86 research outputs found
Gjør plass for argumentasjon i naturfag : en fenomenologisk studie av hvordan tre naturfagelever opplever og beskriver et undervisningsopplegg i argumentasjon
Denne kvalitative masteroppgaven handler om hvordan noen naturfagelever opplever og
beskriver et undervisningsopplegg i argumentasjon i naturfag. Fokus i oppgaven ligger på
deres erfaringer og opplevelser knyttet til dette undervisningsopplegget, og problemstillingen
min har derfor vært følgende: Hvordan opplever og beskriver elever et undervisningsopplegg
i argumentasjon?
Både naturfagdidaktikere og offentlige styringsdokumenter oppfordrer til at argumentasjon er
en viktig del av naturfagundervisningen. Flere studier antyder at argumentasjon kan ha positiv
innvirkning på blant annet læring og utvikling av naturfaglig allmenndannelse. Naturfaglig
allmenndannelse er hovedhensikten med naturfagundervisning. Både nasjonale og
internasjonale studier viser at argumentasjon i naturfagundervisning praktiseres i liten grad.
PISA-testene viser at norske elever skårer svært lavt på oppgaver knyttet til bruk av
naturfaglig evidens der de må bruke argumentasjon. ?
Denne masteroppgaven er inspirert og gjennomført etter Moustakas fenomenlogiske metode.
Empirien i studien ble i hovedsak samlet inn gjennom semistrukturert dybdeintervju med tre
naturfagelever fra VG1, i den videregående skolen. Videre ble de transkriberte intervjuene
analysert ut fra Moustakas modifiserte Stivick-Colaizzi-Keen-metode. Analysen endte opp i
en teksturell beskrivelse som viste hva forskningsdeltakerne har erfart, etterfulgt av en
strukturell beskrivelse som viste hvordan forskningsdeltakerne har opplevd disse erfaringene.
Den strukturelle beskrivelsen resulterte i to hovedtemaer: 1) Argumentasjon og læring og 2)
Argumentasjon og naturfaglig allmenndannelse. Essensen i datamaterialet i denne
fenomenologiske studien kan indikere at det å være elev i en naturfagklasse der det
gjennomføres et undervisningsopplegg i argumentasjon er positivt fordi det bidrar til at
elevene får ta aktivt del i egen undervisningssituasjon og lære argumentasjon grundig på en
systematisk måte gjennom en argumentasjonsmodell, og at dette igjen kan bidra til utvikling
av naturfaglig allmenndannelse gjennom økt kritisk holdning og at de lærer noe de har nytte
av senere i livet. Resultatene i denne masteroppgaven blir diskutert ved hjelp av
sosiokulturelle teorier, forskning om temaet argumentasjon i naturfag og offentlige
styringsdokumenter som lå til grunn for studien
Kartlegging av behov for IKT – infrastruktur ved Høgskolen i Nesna
Denne rapporten skal kartlegge behov for infrastruktur innen utdanning, forskning- og formidling innen april 2012 (M3). Dette skal være en del av grunnlaget for utvikling av forslag om innkjøp og installasjoner av IKT-verktøy (M4, juni 2012), og opplæringsplan (M7, oktober 2012) samt framtidig organisering It-funksjoner (M9, 1/1-2013). Samtidig bør det arbeidet som gjøres nå, være til støtte for GLU 1-7 Helgelandsmodellen som skal realiseres allerede høsten 2012. Utviklingen av digital kompetanse skal knyttes til samarbeid med UiN og HiN. Et steg i denne retningen var SAK-seminaret for HiNe, UiN og HiN i Rana hvor ulike modeller for fleksibel utdanning ble presentert og vurdert
Samordnet plan for opplæring i bruk av IKT-verktøy
HiNe bør samle ressursene til støtte for planens prioriterte digitale verktøy. Disse kan oppsummeres slik:
• Digitale verktøy knytta til undervisning i samsvar med ramme- og fagplaner.
• Digitale verktøy knytta til HiNes utvikings- og omstillingsprosjekt
• Faglærere har behov for oppdatering knytta til nye digitale verktøy.
• LMS – Moodle er grunnleggende for organisering av undervisning.
• MS Office og tilsvarende verktøy står sentralt i faglig arbeid sammen med fagenes egne verktøy.
• Digitale tavler (SmartBoard) vil være en ressurs i flere fag.
• Faglig ansatte har behov for opplæring i sosiale medier og multimedia.
• Studenter har behov for opplæring i utvalgte verktøy for fleksibel undervisning.
• Studenten har i tillegg krav på faglig og generell innføring i digital kompetanse
Clinicians’ perceptions of family involvement in the treatment of persons with psychotic disorders: a nested qualitative study
BackgroundFamily involvement in mental health care ranges from basic practices to complex interventions such as Family psychoeducation, the latter being a well-documented treatment for psychotic disorders. The aim of this study was to explore clinicians’ perceptions of the benefits and disadvantages of family involvement, including possible mediating factors and processes.MethodsNested in a randomised trial, which purpose was to implement Basic family involvement and support and Family psychoeducation in Norwegian community mental health centres during 2019–2020, this qualitative study is based on eight focus groups with implementation teams and five focus groups with ordinary clinicians. Using a purposive sampling strategy and semi-structured interview guides, focus groups were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed with reflexive thematic analysis.ResultsFour main themes were identified as perceived benefits: (1) Family psychoeducation—a concrete framework, (2) Reducing conflict and stress, (3) A triadic understanding, and (4) Being on the same team. Themes 2–4 formed an interconnected triad of mutually reinforcing elements and were further linked to three important clinician-facilitated sub-themes: a space for relatives’ experiences, emotions and needs; a space for patients and relatives to discuss sensitive topics and an open line of communication between clinician and relative. Although far less frequent, three main themes were identified as perceived disadvantages or challenges: (1) Family psychoeducation—occasional poor model fit or difficulties following the framework, (2) Getting more involved than usual, and (3) Relatives as a potentially negative influence—important nonethelessConclusionsThe findings contribute to the understanding of the beneficial processes and outcomes of family involvement, as well as the critical role of the clinician in achieving these and possible challenges. They could also be used to inform future quantitative research on mediating factors and implementation efforts
Unlocking Pre-1850 Instrumental Meteorological Records: A Global Inventory
Instrumental meteorological measurements from periods prior to the start of national weather services are designated “early instrumental data.” They have played an important role in climate research as they allow daily to decadal variability and changes of temperature, pressure, and precipitation, including extremes, to be addressed. Early instrumental data can also help place twenty-first century climatic changes into a historical context such as defining preindustrial climate and its variability. Until recently, the focus was on long, high-quality series, while the large number of shorter series (which together also cover long periods) received little to no attention. The shift in climate and climate impact research from mean climate characteristics toward weather variability and extremes, as well as the success of historical reanalyses that make use of short series, generates a need for locating and exploring further early instrumental measurements. However, information on early instrumental series has never been electronically compiled on a global scale. Here we attempt a worldwide compilation of metadata on early instrumental meteorological records prior to 1850 (1890 for Africa and the Arctic). Our global inventory comprises information on several thousand records, about half of which have not yet been digitized (not even as monthly means), and only approximately 20% of which have made it to global repositories. The inventory will help to prioritize data rescue efforts and can be used to analyze the potential feasibility of historical weather data products. The inventory will be maintained as a living document and is a first, critical, step toward the systematic rescue and reevaluation of these highly valuable early records. Additions to the inventory are welcome
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A multigene phylogenetic synthesis for the class Lecanoromycetes (Ascomycota): 1307 fungi representing 1139 infrageneric taxa, 317 genera and 66 families
The Lecanoromycetes is the largest class of lichenized Fungi, and one of the most species-rich classes in the
kingdom. Here we provide a multigene phylogenetic synthesis (using three ribosomal RNA-coding and two
protein-coding genes) of the Lecanoromycetes based on 642 newly generated and 3329 publicly available
sequences representing 1139 taxa, 317 genera, 66 families, 17 orders and five subclasses (four currently
recognized: Acarosporomycetidae, Lecanoromycetidae, Ostropomycetidae, Umbilicariomycetidae; and one provisionarily recognized, ‘Candelariomycetidae’). Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses on four
multigene datasets assembled using a cumulative supermatrix approach with a progressively higher
number of species and missing data (5-gene, 5 + 4-gene, 5 + 4 + 3-gene and 5 + 4 + 3 + 2-gene datasets)
show that the current classification includes non-monophyletic taxa at various ranks, which need to be
recircumscribed and require revisionary treatments based on denser taxon sampling and more loci. Two
newly circumscribed orders (Arctomiales and Hymeneliales in the Ostropomycetidae) and three families
(Ramboldiaceae and Psilolechiaceae in the Lecanorales, and Strangosporaceae in the Lecanoromycetes
inc. sed.) are introduced. The potential resurrection of the families Eigleraceae and Lopadiaceae is considered
here to alleviate phylogenetic and classification disparities. An overview of the photobionts associated
with the main fungal lineages in the Lecanoromycetes based on available published records is provided. A
revised schematic classification at the family level in the phylogenetic context of widely accepted and
newly revealed relationships across Lecanoromycetes is included. The cumulative addition of taxa with
an increasing amount of missing data (i.e., a cumulative supermatrix approach, starting with taxa for which
sequences were available for all five targeted genes and ending with the addition of taxa for which only two
genes have been sequenced) revealed relatively stable relationships for many families and orders.
However, the increasing number of taxa without the addition of more loci also resulted in an expected substantial
loss of phylogenetic resolving power and support (especially for deep phylogenetic relationships),
potentially including the misplacements of several taxa. Future phylogenetic analyses should include
additional single copy protein-coding markers in order to improve the tree of the Lecanoromycetes. As part
of this study, a new module (‘‘Hypha’’) of the freely available Mesquite software was developed to compare
and display the internodal support values derived from this cumulative supermatrix approach.Keywords: Classification, Multi-gene phylogeny, Lichenized fungi, Systematics, Cumulative supermatrix, Lecanoromycete
God klasseledelse -med fokus på ferdigheter som har betydning for egen klasseledelse.
The main purpose with this thesis was to develop classroom management. I wanted to find out
how to become a better classroom manager and I was interested in what kinds of skills that
are required to achieve this.
My main issue with this thesis is therefore:
What kinds of skills are essential to practise good classroom management?
My next issue is:
What kinds of skills do I need to develop to improve my classroom management in the future?
Trough this thesis I desired to find a way of classroom management that was adapted to me.
To find results I used several methods. First of all observed the teachers way of classroom
management and I also made a qualitative interview with her about her views of classroom
management. The main results however, are from my own assessments and reflections about
my own experiences of classroom management.
The results that I got indicate that classroom management is a complex area that requires
several different skills. It is however possible to improve these skills, but it depends on ability
to practice and reflect about classroom management. Skills that can have an influence on
classroom management are ability to be an authoritative teacher, build relationships, proactive
management and structured teaching.
There are several reasons behind my choice of this particular topic. Classroom management
is an important, but difficult part of being a teacher. Classroom management has influence on
many aspects of school life. It has inflection on the classroom environment, it can prevent
disruptive behaviour and it can help making lessons more effective
Jens Esmarks mountain-glacier traverse 1823 - the key to his discovery of ice ages
The discovery of Ice Ages is one of the most revolutionary advances made in the Earth sciences. In 1824 Danish‐Norwegian geoscientist Jens Esmark published a paper stating that there was indisputable evidence that Norway and other parts of Europe had previously been covered by enormous glaciers carving out valleys and fjords, in a cold climate caused by changes in the eccentricity of Earth's orbit. Esmark and his travel companion Otto Tank arrived at this insight by analogous reasoning: enigmatic landscape features they observed close to sea level along the Norwegian coast strongly resembled features they observed in the front of a retreating glacier during a mountain traverse in the summer of 1823. Which glacier they observed up close has however remained a mystery, and thus an essential piece of information in the story of this discovery has been missing. Based on previously unknown archive sources, supplemented by field study, I here identify the key locality as the glacier Rauddalsbreen. This is the northernmost outlet glacier from Jostedalsbreen, the largest glacier in mainland Europe. Here the foreland exposed by glacier retreat since the Little Ice Age maximum around AD 1750 contains a rich collection of glacial deposits and erosional forms. The point of enlightenment is more precisely identified to be a specific moraine and its distal sandur at 61°53′26″N, 7°26′43″E. In memory of Esmark's travel companion who possibly was the first to realise the analogy, it is proposed to name this moraine Otto Tank's Moraine, a pendant to the already famous Esmark Moraine at Forsand by the sea
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