23 research outputs found

    The Lattice Photon Propagator

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    The photon propagator in the Landau gauge is calculated for a U(1) lattice gauge theory. In the confined, strong coupling phase, the propagator resembles that of a massive particle. In the weak coupling phase, the propagator is that of a massless particle. An abrupt change occurs at the transition point. The results are compared to simulations of the gluon propagator in SU(3) lattice gauge theory

    Is the D35 (1925) Resonance Evidence for New Baryonic Degrees of Freedom?

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    The possibility that the D35(1925) resonance is evidence for a [56, 1-] multiplet corresponding to excitation of new gluonic degrees of freedom within baryons is examined in detail. A new group-theoretical analysis of a successful mass formula for the N=2 multiplets of the nonrelativistic harmonic-oscillator quark model is also presented. Some results for the N=3 level are also given together with an outline of the method for generalization to any degree of excitation of the system

    Acousto-electric single-photon detector

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    We propose a novel concept for a semiconductor-based single-photon detector for quantum information processing, which is capable of discriminating the number of photons in a light pulse. The detector exploits the charge transport by a surface acoustic wave (SAW) in order to combine a large photon absorption area (thus providing high photon collection efficiency) with a microscopic charge detection area, where the photo generated charge is detected with resolution at the single electron level using single electron transistors (SETs). We present preliminary results on acoustic transport measured in a prototype for the detector as well as on the fabrication of radio-frequency single-electron transistors (RFSETs) for charge detection. The photon detector is a particular example of acousto-electric nanocircuits that are expected to be able to control both the spatial and the spin degrees of freedom of single electrons. If realized, these circuits will contribute substantially to a scalable quantum information technology

    Roots and Effects of Financial Misperception in a Stochastic Dominance Framework

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    Thiswork deals with the issue of investors\u2019 irrational behavior and financial products\u2019misperception. The theoretical analysis of themechanisms driving erroneous assessment of investment performances is explored. The study is supported by the application of Monte Carlo simulations to the remarkable case of structured financial products. Some motivations explaining the popularity of these complex financial instruments among retail investors are also provided. In particular, investors are assumed to compare the performances of different projects through stochastic dominance rules. Unreasonably and in contrast with results obtained by the application of the selected criteria, investors prefer complex securities to standard ones. In this paper, introducing a new definition for stochastic dominance which presents asymmetric property, we provide theoretical and numerical results showing how investors distort stochastic returns and make questionable investment choices. Results are explained in terms of framing and representative effects, which are behavioral finance type arguments showing how decisions may depend on the way the available alternatives are presented to investors