5 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with the design process of passenger trimaran ships provided to be operated in the archipelago regions. This specific ship and area are defined due to the need of transport passenger in the archipelago region. The problems of worse sea conditions, low passenger rate, safety, the need of fast passenger transport are solved with the existence of fast passenger trimaran. Several tasks were executed with the objective is to find design specification of the trimaran ships. The ships were designed based on the standart procedure in ship design. The input design, design process, design considerations and other requirements and rules were applied during design process. Two small trimaran multi-function were designed and built to be operated as fishing boat and restricted passenger transport. Meanwhile, two passenger trimarans were designed with the concepts of “wave piercing trimaran†and Small Waterplane Area-Wider Deck (SWA-WD) for the main hull form. The results of the task were proving the blue-print design. In, addition, one task is still condicting for design of Patrol Trimaran Boat. The results of those designs are presented in the paper including the design specifications and documents for each kind of trimaran ships. In conclusion, the design specifications are prepared for future ship construction. It is recommded that some ship design parameters should be confirmed before the construction stage.     &nbsp


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    Abstrak Parameter stabilitas kapal-kapal penumpang kecil dengan kecepatan tinggi (speedboat) dievaluasi. Hal ini terkait dengan sering terjadinya kecelakaan di laut terhadap kapal-kapal type ini. Demikian juga untuk operasional kapal-kapal tersebut belum tersedianya informasi tentang parameter stabilitas kapal. Riset diawali dengan survei dan pengambilan data kapal di sekitar Pulau Ambon. Data kapal dikembangkan dan dihitung untuk memperoleh parameter stabilitas kapal (pada sudut kemiringan yang besar). Hasil perhitungan dievaluasi dan disimpulkan bahwa untuk kondisi riil kapal masih aman untuk beroperasi. Akan tetapi untuk kasus-kasus tertentu di laut maka kapal dalam kondisi kritis. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perlu adanya regulasi khusus serta kajian lanjut kapal-kapal kecil terhadap kondisi-kondisi kritis dalam operasional kapal


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    The operation of fishing vessels skipjack pole and line contributes in catching tuna and skipjack fishes particularly in Indonesian waters. A previous study conducted by the authors found that there was no suitable method provided for the resistance computation atearly ship design phase. Besides, there was aninitial trim existed on the vessel during the operation which contributes for the resistance. The purpose of the study is to find the difference of resistance between the model test and the existing methods. The study was executed also to find the effect of initial trim of the vessel. The study began with collecting the database of a parent ship then to develop and transform into a model-scale for testing purpose in the towing tank. The results of model test were converted to the full-scale vessel. The resistance of full-scale vessel was computed based on the Holtrop and Guldhammer methods. The result of full-of resistance obtained from the model test and the methods were collected, evaluated and compared. The results showed the difference of the resistance for all methods. The result of model test is greater 21 % than that of Holtrop method at the service speed of 10 knots. Meanwhile, the result of model test is lower 14 % than that of Gulhammer method at the same speed. In addition, at the speed of 10 knots the initial trim of 0.5O increase 5 % ofthe resistance, the initial trim of 1O increase 10 % of resistance and the initial trim of 2O increase 16 % of resistance compared to the vesselwithout initial trim. In conclusion, the existing resistance methods are not suitable to be applied for skipjack pole and line fishing vessels. In addition, the initial trim contributes to increase the resistance and should be avoided during the vessel operation


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    Abstrak Kontribusi kapal-kapal penumpang kecil kecepatan tinggi (speed-boats) dalam menunjang transportasi penumpang diwilayah kepulauan sangat dibutuhkan. Hal ini terkait dengan kebutuhan penumpang untuk menempuh waktu pelayaran yang pendek serta input penumpang yang sedikit untuk jarak pelayaran pendek. Namun seringkali terjadi berbagai kecelakaan yang diakibatkan oleh berbagai faktor internal dan external dari kapal yang berdampak pada hilangnya harta dan jiwa manusia di laut. Salah satu faktor internal yang berpengaruh terhadap kecelakaan kapal ialah parameter stabilitas yang ditinjau pada kondisi awal maupun sudut kemiringan besar (large angle of inclinations). Parameter stabilitas sangat tergantung dari dimensi kapal, terutama lebar dan tinggi kapal. Speed-boat yang beroperasi di Perairan Maluku dan sekitarnya kebanyakan tanpa dibekali dengan kajian teknis. Hasil kajian riset ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikanpertimbangan tentang pengaruh dimensi terhadap parameter stabilitas speed-boat. Riset diawali dengan pengambilan database kapal serta pengembangan bentuk geometri dan rencana umum dilanjutkan dengan komputasi parameter kapal serta variasi lebar serta tinggi kapal. Tiap konfigurasi kapal menghasilkan parameter stabilitas tersendiri. Selanjutnya hasil variasi terhadap dimensi kapal dinyatakan dalam bentuk model regressi. Model regressi yang dikembangkan adalah valid dan dapat digunakan selanjutnya. Parameter stabilitas adalah merupakan veriabel dependent (Y) sedangkan dimensi lebar (X1) dan tinggi (X2) adalah merupakan variabel independent. Semua parameter stabilitas dinyatakan dalam bentuk persamaan sebagai fungsi dimensi lebar dan tinggi kapal. Selanjutnya para pengguna (users) dapat mengevaluasi pengaruh dimensi terhadap parameter stabilitas kapal pada tahapan awal desain. Hasil akhir dari riset ini dapat dijadikanreferensi untuk pengembangan riset lanjutan tentang pengembangan stabilitas kapal.&nbsp