91 research outputs found

    Exploring MultiPath TCP Through Discrete Event Simulation

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2022-06-01Global internet usage is rapidly becoming more mobile. Devices are, as a consequence, equipped with multiple network interfaces to meet the demand for mobility. With the emergence of 5G-technology, this trend will most likely continue. However, most internet traffic makes use of standard TCP. TCP does not allow a connection to span several interfaces, even though multiple network interfaces are available. MPTCP is a proposed protocol that enables the use of several interfaces. By distributing data through several paths, MPTCP aims at making internet usage more robust while providing higher throughput and multihoming features. In this thesis, we develop a discrete event simulator to simulate a network. Using this simulator, we analyze and evaluate the performance of MPTCP in various situations. Our findings show that MPTCP has several pitfalls and highlight possible mitigationsMasteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-INFMAMN-PRO

    «Ingen kommentar» - En bacheloroppgave i krisekommunikasjon

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    Naturkatastrofer og andre store kriser er upløyd mark for de aller fleste i velferdsstaten Norge, hvor rutiner, kontroller, respekt for regler og lov, samt tillit til egne myndigheter er noe av det som er beskrivende for samfunnet vårt. Vi journalister, politi og andre har dermed lite praktisk erfaring med slike hendelser utover simulerte øvelser med beredskap i fokus. Likevel opplevde i all hovedsak de spurte journalistene tilstede i Gjerdrum politiet som imøtekommende og behjelpelige med å utgi informasjonen som ble etterspurt. Politiets innsatsledere ble stilt 208 spørsmål fordelt på flere jevnlige pressebriefer utenfor kulturhuset på Ask. 95,2 prosent av spørsmålene ble besvart direkte av innsatsleder på stedet

    Vilkåret «på land» i laksetildelingsforskriften § 7-2 Hvor går grensen?

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    Oppgaven handler om grensen mellom sjø og "land" etter laksetildelingsforskriften § 7-2. Ettersom de fleste landbaserte anlegg bygges i grensen mellom land og sjø, har det siden 2016 (da konsesjoner til landbasert oppdrett av matfisk ble vederlagsfritt) vært uklart nøyaktig hvor grensen går. I 2019 kom myndighetene med retningslinjer til bestemmelsen som skulle være oppklarende. Det var de ikke. Retningslinjene inneholdt momenter om anleggets utforming, der særlig momentet om anleggets plassering opp mot høyeste astronomiske tidevann (HAT) har skapt forvirring. Momentet antyder at et anlegg som ligger innenfor grensen til sjøen etter kartverkets grenser flere meter fra sjøen, likevel kan anses som å ikke være "på land" dersom det er sprengt ned slik at produksjonsenhetens laveste punkt er under HAT. Spørsmålet oppgaven drøfter ble behandlet av Tingretten 16.11.2022. Oppgaven og dommen er på mange måter forenelig, men ettersom oppgaven er av en akademisk og langt mer teoretisk karakter enn dommen, går den dypere inn på flere punkter. Dommen er først og fremst ute etter å løse den konkrete tvisten, og skal ikke gå like dypt inn på alle momenter, slik denne oppgaven gjør. Rettstilstanden er selv etter tingrettsdommen uklar, til tross for at denne var enstemmig. Retningslinjene fra 2019 står seg fortsatt og skaper usikkerhet for aktørene som driver med landbasert oppdrett. Konsekvensen av at et anlegg ikke anses for å være "på land" er et tap på flere hundre millioner da det er dette konsesjoner for sjøbasert oppdrett koster. Det er derfor av stor betydning at usikkerheten blir oppklart.MasteroppgaveJUS399MAJUR-2MAJU

    Stødige skritt på tonale føtter? Tonelagsproduksjon hos barn med typisk utvikling og barn med høytfungerende autisme

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    I dette mastergradsprosjektet har jeg undersøkt tonelagsproduksjon hos syv barn med typisk utvikling (29-36 mnd.) og tre barn med høytfungerende autisme (HFA) (58-86 mnd.). Hovedmålet med undersøkelsen har vært å kartlegge hvordan de to barnegruppene produserer den østnorske tonelagskontrasten og hva som eventuelt kjennetegner deres avvikende tonelagsproduksjoner. Både akustiske og auditive analyser av barnas ordproduksjoner ble gjennomført. Resultatene fra undersøkelsen avdekket både fellestrekk og forskjeller mellom de to barnegruppene. Alle barna produserte flesteparten av sine tonebærende ordformer rett, men gruppen med HFA gjorde flere feil enn gruppen med typisk utvikling. Der en stor andel av de avvikende tonelagsproduksjonene fra barna med typisk utvikling kunne forklares som overgeneraliseringer av typefrekvente mønstre, var feilproduksjonene fra gruppen med HFA mindre entydige. I tillegg gjorde gruppen med HFA en hel del overgeneraliseringer av tonem 1 på former som både er svært frekvente i norsk og som ofte dukker opp i trykksvake posisjoner, et feilmønster som var fraværende i gruppen med typisk utvikling. Barnas korrekte og avvikende tonelagsproduksjoner blir diskutert i relasjon til bruksbaserte tilnærminger til fonologi og fonologisk tilegnelse (Bybee, 2001; Vihman & Croft, 2007) og til artikulatorisk fonologi (Browman & Goldstein, 1992). Feilmønstrene som bare dukket opp hos barnegruppen med autisme blir også diskutert i relasjon til teorien om svak sentral koherens (Happé & Firth, 2006). Til sist drøfter jeg hvilke implikasjoner teorien om svak sentral koherens vil kunne få for bruksbaserte tilnærminger til språkkompetanse i autismespekteret

    Assessment of efficacy and impact on work productivity and attendance after a mandatory switch to generic second-generation antihistamines: results of a patient survey in Norway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In 2006, the Norwegian Medicines Agency mandated a switch from desloratadine, ebastine, or fexofenadine to cetirizine or loratadine in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) or chronic urticaria (CU). In an online survey, patients whose medication was switched assessed the impact on efficacy, fatigue, and work productivity/attendance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Allergy patients in Norway completed a 25-item online survey. Patients aged ≥ 18 years with AR or CU who were switched to cetirizine or loratadine from desloratadine, ebastine, or fexofenadine were included. Participants rated post-switch efficacy, fatigue, and effect on work productivity/attendance compared with their pre-switch medication. Patients also reported post-switch change in number of doctor visits required, total treatment cost, and whether they had switched or wanted to switch back to their previous medications.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 1920 patients invited, 493 responded and 409 of these were eligible. Previous antihistamines were desloratadine (78.4% of respondents), ebastine (16.0%), and fexofenadine (5.6%). Post-switch, 64.7% received cetirizine and 35.3% loratadine. Compared with previous therapy, cetirizine and loratadine were rated less effective by 46.3% of respondents; 28.7% reported increased fatigue; and 31.6% reported decreased work productivity with the generic agents. At the time of the survey, 26% of respondents had switched back to their previous medication.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first survey to assess the impact on patient-reported outcomes of a mandated switch from prescription to generic antihistamines in Norway. The findings suggest that patient response to different antihistamines will vary and that treatment decisions should be individualized for optimal results.</p

    Acquisition of the majority language in Norwegian ECEC: Relating language-learning environment in ECEC to expressive vocabulary

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    Developing proficiency in the language(s) spoken in any given society is crucial for the inclusion and attainment of children in that society. With an enrolment rate in Norwegian early childhood education and care (ECEC) of 93.4% for children between age one and five, ECEC constitutes an important out-of-home learning environment for children in Norway. In this study, we examine how the quality of language-learning environments in toddler and preschool groups predicts children’s expressive vocabulary in the majority language depending on children’s home languages. Data from the quality rating scales ITERS R and ECERS-R were used to model quality factors related to expressive vocabulary in toddler and preschool groups. The sample included 1,078 children (876 children with parents who spoke the majority language exclusively, 104 children with one parent who spoke the majority language and one parent who spoke another language, and 57 children with no majority language speaking parents). The results show that the quality of the language-learning environment in toddler and preschool groups is positively associated with expressive vocabulary in the majority language at age three and five, but only for children whose parents spoke the majority language exclusively.publishedVersio

    Tilsyn med alternative opplæringssteder

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    Oppgaven tar for seg tilsyn med alternative opplæringssteder

    Variables and Challenges in Assessing EU Experts' Performance

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    Expert advice in political processes is supposed to improve decisions. If expertise fails in this function, a legitimacy problem occurs: granting political power to experts may be defensible, but only on the grounds that it contributes to enlightening political processes and facilitate problem-solving. The paper provides a theoretical exploration of four variables that are key when assessing the epistemic quality of expert deliberations: the degree to which these deliberations are 1) informed by technical expertise, 2) regulated by epistemically optimal respect and inclusion norms, 3) focused on politically relevant and applicable knowledge, and 4) approaching questions involving moral judgment and standard setting competently. Previous research on the European Commission’s use of expert advice has more or less overlooked the question of experts’ epistemic performance, and this paper discusses the possible reasons for this in light of well-known methodological challenges in studies of elite behaviour; access and bias problems. A discussion of the merits and limitations of different available data on the Commission experts shows that the biggest obstacle in the study of experts’ epistemic performance is rather the problem of epistemic asymmetry, i.e. of how researchers as non-experts can assess the epistemic quality of experts’ contributions and behaviour. The paper offers, finally, a set of strategies to get research going despite this problem

    Early Warning Indicators for Norwegian Banks: A Logit Analysis of the Experiences from the Banking Crisis

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    Most existing early warning studies for the banking industry are based on U.S. data. The present paper considers the experiences made during the Norwegian banking crisis 1988- 92. The performance of a set of possible early warning indicators are evaluated, both as independent indicators and as part of a simultaneous indicator system. The paper leads to recommendations for the future structure of early warning systems, specifically with reference to the Norwegian banking industry but with relevance even to the banking industries of other countries.publishedVersio

    Investigation of WAG Potential using Compositional Model

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    Water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection is a commonly used enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique, for which the aim is to increase vertical sweep efficiency and reduce mobility of injected fluids by injecting water and gas in cycles. A company, present on the Norwegian continental shelf, is about to initiate a larger study on the potential of WAG injection for one of its operating fields. This paper serves as an introduction to this study. Some of the benefits and potentially problematic issues during WAG injection have been investigated. Simulation results are used to illustrate and confirm what is found in the literature. For this purpose, the author has created a simplified model of the region in the field model, where WAG injection is planned. This makes it possible to look at WAG effects with a less time-consuming simulation model, before running the field scale model provided by the operating company. Relative permeability hysteresis due to gas trapping, compositional effects during WAG, effects of high permeable top layer, as well as reservoir management in order to maintain the gas-oil-ratio (GOR) at a reasonable level have been investigated through simulation results