268 research outputs found
The Influence of Neglectful Parenting Style Toward the Attachment Built Between Mother and Daughter as Adolescent in “Girl in Progress” Movie by Patricia Riggen
Keywords : parenting style, developmental psychology, attachmentHumans cannot livealone in this world. They also need a place to stay andform their personalities. The first place that forms their personality is home, aplace where they live, set affection, feeling, and aspiration. At home, they meetpeople who take roles in their development, and parents are the first that form it. The way the parents raise their children takes a big role in their childrendevelopment. Everything that they teach to their children will affect theirchildrens' developments and lives. Related to the background of the study, thisstudy aims to answer two following questions. The first, what kinds of parentingstyles are used by Ansiedad's parents? And the second, what are the effects of the parenting style to the attachment between Ansiedad and her parents?In this study, developmental psychology will be applied and only focusedon the adolescent developmental psychology. Then to analyze the data,theparenting style that is used by Ansiedad's mother will be explained by the writer. The attachments as the result of parenting styles will also be explained.Based on the result of the study, the writer found that neglectful parentingstyle is used by Ansiedad's parent. The effect of parenting style to the attachment between Ansiedad and her parents is insecure attachment. In this study, the writer found the kinds of insecure attachment, dismissing or avoidant attachment, resistant or ambivalent attachment, and unresolved or disorganized attachment.In conclusion, the way the parents raise their children is very important.Because, if the parents raised her children in a good way, it can make her children be a good children. On the other hand, if the parents raised her children with badly, it can make the children be bad children.This study is expected to be useful for English Department students. Moreover, the writer hopes the futureresearchers who are interested in developmental psychology, especially inparenting style, may use new complete references and different object of study
Penanggulangan Prostitusi Perspektif Hadist
Prostitute as a profession has long been chosen by a minority of social actors among society in general. People perceive this profession as bad and disgusting. In spite of numerous efforts to eradicate it, prostitution as a profession keeps growing in number, size and modus operandi. Thus, the aim of this paper is to uncover the practice of prostitution thru a number of viewpoints, especially from the Islamic perspective. Results from data analysis suggest that Islam has several unique models in case of eradicating prostitution as prostitution relates to a host of other social problems. A combination of hard and gentle modes disciplining and is keyword to understand actions taken by Prophet Muhammad regarding prostitution in society
Quranic Perspective on Poverty Alleviation
This paper aims to explore Qur'anic perspective on poverty alleviation. Islam, one of the largest religion in the world, practices Quran as their legal ground which perceived as a framework to solve social problems. To reveal the nature of poverty, based on Islamic teachings, is to uncover the interpretations on Qur'anic texts related to poverty and the poor. Findings suggest that as a universal religion, Islam has a unique concept of poverty alleviation stated on the Quran. According to Quran, poverty condition relates to factors such as individual traits, discriminative social structure, and natural disaster
Pengaruh Persepsi Kemudahan, Persepsi Kegunaan dan Persepsi Risiko terhadap Minat Menggunakan Kartu Kredit (Studi pada Pengguna Kartu Kredit di Lingkungan PT Bank OCBC Nisp)
This study aims to determine the effect of perceive ease to use, perceive usefulness and perceive risk on intention to use credit cards. The research was conducted quantitatively by survey method using questionnaire. The sample of research was credit card users who happened to be encountered in the environment of PT Bank OCBC Nisp counted 96 people. Sampling technique was accidental sampling technique. Data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the perceive ease to use, perceive usefulness and perceive risk had a significant influence on the intention to use credit cards. The perceive ease to use, perceive usefulness and perceive risk had contributed 71,2% in influencing intention to use credit card to customers and employees of PT Bank OCBC nisp
Identifikasi Molekul Adhesi Pili Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Pada Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) Culture
Pseudomonas aeruginosa merupakan salah satu penyebab Gram negatif bakteriemia yang bisa berlanjut menjadi sepsis. Bakteri ini banyak menginfeksi penderita di rumah sakit dengan membentuk koloni pada pembuluh darah melalui proses adhesi (pelekatan). Pili dan bagian Outer Membrane Protein (OMP) adalah faktor yang mempengaruhi pelekatan bakteri P. aeruginosa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berat molekul protein hemaglutinin yang terdapat pada pili dan membuktikan peran protein hemaglutinin pada pili dalam pelekatan bakteri P. aeruginosa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah isolasi protein pili P. aeruginosa secara bertingkat, dilanjutkan dengan uji hemaglutinasi (metode mikrotiter) dan uji adhesi menggunakan protein pili hasil elektroelusi yang disalutkan pada kultur sel endotel (HUVECs) (konsentrasi 1, ½, ¼, ⅛, ⅟16 dan 0 [kontrol]). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya reaksi hemaglutinasi pada potongan pili ketiga dengan titer tertinggi (1/128). Protein hemaglutinin dengan berat molekul 38,19 kDa memberikan titer tertinggi (⅟16). Hasil uji adhesi protein hemaglutinin yang disalutkan pada sel endotel menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi pengenceran maka adhesi bakteri menunjukkan peningkatan secara signifikan dengan konstanta regresi (r)= 0,98 dan p value= 0,00. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa protein hemaglutinin pili merupakan protein adhesin. Protein adhesin dengan berat molekul 38,19 kDa berperan pada perlekatan bakteri P. aeruginosa 9064 dengan kultur sel endotel (HUVECs)
Evaluasi Dan Perkembangan Pembuatan Bahan Bakar Kernel Uo2 Di Ptapb-batan YOGYAKARTA
EVALUASI DAN PERKEMBANGAN PEMBUATAN BAHAN BAKAR KERNEL UO2 DI PTAPBBATANYOGYAKARTA Telah dilakukan evaluasi pembuatan bahan bakar kernel UO2 sertaperkembangannya di Bidang Kimia dan Teknologi Proses Bahan (BKTPB) – PTAPB - BATAN Yogyakarta.Pembuatan kernel UO2 telah dilakukan dengan metode gelasi internal maupun eksternal. Metode gelasiinternal dilakukan dengan cara kombinasi proses KEMA-HKFA (Keuringvan Electrotecnische Materialenat Arnhem-Hkernforchungsanlage) maupun dengan proses ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory),sedangkan metode gelasi eksternal dilakukan dengan proses emulsifikasi NUKEM (Nuclear Chemie undMetalurgie Gmbh). Dengan metode gelasi internal, telah dilakukan berbagai optimasi kondisi prosesnya.Hasil sementara menunjukkan bahwa proses yang paling baik adalah proses ORNL menggunakan mediagelasi TCE (tricloro etilena). Dengan metode gelasi eksternal, telah diperoleh beberapa kondisi optimum,namun masih perlu dilakukan optimasi lebih lanjut. Untuk memilih metode gelasi internal atau eksternaltergantung pada kemudahan proses, murah secara ekonomi serta yang memberikan hasil terbaik.Pemilihan metode belum bisa diputuskan karena belum semua variabel proses dioptimasi. Penelitianmengenai pelapisan kernel UO2 menggunakan silikon karbida (SiC) maupun pirokarbon (PyC) barumerupakan tahap awal, sehingga masih diperlukan optimasi berbagai variabel prosesnya. Penelitianpembuatan kernel UO2 di BKTPB – BATAN Yogyakarta direncanakan untuk pembuatan inti elemen bakarbentuk bola untuk HTR (High Temperature Reactor) dan dikembangkan sebagai bahan awal prosespembuatan pelet (proses SGMP = Sol-Gel Microsphere Pelletization) untuk PHWR (Pressurized HeavyWater Reactor)
Prevalensi Dan Intensitas Endoparasit Pada Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata) Dari Budidaya Dan Alam
Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan prevalensi dan intensitas endoparasit pada usus ikan Gabus (Channa striata) budidaya air tawar dan tangkapan alam. Usus didapatkan dari 20 ekor Ikan Gabus budidaya air tawar dan 20 ekor dari alam (panjang total 25±3 cm) yang diambil dan diawetkan dengan buffer formalin 0,5%, kemudian diamati menggunakan mikroskop stereo dan compound yang terhubung dengan kamera fotomikroskop OptiLab. Identifikasi endoparasit mengacu pada studi referensi. Prevalensi (prev.), dan intensitas (I) endoparasit dihitung berdasarkan jumlah endoparasit yang ditemukan di dalam usus ikan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa jumlah endoparasit, prevalensi, dan intensitas pada ikan Gabus dari alam memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi, yaitu Pallisentis sp. (prev=65%; I= 34.3 ind. per ikan dan Camallanus sp. (prev=35%; I=6.1 ind. per ikan) dibandingkan dengan ikan Gabus budidaya air tawar yang terinfeksi Pallisentis sp. saja (prev=30%; I=10. ind. per ikan)
The Effectiveness of Jigsaw on Reading Comprehension of Analytical Exposition Text
This paper investigates the effectiveness of Jigsaw on reading comprehension of analytical exposition text. The problems in this research are whether jigsaw has significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw learning and those who are taught by using Grammar-Translation Method and how the participants in the experimental group response toward the jigsaw instruction after the treatment. The population of this research was the eleventh grade student of Senior High School in Tasikmalaya in the academic year 2016/2017 consisting of 48 students. The instruments, achievement test used to collect data were pre-test and post-test to experimental and control groups. They served to measure students' reading comprehension of analytical exposition text by using jigsaw . The instrument, questionnaire was used to collect data about the participants' response towards using jigsaw in comprehending analytical exposition text. From the research, it could be obtained the t-observed value was 2.410, whereas t-critical was 2.021.It means the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the nul hypothesis is rejected. It can be concluded that there is significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw learning and those who are taught by using it
Anausis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Konsumsi Oaging Ayam Broiler Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir
The purpose of the research was to analyzed the effect of income per month (Xl), cost of broiler meat (X2), cost of cow meat (X3), cost of goat meat (X4), cost ofburas meat (X5), consumption cow meat (X6), intensity of bought cow meat (X7), ), consumption goat meat (X8), intensity of bought goat meat (X9), consumption buras meat (X10), intensity of bought buras meat (XU), amount of responsibility family (X12), intensity of bought broiler meat (X13) apd preference (X14) to the broiler meat consumption (Y) societies of Tembilahan District in Jndragiri Hilir Regency. The research was done by using survey method and direct interview to the field The technique intake of sample was done with random sampling. From six Countryside exist in District of Tembilahan taken by 30 % Countryside owning the amount of solid resident, so that got Countryside of Tembilahan Kota and Tembilahan Hilir, each every Countryside deputized by 5 % from amount of resident, so that got 445 responden which consist of168 responden in Tembilahan Hilir and 277 responden in Tembilahan Kota. The data was analyzed using multiple linear regression with SPPS versi12. The Result of research showed that consumption of broiler meat societies in Tembilahan District was about 1,66 ± 0,91 kg I week, with coefficient of variety equal to 54,81%. Factors thateffected the consumption of broiler meat were consumption buras meat (XIO), consumption of goat meat (XS) and intensity of bought buras meat (XU), had effect about 56% to the consumption of broiler meatsocieties in T embilahan District of Jndragiri Hilir regency
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