3 research outputs found

    Rekayasa Nilai Kriteria Desain Fasilitas Produksi Gas Alam

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    Natural gas is one of the primary hydrocarbon energies in Indonesia. The construction of natural gas production facilities is essential to accommodate domestic energy needs. These facilities include production, pipelines, and processing facilities in an integrated manner. This study used the hydrocarbon composition of Field-X with an average of 7.62% CO2 and 0.06% H2S. The alternative design uses a fixed platform (fixed platform), MOPU (Mobile Offshore Production Unit), and a Semi-Submersible platform. The design comparison criteria are capital expenditure (CapEx), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), work completion time, safety risk, and flexibility of future facility development. Through the comparison method, it is found that Option A is the best option, which has a design criterion value of 57%, a higher NPV of 43,537,469.58thanthesmallestNPVoption,anIRRof1943,537,469.58 than the smallest NPV option, an IRR of 19%, and a payout time (POT) of 5 years. Option A uses a fixed platform with a pipeline to the north, the hydrocarbon separation process is carried out on an offshore platform, and the processing is carried out onshore. ABSTRAKGas alam merupakan salah satu energi hidrokarbon utama di Indonesia. Pembangunan fasilitas produksinya sangat penting untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan energi dalam negeri. Fasilitas ini meliputi produksi, jalur pemipaan, dan fasilitas pengolahan hidrokarbon secara terintegrasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan komposisi hidrokarbon dari Lapangan-X dengan rata-rata CO2 7.62% dan H2S 0.06%. Alternatif desain menggunakan anjungan tetap (fix platform), MOPU (Mobile Offshore Production Unit), dan anjungan Semi-Submersible. Kriteria perbandingan desain adalah modal awal, nilai bersih saat ini (NPV), tingkat pengembalian internal (IRR), waktu penyelesaian pekerjaan, resiko keselamatan, dan flexibilitas pengembangan fasilitas kedepan. Melalui metode perbandingan yang dipadankan didapatkan Opsi A  adalah opsi terbaik, yang memiliki nilai kriteria desain 57%, NPV lebih tinggi 43,537,469.58 dibanding opsi NPV terkecil, IRR 19% dan waktu pembayaran (payout time/POT) 5 tahun. Opsi A  menggunakan anjungan tetap dengan jalur pemipaan ke arah Utara, proses separasi hidrokarbon dilakukan pada anjungan lepas pantai (offshore) dan pengolahannya dilakukan di darat (onshore).

    Variation of Time and Ethanol Solvent Concentration Of Kinetic Maceration Tannin Extraction From Aromatic Areca Catechu

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    Aromatic areca catechu is one of the main agro commodities in West Sumatra. It contains tannin which are valuable compounds that are widely used in the textile industries, leather product manufacturing, or furniture industries. Utilization of tannin extraction from the aromatic betel nut is expected to increase its economic value. This study aims to extract tannin through kinetic maceration methods by varying the maceration duration of 1,2,3,4, and 5 hours; and varying the solvent concentration of ethanol 35%, 50%, 65%, 80%, and 96%. The scented areca nut powder used has a mesh size of e” 20, the stirring speed 450 rpm and the temperature kept constant at 45 oC. The extraction results were then concentrated and tested by UV-Vis spectrophotometric analysis with a standard solution of tannic acid. Optimal yield value is 3.750%  identified at maceration length of 2 hours with a solvent concentration of 65% ethanol


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    Areca nut from Padang Pariaman as an export commodity is rich in tannin content and its ability as an antioxidant is used as the object of this research. The extraction of fragrant betel nut seeds has been carried out using the usual kinetic maceration method and the kinetic maceration method with ultrasonic wave irradiation pretreatment. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of ultrasonic irradiation on the tannin content, total phenol and antioxidant inhibition of the ethanol extract of areca nut seeds. A total of 20 grams of areca nut powder in a mesh variation of 20, 40 and 70 was extracted in 200 ml of ethanol with a solvent variation of 65% and 80%. Using three treatments, namely maceration treatment without ultrasonic irradiation, maceration with 15 minutes of ultrasonic irradiation pretreatment and the third treatment with 30 minutes of ultrasonic irradiation. The solvent was evaporated in a rotary evaporator and then tested for tannin levels using Follin Denish and DPPH reagents to measure antioxidants. The results of the highest tannin content were obtained in the third treatment, namely maceration with ultrasonic irradiation treatment 30 minutes, areca nut powder size 40 mesh, ethanol solvent 80% obtained tannin content of 12.5%. Meanwhile, the highest antioxidant activity was obtained at 70 mesh size, 80% ethanol solvent and the same treatment, which was 81.78