308 research outputs found

    Self Organization and Self Avoiding Limit Cycles

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    A simple periodically driven system displaying rich behavior is introduced and studied. The system self-organizes into a mosaic of static ordered regions with three possible patterns, which are threaded by one-dimensional paths on which a small number of mobile particles travel. These trajectories are self-avoiding and non-intersecting, and their relationship to self-avoiding random walks is explored. Near ρ=0.5\rho=0.5 the distribution of path lengths becomes power-law like up to some cutoff length, suggesting a possible critical state

    An Extended Kalman Filter with a Computed Mean Square Error Bound

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    The paper proposes a new recursive filter for non-linear systems that inherently computes a valid bound on the mean square estimation error. The proposed filter, bound based extended Kalman, (BEKF) is in the form of an extended Kalman filter. The main difference of the proposed filter from the conventional extended Kalman filter is in the use of a computed mean square error bound matrix, to calculate the filter gain, and to serve as bound on the actual mean square error. The paper shows that when the system is linear the proposed filtering algorithm reduces to the conventional Kalman filter. The theory presented in the paper is applicable to a wide class of systems, but if the system is polynomial, then the recently developed theory of positive polynomials considerably simplifies the filter's implementation.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Tug-of-war in motility assay experiments

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    The dynamics of two groups of molecular motors pulling in opposite directions on a rigid filament is studied theoretically. To this end we first consider the behavior of one set of motors pulling in a single direction against an external force using a new mean-field approach. Based on these results we analyze a similar setup with two sets of motors pulling in opposite directions in a tug-of-war in the presence of an external force. In both cases we find that the interplay of fluid friction and protein friction leads to a complex phase diagram where the force-velocity relations can exhibit regions of bistability and spontaneous symmetry breaking. Finally, motivated by recent work, we turn to the case of motility assay experiments where motors bound to a surface push on a bundle of filaments. We find that, depending on the absence or the presence of a bistability in the force-velocity curve at zero force, the bundle exhibits anomalous or biased diffusion on long-time and large-length scales

    Periodic training of creeping solids

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    We consider disordered solids in which the microscopic elements can deform plastically in response to stresses on them. We show that by driving the system periodically, this plasticity can be exploited to train in desired elastic properties, both in the global moduli and in local "allosteric" interactions. Periodic driving can couple an applied "source" strain to a target strain over a path in the energy landscape. This coupling allows control of the system's response even at large strains well into the nonlinear regime, where it can be difficult to achieve control simply by design

    Alloreactive memory T cells induce chronic graft-versus-host disease

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