4 research outputs found

    Guidelines for professional socialisation of student nurses

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    An increase in reports of undesirable professional behaviour in the nursing profession has prompted the question: How could the internalisation of skills, knowledge, values and beliefs be guided in student nurses to help them become effectively socialised as professional nurses? Using a sequential exploratory mixed-methods approach, the study addressed the above question. The researcher used focus-group interviews and field notes to explore and describe the perceptions of professional nurses and experiences of student nurses regarding the professional socialisation of students. The data generated from these findings were further used to determine and describe educators’ (N=128) perceptions on their teaching and facilitation of professional socialisation of students, using a self-administered questionnaire. The findings of both the qualitative and quantitative data were integrated to develop and validate guidelines to support educators and professional nurses in the professional socialisation of students. To establish rigour, the researcher applied measures of trustworthiness and performed validity and reliability tests. The qualitative data were analysed by utilising Tesch’s method of data analysis. The themes that emerged as influential in the professional socialisation of students were related to the professional nurse as role model, clinical supervisor, the educator, clinical learning environment, values and beliefs of the nursing profession and cultural and gender orientations. The quantitative data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Educators’ teaching and facilitation strategies revealed that the educator as a role model, the clinical environment, teaching approaches and cultural awareness were important social determinants in the professional socialisation of students. The qualitative and quantitative data were integrated to develop guidelines that were validated by field and guideline experts. The guidelines for educators and professional nurses addressed issues such as the professional nurse as role model and clinical supervisor, the creation of a positive clinical learning environment, the educator as role model, the teaching and support of students, the work ethic of the professional nurse and educator, the students’ behaviour and cultural awareness. These guidelines propose recommendations for educators and professional nurses to support the professional socialisation of students.Health StudiesD. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies

    Guided reflection as a tool to deal with the theory– practice gap in critical care nursing students

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    Critical care nursing students experience inconsistencies between the theoretical content they have learnt and what is expected from them in practice, which retards the learning process. This has been described as the theory–practice gap. There seems to be no single solution to address the integration of theory and practice. In an attempt to bridge this gap, a study was done to establish the influence of guided reflection on critical care nursing students in dealing with their theoretical and practical experiences. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design was followed. An instrument for guided reflection was designed which was used during semi-structured interviews during the data collection process. Field notes and narrative descriptions were also used as means to collect data. Themes that emerged from the data included a description of incidents experienced, critical analysis of knowledge, critical analysis of feelings and changed perspective experienced. Theory–practice integration occurred to an extent in some of the categories; conversely, the inability to apply theory to practice evoked responses such as feelings of guilt and incompetence. Guided reflection appeared to have assisted the participants in clarifying theoretical and practical experiences, and in reaching a changed perspective by understanding the link between theory and practice. Guided reflection ought to be incorporated in the education of nurses from their basic training in theory and practice so that student nurses will be aware of their own competencies in order to provide optimal patient care. Opsomming Kritiekesorgverpleegstudente ervaar teenstrydighede ten opsigte van dit wat hul geleer word en wat van hul in die praktyk verwag word wat weer die leerproses vertraag. Dit word as die teorie–praktykgaping beskryf. Daar blyk geen enkelvoudige oplossing te wees vir die integrasie van teorie en praktyk nie. In ’n poging om die gaping te oorbrug, is ’n studie oor die invloed van begeleide refleksie op kritiekesorgverpleegkundige studente se teoretiese en praktiese ervaringe gedoen. ’n Kwalitatiewe, verkennende, beskrywende en kontekstuele navorsingsontwerp is gevolg. ‘n Instrument vir begeleide refleksie is ontwerp wat gebruik is tydens semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude in die data-insamelingsproses. Veldnotas en narratiewe beskrywings was ook middele ten einde data in te samel. Tema’s wat uit die data na vore gekom het was ‘n beskrywing van ervaringe, kritiese analise van data, kritiese analise van gevoelens en ‘n veranderde perspektief met betrekking tot ervaringe. Teorie–praktyk integrasie het tot ‘n mate in sommige kategorieë plaasgevind het. Daarinteen het die onvermoë om die teorie in die praktyk toe te pas response tot gevolg gehad, soos skuldgevoelens en gevoelens van onbevoegdheid. Dit wil voorkom asof begeleide refleksie die deelnemers gehelp het om duidelikheid en ’n veranderde perspektief ten opsigte van hul teoretiese en praktiese ervaringe te verkry. Begeleide refleksie behoort reeds vanaf basiese opleiding in verpleegkundiges se teoretiese en praktiese opleiding geïnkorporeer te word sodat verpleegkundiges bewus sal wees van hulle eie vaardighede om sodoende optimale pasiëntsorg te kan lewer

    Supporting students in professional socialisation: Guidelines for professional nurses and educators

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    Professional socialisation of nursing students involves learning skills, attitudes, behaviour and professional roles, largely in the clinical area. During clinical accompaniment and reflective discussions with a group of undergraduate Baccalaureate nursing students in South Africa, students reported negative professional socialisation experiences, primarily in the clinical area. Such experiences could influence the quality of patient care. The objective of this study was to develop and validate guidelines to support professional nurses and educators in the professional socialisation of student nurses. Evidence was generated from an exploration and description of the perceptions of professional nurses regarding their role in the professional socialisation of students, the perceptions of nurse educators regarding the teaching and facilitation of professional socialisation of students, and the socialisation experiences of students. Following a sequential mixed-methods design, qualitative data guided the collection of quantitative data. All data and literature directed the development of these guidelines, which experts reviewed and validated according to a set of criteria. These guidelines focus on the clinical, nursing educational institution environment and values and beliefs of the nursing profession. Facilitation of sound work ethics, professional behaviour, cultural and gender awareness, role modelling and the application of a range of teaching strategies is proposed