyrics; and “Marriage” consists of visual, auditory, organic, tactile, and kinesthetic imagery. This study also found purpose: “Love”, poet tried to tell readers regard with the purpose of love; in “Eating and Drinking”, poet expressed to tell readers about the purpose of to remind reader to have a good life, and invite reader to re-think about the innocent of purer spirit; spirit who will go back in God. In “Marriage”, Gibran tried to tell readers toward philosophy of love; togetherness, loneliness, trust, and consciousness in couple mainly toward God existence

    Analisis Hadits Ahkam Muamalah dalam Fatwa DSN MUI tentang Murâbahah, Salam dan Istishnâ’

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    Murâbahah, salam and istishnâ' is a type of buying and selling that is currently known conceptually can be an option in the products of Islamic financial institutions. DSN-MUI as an institution that has authority in Islamic economic and finance fatwas has formulated a fatwa on these three types of buying and selling, where in the fatwa there are hadiths ahkam muamalah as the legal basis. This paper aims to analyze the hadiths ahkam muamalah in the fatwa DSN-MUI about murâbahah, salam and istishnâ' through the study of existence (takhrij hadith) and substance (study of meaning) hadith. Based on the analysis conducted, hadith ahkam muamalah in the fatwa DSN-MUI on murâbahah, salam and istishnâ', broadly explains the principle of sharia agreement (ar-ridha, al-ibâhah, al-mashlahah), blessings in the sale and purchase of cashless (classed as hadith dhaif in the category of hadith majhul), prohibition of delaying the payment of debts for the able, legality of buying and selling salam dan legality of advances in the sale and purchase (classed as hadith dhaif in the category of hadith mursal).Murâbahah, salam and istishnâ' is a type of buying and selling that is currently known conceptually can be an option in the products of Islamic financial institutions. DSN-MUI as an institution that has authority in Islamic economic and finance fatwas has formulated a fatwa on these three types of buying and selling, where in the fatwa there are hadiths ahkam muamalah as the legal basis. This paper aims to analyze the hadiths ahkam muamalah in the fatwa DSN-MUI about murâbahah, salam and istishnâ' through the study of existence (takhrij hadith) and substance (study of meaning) hadith. Based on the analysis conducted, hadith ahkam muamalah in the fatwa DSN-MUI on murâbahah, salam and istishnâ', broadly explains the principle of sharia agreement (ar-ridha, al-ibâhah, al-mashlahah), blessings in the sale and purchase of cashless (classed as hadith dhaif in the category of hadith majhul), prohibition of delaying the payment of debts for the able, legality of buying and selling salam dan legality of advances in the sale and purchase (classed as hadith dhaif in the category of hadith mursal)

    Implementasi Akad Berpola Kerja Sama Dalam Produk Keuangan Di Bank Syariah (Kajian Mudharabah Dan Musyarakah Dalam Hukum Ekonomi Syariah)

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    Bank Syariah sebagai lembaga keuangan yang operasionalnya berdasarkan prinsip syariah, maka dalam sistem produk yang ditawarkan menggunakan akad-akad syariah. Dari beragamnya akad yang dapat diterapkan di bank syariah terdapat akad dengan pola kerja sama, selain pola jual-beli dan sewa-menyewa/upah mengupah yang menjadi landasan komersial bisnis. Akad pola kerja sama tersebut adalah mudharabah dan musyarakah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis akad pola kerja sama di bank syariah dalam perspektif hukum ekonomi syariah. Hasil pembahasan yakni operasional produk yang ditawarkan bank syariah dengan pola mudharabah terdapat pada produk pendanaan dan pembiayaan, sedangkan musyarakah terbatas pada pembiayaan. Implementasi akad mudharabah dan musyarakah di Bank Syariah dalam kajian hukum ekonomi syariah adalah boleh dilaksanakan dan memiliki legalitas atas dasar prisip syariah, sebab akad mudharabah dan musyarakah merupakan akad berpola kerja sama yang sesuai dengan tuntunan akad syariah dalam fikih muamalah

    Meniti Jejak Perbankan Syariah dari Klasik hingga Kontemporer

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    The sophistication of technology and the demands of different times are important factors that have an influence on interactional activities in humans as social beings, including in the economic order. The development of the times has implications for economic activities and financial products that are utilized, in response to these developments present in the Islamic economic system that has been so developed today in the midst of the people's economy, namely Islamic banking. This study aims to describe the historical flow of Islamic banking. This research is a qualitative research with a type of literature research that uses a historical approach through descriptive analysis. Functionally viewed, actually islamic banking activities consisting of funding, financing and financial service activities have been carried out from the past on a classic basis and are individualized, then tracing up to now has become a modern and institutional basis that has relevance to the modernization and advancement of information technology . In addition, the development of Islamic banks today is inseparable from the role and struggle of Muslims who care about the application of Islamic economics.[Kecanggihan teknologi dan tuntutan zaman yang berbeda menjadi faktor penting yang membawa pengaruh terhadap aktivitas interaksional pada manusia sebagai makhluk sosial termasuk dalam tatanan perekonomian. Berkembangnya zaman ikut memberikan implikasi pada aktivitas ekonomi dan produk keuangan yang dimanfaatkan, sebagai respon dari perkembangan itu hadirlah dalam sistem ekonomi syariah yang telah begitu berkembang saat ini di tengah ekonomi masyarakat yakni perbankan syariah. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mendeskripsikan alur historis perbankan syariah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian literatur yang menggunakan pendekatan historis melalui analisis deskriptif. Dipandang secara fungsional maka sebenarnya aktivitas perbankan syariah yang terdiri dari aktivitas penghimpunan dana, pembiayaan  dan jasa keuangan telah dilaksanakan sejak dulu dengan basis klasik dan bersifat individual lalu meniti jejaknya hingga sekarang telah menjadi basis modern dan bersifat institusional yang memiliki relevansi dengan modernisasi dan kemajuan teknologi informasi. Selain itu pula berkembangnya bank syariah saat ini tidak lepas dari peran dan perjuangan umat Islam yang peduli terhadap penerapan ekonomi syariah.


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    Abstract: Imam Shafi'i is one of the Imam of the fiqh schools of the four schools of fiqh. Imam Syâfi'î is a teacher of Imam Ahmad and he is also a student of Imam Mâlik and has also studied with a student of Imam Abû Hanîfah namely Imam Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan al-Syaibanî. Therefore, Imam Syâfi'î fiqh was formed from across intellectuals with a combination and meeting of knowledge of fiqh ahl al-hadîts (Imam Mâlik) and fiqh ahl al-ra'y (Imam Abû Hanîfah). This paper aims to examine Imam Syâfi'î as a mujtahid and Imam of the Fiqh School in historical, juridical and sociological studies. Imam Syâfi'î succeeded in formulating the legal thought of ahl al-hadîts, the version of Imam Mâlik with the thought of the law of ahl al-ra'y, the version of Imam Abû Hanîfah. The epistemology of the ushul fiqh of Imam Shafi'î in istinbath al-Ahkam, namely al-Quran, as-Sunnah, ijma ', qaul shahabi, and qiyas. The uniqueness of Imam Syâfi'î fiqh with the existence of qaul qadim and qaul jadid is also influenced by the social setting in which the fatwa was formulated.   Keywords: imam shafi'i; mujtahid; imam of fiqh schools; islamic legal theory; islamic jurisprudenceAbstract: Imam Shafi'i is one of the Imam of the fiqh schools of the four schools of fiqh. Imam Syâfi'î is a teacher of Imam Ahmad and he is also a student of Imam Mâlik and has also studied with a student of Imam Abû Hanîfah namely Imam Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan al-Syaibanî. Therefore, Imam Syâfi'î fiqh was formed from across intellectuals with a combination and meeting of knowledge of fiqh ahl al-hadîts (Imam Mâlik) and fiqh ahl al-ra'y (Imam Abû Hanîfah). This paper aims to examine Imam Syâfi'î as a mujtahid and Imam of the Fiqh School in historical, juridical and sociological studies. Imam Syâfi'î succeeded in formulating the legal thought of ahl al-hadîts, the version of Imam Mâlik with the thought of the law of ahl al-ra'y, the version of Imam Abû Hanîfah. The epistemology of the ushul fiqh of Imam Shafi'î in istinbath al-Ahkam, namely al-Quran, as-Sunnah, ijma ', qaul shahabi, and qiyas. The uniqueness of Imam Syâfi'î fiqh with the existence of qaul qadim and qaul jadid is also influenced by the social setting in which the fatwa was formulated.   Keywords: imam shafi'i; mujtahid; imam of fiqh schools; islamic legal theory; islamic jurisprudenc

    Pengendalian Kualitas Dengan Menggunakan Metode Statistical Quality Control (Sqc) Untuk Meminimumkan Produk Gagal Pada Toko Roti Barokah Bakery

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    Quality Control adalah suatu kegiatan (manajemen Perusahaan) untuk mempertahankan dan arahkan ke kualitasproduk (dan) jasa Perusahaan dapat dipertahankan seperti yang direncanakan. Quality Control yang digunakanperusahaan untuk meminimalkan produk gagal menggunakan metode statistik Quality Control (SQC) sehinggaperusahaan dapat memenuhi kualitas produk yang telah ditetapkan Perusahaan dan konsumen puas dalammengkonsumsi produk. Tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan metode statistikQuality Control (SQC) dengan peta kendali tekhnik dan diagram sebab dan akibat diterapkan Perusahaan BakeryBarokah Bakery dalam kontrol kualitas untuk meminimalkan produk gagal. pengumpulan data tekhnik yangdigunakan adalah penelitian dan penelitian lapangan perpustakaan, sedangkan alat analisis data yang digunakandiagram kontrol dan diagram sebab dan akibat. Hasil analisis diagram kontrol menunjukkan bahwa jumlahproduk yang diperiksa sebanyak 27,710 unit, rata-rata 0.099 kerusakan produk atau 9,9%. Keterbatasan:pengawasan UCL dari 0,1161 atau 11,61%, LCL dari 0,0819 atau 8,12%. kontrol kualitas pada Bakery BarokahBakery baik karena jumlah produk yang gagal masih dalam batas-batas wajar terletak antara UCL dan LCL.Sedangkan hasil dari diagram untuk hasil (tulang ikan), faktor utama penyebab kegagalan produk roti di toko rotiBarokah Bakery faktor yaitu manusia. Di mana orang gagal dalam pembuatan produk roti. Jadi diperlukanpelatihan untuk meminimalkan produk gagal yang terjadi disebabkan oleh faktor manusia

    Personifikasi Dalam Kumpulan Puisi Pada Akun Twitter @ChairulanwarDua

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     Puisi adalah salah satu bentuk karya sastra yang dituliskan atau diungkapkan berdasarkan pengalaman ilusif, emosional, dan fakta yang dialami seorang penyair dari kehidupan sosial bahkan kehidupannya sendiri. Gaya bahasa personifikasi atau dikenal sebagai penginsanan adalah jenis gaya bahasa yang meletakan sifat manusia kepada objek dan ide yang abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan makna gaya bahasa personifikasi dalam kumpulan puisi pada akun Twitter @ChairulanwarDua. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara dokumentasi, simak, dan catat. Hasil dari penelitian ini telah ditemukan sebanyak 14 data gaya bahasa personifikasi dalam kumpulan puisi pada akun Twitter @Chairulanwardua


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    This paper aims to review local wisdom in the dialogue of the Banjar society in their economic interactions in the lens of Islamic economic law. Local wisdom in the Banjar society that is analyzed is the expression and speech of tukar-jual, jual seadanya, barelaan/minta rela, mun kada sadang hurupakan ja/bulikakan ja, bakalahi badahulu and bawa ja dulu. The type of research in this paper is normative legal research with a conceptual approach and the review used is a review of Islamic economic law. based on the results of research and discussion, local wisdom in the dialogue of the Banjar society in their economic interactions has relevance to the provisions of Islamic economic law. The dimension of muamalah religiosity which is manifested through the realization of shighat al-aqd bi al-lisan, the expression of avoiding ghisy (fraud), the principle of 'an tarâdhin (mutual pleasure), khiyâr syarth, the expression of openness in negotiations as an effort to prevent future disputes and expressions that build relationships on the basis of trust, honesty and responsibility.Keywords: Banjar Society; Local Wisdom; Economic Interactions; Islamic Economic La

    Investigating the Construction of Ijma in The Study of Islamic Law through Sociological and Historical Approach

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    This paper aims to examine the construction of ijma in the study of Islamic law through sociological and historical approaches. The research looks at qualitative data through literature studies. In legal research methods, this research is categorized as normative legal research with a conceptual approach. The concept of ijma becomes the object of study in this paper. Furthermore, the concept of ijma is examined with socio-historical analysis. The results of the discussion show that the difference in views on the concept of ijma as the basis of Islamic law that must be obeyed, influenced by normative arguments (propositions of the Qur'an and sunnah) which are references and different interpretations of legal propositions held as a basis of opinion. The difference in looking at the concept of ijma that can be used as a Islamic legal argument also begins from the difference in setting the standard of definition and criteria (pillars and conditions) of the ijma itself and considering the capacity of the ijma whether as an opinion of "all" or "majority". In addition, the development of conceptions and laws about ijma is inseparable from the social setting in each period

    Analisis Qiyās Transaksi Tawarruq dengan Bai’ al-’Īnah

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    This paper aimed to analyze the application of qiyas method in the prohibition of tawarruq transactions through qiyas tawarruq with bai' al-‘înah. This paper was qualitative research with a type of normative law research using conceptual approach. The results of paper showed that the application of the pillars of qiyas in qiyas tawarruq with bai' al-‘înah namely: bai' al-‘înah as ashl, tawarruq as far', the prohibition of bai' al-‘înah practice as hukm al-ashl and the main motive of the transaction in the form of obtaining cash (liquidity) instead of owning goods (commodities) with the mechanism of buying and selling and debt that represents hilah ribawiyah is as 'illat. Therefore, as is the prohibition against bai' al-‘înah, as it also applies to tawarruq. However, there is also a difference between bai' al-‘înah and tawarruq on the grounds of differences between the parties who make the second purchase, and some allow tawarruq on the condition that there is an urgent need or no agreement with a third party. Thus, it is very important in positioning ushul fiqh relevant to contemporary economy and finance, because the muamalah in Islam has flexibility, elasticity and openness to the development of the times