385 research outputs found

    Composite Spectral Energy Distributions and Infrared-Optical Colors of Type 1 and Type 2 Quasars

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    We present observed mid-infrared and optical colors and composite spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of type 1 (broad-line) and 2 (narrow-line) quasars selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopy. A significant fraction of powerful quasars are obscured by dust, and are difficult to detect in optical photometric or spectroscopic surveys. However these may be more easily identified on the basis of mid-infrared (MIR) colors and SEDs. Using samples of SDSS type 1 type 2 matched in redshift and [OIII] luminosity, we produce composite rest-frame 0.2-15 micron SEDs based on SDSS, UKIDSS, and Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) photometry and perform model fits using simple galaxy and quasar SED templates. The SEDs of type 1 and 2 quasars are remarkably similar, with the differences explained primarily by the extinction of the quasar component in the type 2 systems. For both types of quasar, the flux of the AGN relative to the host galaxy increases with AGN luminosity (L_[OIII]) and redder observed MIR color, but we find only weak dependencies of the composite SEDs on mechanical jet power as determined through radio luminosity. We conclude that luminous quasars can be effectively selected using simple MIR color criteria similar to those identified previously (W1-W2 > 0.7 [Vega]), although these criteria miss many heavily obscured objects. Obscured quasars can be further identified based on optical-IR colors (for example, (u-W3 [AB]) > 1.4(W1-W2 [Vega])+3.2). These results illustrate the power of large statistical studies of obscured quasars selected on the basis of mid-IR and optical photometry.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 14 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; composite Type 1 and Type 2 quasar SEDs available at http://www.dartmouth.edu/~hickox/Hickox2017_QSO_SED_Table1.tx

    The Clustering of Ha Emitters at z=2.23 from HiZELS

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    We present a clustering analysis of 370 high-confidence Hα emitters (HAEs) at z = 2.23. The HAEs are detected in the Hi-Z Emission Line Survey (HiZELS), a large-area blank field 2.121 μm narrow-band survey using the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Wide Field Camera (WFCAM). Averaging the two-point correlation function of HAEs in two ∼1° scale fields [United Kingdom Infrared Deep Sky Survey/Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) and Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS) fields] we find a clustering amplitude equivalent to a correlation length of r0 = 3.7 ± 0.3 h−1 Mpc for galaxies with star formation rates of ≳7 M⊙ yr−1. The data are also well-fitted by the expected correlation function of cold dark matter (CDM), scaled by a bias factor: ωHAE = b2ωDM where . The corresponding ‘characteristic’ mass for the haloes hosting HAEs is log (Mh/[h−1 M⊙]) = 11.7 ± 0.1. Comparing to the latest semi-analytic galform predictions for the evolution of HAEs in a ΛCDM cosmology, we find broad agreement with the observations, with galform predicting an HAE correlation length of ∼4 h−1 Mpc. Motivated by this agreement, we exploit the simulations to construct a parametric model of the halo occupation distribution (HOD) of HAEs, and use this to fit the observed clustering. Our best-fitting HOD can adequately reproduce the observed angular clustering of HAEs, yielding an effective halo mass and bias in agreement with that derived from the scaled ωDM fit, but with the relatively small sample size the current data provide a poor constraint on the HOD. However, we argue that this approach provides interesting hints into the nature of the relationship between star-forming galaxies and the matter field, including insights into the efficiency of star formation in massive haloes. Our results support the broad picture that ‘typical’ (≲L⋆) star-forming galaxies have been hosted by dark matter haloes with Mh ≲ 1012 h−1 M⊙ since z ≈ 2, but with a broad occupation distribution and clustering that is likely to be a strong function of luminosity

    A Redline Starburst: Co(2-1) Observations of an Eddington-Limited Galaxy Reveal Star Formation at its Most Extreme

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    We report observations of the CO(2-1) emission of SDSSJ1506+54, a compact (r_e~135pc) starburst galaxy at z=0.6. SDSSJ1506+54 appears to be forming stars close to the limit allowed by stellar radiation pressure feedback models: the measured L_IR/L\u27_CO 1500 is one of the highest measured for any galaxy. With its compact optical morphology but extended low surface brightness envelope, post-starburst spectral features, high infrared luminosity (L_IR\u3e10^12.5 L_Sun), low gas fraction (M_H2/M_stars~15%), and short gas depletion time (tens of Myr), we speculate that this is a feedback- limited central starburst episode at the conclusion of a major merger. Taken as such, SDSSJ1504+54 epitomizes the brief closing stage of a classic model of galaxy growth: we are witnessing a key component of spheroid formation during what we term a \u27redline\u27 starburst

    The impact of the dusty torus on obscured quasar halo mass measurements

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    Recent studies have found that obscured quasars cluster more strongly and are thus hosted by dark matter haloes of larger mass than their unobscured counterparts. These results pose a challenge for the simplest unification models, in which obscured objects are intrinsically the same as unobscured sources but seen through a dusty line of sight. There is general consensus that a structure like a ‘dusty torus’ exists, meaning that this intrinsic similarity is likely the case for at least some subset of obscured quasars. However, the larger host halo masses of obscured quasars imply that there is a second obscured population that has an even higher clustering amplitude and typical halo mass. Here, we use simple assumptions about the host halo mass distributions of quasars, along with analytical methods and cosmological N-body simulations to isolate the signal from this population. We provide values for the bias and halo mass as a function of the fraction of the ‘non-torus-obscured’ population. Adopting a reasonable value for this fraction of ∼25 per cent implies a non-torus-obscured-quasar bias that is much higher than the observed obscured quasar bias, because a large fraction of the obscured population shares the same clustering strength as the unobscured objects. For this non-torus-obscured population, we derive a bias of ∼3, and typical halo masses of ∼3 × 1013 M⊙ h−1 at z = 1. These massive haloes are likely the descendants of high-mass unobscured quasars at high redshift, and will evolve into members of galaxy groups at z = 0.Peer reviewe

    The Halo Mass of Optically Luminous Quasars at z ,F≈ ,F1-2 Measured via Gravitational Deflection of the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    © 2019. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We measure the average deflection of cosmic microwave background photons by quasars at 〈Z〉= 1.7. Our sample is selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to cover the redshift range 0.9 ≤z≤2.2 with absolute i-band magnitudes of M i ≤-24 (K-corrected to z = 2). A stack of nearly 200,000 targets reveals an 8δ detection of Planck's estimate of the lensing convergence toward the quasars. We fit the signal with a model comprising a Navarro-Frenk-White density profile and a two-halo term accounting for correlated large-scale structure, which dominates the observed signal. The best-fitting model is described by an average halo mass log 10 (M h h -1 M)12.6 ±0.2 = and linear bias b=2.7±0.3 at 〈Z 〉= 1.7, in excellent agreement with clustering studies. We also report a hint, at a 90% confidence level, of a correlation between the convergence amplitude and luminosity, indicating that quasars brighter than Mi≲ -26 reside in halos of typical mass M h ≈ 10 13 h -1 M, scaling roughly as M h ∞ L opt 3/4 at M i ≲-24 mag, in good agreement with physically motivated quasar demography models. Although we acknowledge that this luminosity dependence is a marginal result, the observed Mh-L opt relationship could be interpreted as a reflection of the cutoff in the distribution of black hole accretion rates toward high Eddington ratios: the weak trend of Mh with Lopt observed at low luminosity becomes stronger for the most powerful quasars, which tend to be accreting close to the Eddington limit.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    X-Ray Detected Active Galactic Nuclei in Dwarf Galaxies At 0 \u3c Z \u3c 1

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    We present a sample of accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in dwarf galaxies at z\lt 1. We identify dwarf galaxies in the NEWFIRM Medium Band Survey with stellar masses of {M}\star \lt 3× {10}9 {M}⊙ that have spectroscopic redshifts from the DEEP2 survey and lie within the region covered by deep (flux limit of ˜ 5× {10}-17{--}6× {10}-16 {erg} {{cm}}-2 {{{s}}}-1) archival Chandra X-ray data. From our sample of 605 dwarf galaxies, 10 exhibit X-ray emission consistent with that arising from active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity. If black-hole mass scales roughly with stellar mass, then we expect that these AGNs are powered by SMBHs with masses of ˜ {10}5{--}{10}6 {M}⊙ and typical Eddington ratios of ˜ 5 % . Furthermore, we find an AGN fraction consistent with extrapolations of other searches of ˜ 0.6 % {--}3 % for {10}9 {M}⊙ ≤slant {M}\star ≤slant 3× {10}9 {M}⊙ and 0.1\lt z\lt 0.6. Our AGN fraction is in good agreement with a semi-analytic model, suggesting that, as we search larger volumes, we may use comparisons between observed AGN fractions and models to understand seeding mechanisms in the early universe

    Physical Models for the Clustering of Obscured and Unobscured Quasars

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    Clustering measurements of obscured and unobscured quasars show that obscured quasars reside in more massive dark matter halos than their unobscured counterparts. These results are inconsistent with simple unified (torus) scenarios, but might be explained by models in which the distribution of obscuring material depends on Eddington ratio or galaxy stellar mass. We test these possibilities by constructing simple physical models to compare to observed AGN populations. We find that previously observed relationships between obscuration and Eddington ratio or stellar mass are not sufficient reproduce the observed quasar clustering results (logMhalo/M=12.940.11+0.10\langle \log M_{\text{halo}}/M_{\odot} \rangle = 12.94 ^{+ 0.10}_{- 0.11} and logMhalo/M=12.490.08+0.08\langle \log M_{\text{halo}}/M_{\odot} \rangle = 12.49 ^{+ 0.08}_{- 0.08} for obscured and unobscured populations, respectively) while maintaining the observed fraction of obscured quasars (30-65%\%). This work suggests that evolutionary models, in which obscuration evolves on the typical timescale for black hole growth, are necessary to understand the observed clustering of mid-IR selected quasars.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey: First Direct Measurements of the Greater Than Or Similar To 10 Kev X-Ray Luminosity Function For Active Galactic Nuclei At z \u3e 0.1

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    We present the first direct measurements of the rest-frame 10–40 keV X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) based on a sample of 94 sources at 0.1 \u3c z \u3c 3, selected at 8–24 keV energies from sources in the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) extragalactic survey program. Our results are consistent with the strong evolution of the AGN population seen in prior, lower-energy studies of the XLF. However, different models of the intrinsic distribution of absorption, which are used to correct for selection biases, give significantly different predictions for the total number of sources in our sample, leading to small, systematic differences in our binned estimates of the XLF. Adopting a model with a lower intrinsic fraction of Compton-thick sources and a larger population of sources with column densities cm−2 or a model with stronger Compton reflection component (with a relative normalization of R ~ 2 at all luminosities) can bring extrapolations of the XLF from 2–10 keV into agreement with our NuSTAR sample. Ultimately, X-ray spectral analysis of the NuSTAR sources is required to break this degeneracy between the distribution of absorbing column densities and the strength of the Compton reflection component and thus refine our measurements of the XLF. Furthermore, the models that successfully describe the high-redshift population seen by NuSTAR tend to over-predict previous, high-energy measurements of the local XLF, indicating that there is evolution of the AGN population that is not fully captured by the current models

    Weighing Obscured and Unobscured Quasar Hosts with the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    We cross-correlate a cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing map with the projected space densities of quasars to measure the bias and halo masses of a quasar sample split into obscured and unobscured populations, the first application of this method to distinct quasar subclasses. Several recent studies of the angular clustering of obscured quasars have shown that these objects likely reside in higher-mass halos compared to their unobscured counterparts. This has important implications for models of the structure and geometry of quasars, their role in growing supermassive black holes, and mutual quasar/host galaxy evolution. However, the magnitude and significance of this difference has varied from study to study. Using data from \planck, \wise, and SDSS, we follow up on these results using the independent method of CMB lensing cross-correlations. The region and sample are identical to that used for recent angular clustering measurements, allowing for a direct comparison of the CMB-lensing and angular clustering methods. At z∼1, we find that the bias of obscured quasars is bq=2.57±0.24, while that of unobscured quasars is bq=1.89±0.19. This corresponds to halo masses of log(Mh/M⊙h−1)=13.24+0.14−0.15 (obscured) and log(Mh/M⊙h−1)=12.71+0.15−0.13 (unobscured). These results agree well with with those from angular clustering (well within 1σ), and confirm that obscured quasars reside in host halos ∼3 times as massive as halos hosting unobscured quasars. This implies that quasars spend a significant portion of their lifetime in an obscured state, possibly more than one half of the entire active phase