9 research outputs found

    Nomenclatural Changes in the Neotropical Eumaeini (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae)

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    Nomenclatural actions are taken in the Neotropical Eumaeini in advance of publication of the Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera Checklist. Lectotypes are designated for eleven species group names: Lycaena astiocha Prittwitz, 1865; Thecla azia Hewitson, 1873; Thecla beroea Hewitson, 1868; Thecla cupa Druce, 1907; Thecla daraba Hewitson, 1867; Thecla duma Hewitson, 1878; Thecla erenea Hewitson, 1867; Thecla galliena Hewitson, 1867; Thecla guacanagari Wallengren, 1860; Thecla stagira Hewitson, 1867; and Thecla thoria Hewitson, 1867. Thecla duma Hewitson, 1878 and Thecla columbinia Strand, 1916 are transferred from Eumaeini to Deudorigini (Theclinae). Lycaena vanessoides Prittwitz, 1865 is transferred from Polyommatinae to Theclinae (Eumaeini). Six type localities are changed: Colombia to Africa for Thecla columbinia Strand, 1916; Amazon to Guayaquil for Thecla daraba Hewitson, 1867; Colombia to Southeast Asia for Thecla duma Hewitson, 1878; Bolivia to Westem North America for Ignata illepida K. Johnson, 1992; Argentina to the United States for Strymon nivnix K. Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1990; and Dominican Republic to mainland Central and South America for Tmolus victoria K. Johnson & Matusik, 1989. Seven new synonyms are: Lycaena vanessoides Prittwitz, 1865 = Thecla hygela Hewitson, 1868 syn. nov.; Thecla saepium Boisduval, 1852 = Ignata illepida K. Johnson, 1992 syn. nov.; Thecla tyriam H.H. Druce, 1907 = Zigirina minutia K. Johnson & Adams, 1997 syn. nov.; Thecla halciones Butler & H. Druce, 1872 = Decussata colombiana K. Johnson, Austin, Le Crom & Sal azar, 1997 syn. nov.; Papilio celmus Cramer, 1775 = Tmolus victoria K. Johnson & Matusik, 1989 syn. nov.; Thecla daraba Hewitson, 1867 = Thecla tyleri Dyar, 1913 syn. nov.; and Thecla galliena Hewitson, 1877 = Thecla iopas Godman & Salvin, 1887 syn. nov. The generic name Decussata K. Johnson, Austin, Le Crom & Salazar, 1997 is a new junior synonym of Ostrinotes K. Johnson, Austin, Le Crom & Salazar, 1997. The unavailable infra-subspecific name Thecla orobiana forma ♀ cosmophila Tessmann, 1928 is available as Thecla cosmophila Bridges, 1988. Seven new combinations are: Hypokopelates columbinia (Strand, 1916) comb. nov.; Mithras cosmophila Bridges, 1988 comb. nov.; Nicolaea cupa (Druce, 1907) comb. nov.; Salazaria elizabetha (Salazar, VĂ©lez & K. Johnson, 1997) comb. nov.; Ostrinotes halciones (Butler & H. Druce, 1872) comb. nov.; Strephonota tyriam (H.H. Druce, 1907) comb. nov.; and Aubergina vanessoides (Prittwitz, 1865) comb. nov. The holotypes of seven eumaeines are composed of parts belonging to different species: Strymon andrewi K. Johnson & Matusik, 1988; Decussata colombiana K. Johnson, Austin, Le Crom & Salazar, 1997; Trochusinus elizabetha Salazar, VĂ©lez & K. Johnson, 1997; lgnata illepida K. Johnson, 1992; Zigirina minutia K. Johnson & Adams, 1997; Strymon nivnix K. Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1990; and Tmolus victoria K. Johnson & Matusik, 1989. Some parts of these holotypes are excluded to clarify the identity of these names. Three chronic misspellings are corrected: Papilio ganimedes Crarner, 1775, for Papilio ganymedes [sic] Fabricius, 1776;Thecla atnius Herrich-Schäffer, [1853], for Thecla atrius [sic] Herrich-Schäffer, [1858]; and Rusticus minyas HĂĽbner, [1809], for Rusticus minijas [sic] Poey, 1832. The name Electrostrymon minikyanos K. Johnson & Matusik, 1988, is treated as a nomen dubium. The subjective synonymy of Thecla guacanagari Wallengren, 1860, and Thecla azia Hewitson, 1873, is referred to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for conditional suppression of the first name. Precedence for the names Papilio dion Schaller, 1788, and Hesperia columella Fabricius, 1793, is reversed under Article 23.9.1 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature

    Sobre os tipos de Hesperiidae descritos por Roeber (Lepidoptera)

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    <abstract language="eng">Comments on the systematic position and synonymy of the Hesperiidae described by J. Roeber are presented. The Syn. n. are the following: Jemadia gigantea Roeber, 1925 of Nosphistia zonara (Hewitson, 1866), Pyrrhopyga josepha Ploetz, 1879 of Hegesippe luteizona (Mabille, 1877), Phocides palaemonides Roeber, 1925 of Phocides palemon palemon (Cramer, 1777), Phocides xenocrates Bell, 1935 of Phocides vulcanides Roeber, 1925, Phocides parvus Roeber, 1925 of Phocides pialia pialia (Hewitson, 1857), Thymele aulicusi Roeber, 1925 of Astraptes enotrus (Cramer, 1781), Pythonides zonula Mabille, 1889 of Paches loxus loxus (Westwood, 1852), Thespieus chlorocephala Roeber, 1925 of Thespieus lutetia (Hewitson, 1866), Xeniades cecropteroides Roeber, 1925 of Niconiades caeso (Mabille, 1891) and Thracides nanea chiricana Roeber, 1925 of Thracides nanea nanea (Hewtson, 1867). Metron leucogaster leucomelas (Roeber, 1925) is a Comb. n. and a Stat. n. for Zenis leucomelas. Lectotypes are designated for the following species or subspecies: Mimoniades hemitaenia Roeber, 1925, Mimoniades inaequalis Roeber, 1925, Amenis similis Roeber, 1925, Mysoria erythrostigma Roeber, Myscelus nobilis meridionalis Roeber, 1925, Phocides iocularis Roeber, 1925, Phocides parvus Roeber, 1925, Polygonus amyntas pallida Roeber, 1925, Thymele albifasciatus Roeber, 1925, Thymele subfasciatus Roeber, 1925, Thymele aulicus Roeber, 1925, Phyrrhocalles kruegeri Roeber, 1925, Vettius phyllides Roeber, 1925 and Xeniades cecropteroides Roeber, 1925