62 research outputs found

    Implications of the legalization of non-commercial surrogacy for local kinship and motherhood in Vietnamese society

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    AbstractUntil recently, surrogacy was banned in Vietnam for all cases. The government, however, has altered its position on reproductive technology and will soon legalize non-commercial surrogacy among relatives. Motherhood is highly venerated in Vietnamese society and, under this local kinship conception, gestational process is of paramount importance in establishing a connection between the fetus and the woman. The implications of this new government decision for local kinship, motherhood and the individuals concerned will be discussed

    Becoming a Surrogate Online : "Message Board" Surrogacy in Thailand

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    10.1353/asb.2013.0004Asian Bioethics Review5156-7


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系11月に日本生命倫理学会でシンポジウムを企画し(シンポジウムテーマ「生殖技術における弱者とは誰か」)、インドの商業的代理出産をめぐる法規制や実態について、研究代表者が報告を行った。1月に東京で「国境を超える身体とツーリズム」というテーマで公開講演会を実施し、3名の演者に報告を依頼した(粟屋剛・岡山大、柘植あつみ・明治学院大、出口顕・島根大)。報告の内容を生殖テクノロジーとヘルスケアを考える研究会のホームページに掲載し、閲覧できるようにした。2月に第8回研究会を東京で開催し10名が報告を行った(小椋宗一郎、Christine Levy、小宅理沙、白井千晶、森脇健介、日比野由利、杵淵恵美子、小門穂、林千章)。9月に第9回研究会を東京で開催し8名が報告を行った(小椋宗一郎、島薗洋介、野辺陽子、日比野由利、松浦由美子、南貴子、森脇健介、林千章)。昨年から今年度にかけての研究会での議論の成果は論文集として刊行された(日比野由利・柳原良江編著『テクノロジーとヘルスケア-女性身体へのポリティクス-』生活書院)。研究会活動の他、研究員・牧由佳の協力を得てブログ(生殖テクノロジーとヘルスケアを考える研究会[防備録]http://azuki0405.exblog.jp/)で生殖医療関係の記事の要約・紹介を随時公表しており、現在までに200件以上の記事、10,000件ほどの訪問者を数えた。研究代表者は、アジアへの生殖ツーリズム現象に注目し、インド、タイ、マレーシアなどで調査を行い、その成果の一部を論文として公表した。研究課題/領域番号:21200026, 研究期間(年度):2009 – 201

    資源としての女性: 卵子・代理母・中絶胎児

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    金沢大学医学系資源化・商品化される女性身体の具体的な諸層を明らかにするため、タイの生殖技術について調査を行った。タイでは医療ツーリズムが国策として推進されていることから、私立病院を中心に外国人向けの医療サービスも充実している。不妊治療の一貫として、卵子提供や代理出産が行われ、これらの生殖サービスを求め、海外からの利用者も多い。アジア系女性の卵子を希望する日本からの利用者も少なくないと推測される。こうした事実を踏まえ、卵子提供や代理出産の候補者/経験者であるタイ人女性14名(24~36歳)にインタヴューを実施した。タイでは卵子提供の報酬は10万バーツ程度(約30万円)、代理出産の報酬は約30万バーツ(約90万円)程度であり、タイ女性が代理出産などに従事する主要な目的として金銭が挙げられる。家族や母親の経済的困窮を助けたいという動機が多く見られた。その他、【妊娠することが好き】【不妊患者がかわいそう】【人助けのため】【中絶の賦罪のため】などが動機として語られた。生殖産業に関わるタイ女性の多くは、貧しく低学歴であったが、大学卒で十分な収入がある中産階級の女性も含まれていた。タイ語の代理出産(〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓)には、仏教の「徳(プン)」という言葉が含まれており、人助けの善い事であるという意味が込められている。こうした仏教のイデオロギーが、タイでの生殖産業の興隆の背景にある。国際都市バンコクは観光資源も豊富で世界中から娯楽目的で人々がやってくる。タイでは、従来から、農村の貧しい女性が性産業に取り込まれ、セックス・ツーリズムの対象になってきたことはよく知られている。生殖産業による女性身体の資源化や商品化が進みつつあるタイの社会状況として、ツーリズムに対して寛容な見方、貧困、家父長制的家族制度などが挙けられる。研究課題/領域番号:22710262, 研究期間(年度):2010 – 2012出典:研究課題「資源としての女性: 卵子・代理母・中絶胎児」課題番号22710262(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-22710262/)を加工して作


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    In this paper, we focus on the habitus of Japanese women as a cultural and social factor explaining why "female participation in the workplace"(女性活躍Josei katsuyaku) has not developed in a positive way. In the process of the modernization and industrialization of Japan, the division of gender roles became widespread. There is a hierarchy called “内助の功”(Naijo no kou), in which women sacrifice their own careers and personal lives to support men.In some new religious movements in Japan, wives are instructed to be subordinate to their husbands. This method has been successful in improving the husbands’ way of life, but it clearly does not promote gender equality. This subordinate behavior can be said to be the habitus of Japanese women.The limitations for women with regard to Josei katsuyaku is that they are constrained by a male perspective that is focused on how to utilize women. It is derived from a male-centered way of thinking that objectifies women and does not include a female perspective. For example, it does not address male participation in unpaid work

    Efficient Assay for Total Antioxidant Capacity in Human Plasma Using a 96-Well Microplate

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    In the present study, we tried to establish an efficient assay for total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in human plasma using a 96-well microplate. TAC was assessed using lag time by antioxidants against the myoglobin-induced oxidation of 2,2'-azino-di(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) with hydrogen peroxide, and expressed as Trolox equivalent. The linearity of the calibration curve with Trolox was maintained with the Trolox concentration range from 2.5 µM to 25 µM (R2 = 0.997). The assay was applied to the measurement of TAC in healthy human plasma. Coefficient of variation in intraday assay was 2.4%. Difference was not observed in interday assay. Plasma TAC of men ((569 ± 41) µM Trolox equivalent; n = 6) was higher than that of women ((430 ± 28) µM Trolox equivalent; n = 4). After the vegetable juice was drunk for 1 week, the increase in plasma TAC was observed in almost all the volunteers. In summary, we developed the efficient assay for plasma TAC using a 96-well microplate

    Preparation and Characterization of a Polyclonal Antibody against Brominated Protein

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    (Di)bromotyrosine is formed by the specific reaction of eosinophil peroxidase and can be used as an eosinophil activation marker. In the present study, an antibody for (di)bromotyrosine in proteins was prepared to investigate the pathogenesis of eosinophil-related diseases such as allergic responses. A rabbit polyclonal antibody was raised against brominated keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The specificity of the antiserum was investigated with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The antiserum recognized brominated bovine serum albumin (BSA) and dibromotyrosine-conjugated BSA. The antiserum also reacted with chlorinated BSA and di-iodotyrosine-conjugated BSA. Moreover, the specificity of the antiserum was investigated using competitive ELISA. Dibromotyrosine and di-iodotyrosine inhibited the recognition of brominated BSA by the antiserum. However, the recognition of brominated BSA by the antiserum was not inhibited by bromotyrosine, chlorotyrosine, iodotyrosine, nitrotyrosine, aminotyrosine, phosphotyrosine, or tyrosine. These results suggested that the epitope of the antiserum is dihalogenated tyrosine. Immunohistochemically, the antiserum stained brominated rat eosinophils but not chlorinated or nitrated eosinophils. In conclusion, an antiserum for dihalogenated protein was prepared. It is expected that the antiserum will be useful for the analysis of the pathogenesis of allergic diseases such as asthma and atopic dermatitis

    Biochemical characterization of reactive nitrogen species by eosinophil peroxidase in tyrosine nitration

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    It is well known that eosinophils are involved in tyrosine nitration. In this study, we evaluated tyrosine nitration by rat eosinophils isolated from peritoneal fl uid and constituent eosinophils in the stomach. Rat peritoneal eosinophils activated with 1 &#956;M phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and 50 &#956;M NO2 &#65437; showed immunostaining for nitrotyrosine only in smaller cells, despite the fact that eosinophils are capable of producing superoxide (O2·&#65437;). Free tyrosine nitrating capacity after incubation with PMA and NO2 &#65437; was 4-fold higher in eosinophils than in neutrophils. Catalase and &#65400;- and &#65402; -tocopherol inhibited free tyrosine nitration by reactive nitrogen species from eosinophils but not that by peroxynitrite. Superoxide dismutase augmented free tyrosine nitration by activated eosinophils and peroxynitrite. The concentration of nitric oxide released from eosinophils was relatively low (0.32 &#956;M/106 cells/h) and did not contribute to the formation of nitrotyrosine. On the other hand, most constituent eosinophils constituent in the rat stomach stimulated by PMA and NO2 &#65437; showed tyrosine nitration capacity. These results suggest that intact cells other than apoptotic-like eosinophils eluted in the intraperitoneal cavity could not generate reactive species responsible for nitration by a peroxidase-dependent mechanism. In contrast, normal eosinophils in the stomach were capable of nitration, suggesting that the characteristics of eosinophils in gastric mucosa are diff erent from those eluted in the peritoneal cavity.</p

    Disposition of protein-bound 3-nitrotyrosine in rat plasma analysed by a novel protocol for HPLC-ECD

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系3-Nitrotyrosine (NTyr) is considered as a biomarker of the generation of reactive nitrogen species (RNS). However, it is still difficult to determine its concentration in biological samples. To develop a reliable and high-throughput method, we optimized the conditions for high performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection (HPLC-ECD). The best separation of NTyr was achieved using a highly acidic mobile phase (pH 2.5). The concentration of protein-bound NTyr in plasma protein was 593.6 ± 53.8 fmol/mg in rats treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and 114.4 ± 27.6 fmol/mg in control. After intravenous administration of in vitro-nitrated plasma protein, NTyr concentration decreased; the half-life was 63.4 ± 16.8 h. Consistently, protein-bound NTyr concentration in plasma after LPS treatment declined gradually, but was detectable for 1 week. Our protocol is reproducible and suitable for analysing multiple clinical samples to study RNS production in vivo. © 2007 The Japanese Biochemical Society